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Security and Privacy Issues

Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud and Fog Domain



ABSTRACT – 300-400 words- What ?(50 words). We are discussing the issues in both the cloud and the fog domain. The issues in the cloud domain include ……The issues in the fog domain include…..The research assignment focusses on a, b , c and d. Why(Importance)

Keywords— cloud, fog, ….(10 marks)



  1. INTRODUCTION (15 marks)

Two to three paragraphs.(1 page)

Section 1. Background . …Section 2. …Section 3


  1. Background/Literature Review(4-5 pages) (40 marks)
    • Cloud Domain
      • Hidden Channel Attack

1 paragraph with diagrams where possible


  • Data Plane Attack
  • Control Plane Attack
  • Fog Domain
    • Authentication and Trust Issues
  1. ISSUES/ SOLUTIONS(2- 4 pages)(10 marks)
    • Abc
    • Def
    • Xyz


  1. Future Research (5 marks)
  2. Advantages/ Disadvantages (5 marks)
  3. Conclusion (5 marks)


  1. Page Layout

Short paper is. Your paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27″) wide and 297mm (11.69″) long.  The margins must be set as follows:

  • Top = 19mm (0.75″)
  • Bottom = 43mm (1.69″)
  • Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56″)

Your paper must be in two column format with a space of 4.22mm (0.17″) between columns.

All paragraphs must be indented.  All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.

  1. Text Font of Entire Document

The entire document should be in Times New Roman or Times font.  Type 3 fonts must not be used.  Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes.

Recommended font sizes are shown in Table 1.

  1. Title and Author Details

Title must be in 24 pt Regular font.  Author name must be in 11 pt Regular font.  Author affiliation must be in 10 pt Italic.  Email address must be in 9 pt Courier Regular font.


Font Sizes for Papers

Font Size Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
Regular Bold Italic
8 table caption (in Small Caps),

figure caption,

reference item

reference item (partial)
9 author email address (in Courier),

cell in a table

abstract body abstract heading (also in Bold)
10 level-1 heading (in Small Caps),


level-2 heading,

level-3 heading,

author affiliation

11 author name
24 title


All title and author details must be in single-column format and must be centered.

Every word in a title must be capitalized except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”, “at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”, “the”, “to”, “with”.

Author details must not show any professional title (e.g. Managing Director), any academic title (e.g. Dr.) or any membership of any professional organization (e.g. Senior Member IEEE).

To avoid confusion, the family name must be written as the last part of each author name (e.g. John A.K. Smith).

  1. Content

The abstract should give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, results and conclusion of your work. It is recommended to have at least five references.

  1. Figures and Tables

One figure and one table can be included in your short paper. Figures and tables must be centered in the column.  Large figures and tables may span across both columns.  Any table or figure that takes up more than 1 column width must be positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the page.

Graphics may be full color.  All colors will be retained on the PDF. Graphics must not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly.  Please use only SOLID FILL colors which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy, as shown in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1  A sample line graph using colors which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy


Original version of this template was provided by courtesy of Causal Productions (”. Most of the formatting instructions in this document have been compiled by Causal Productions from the IEEE LaTeX style files.


List and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] was the first . . .”

Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.

Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’ names; do not use “et al.”. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as “in press” [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.

For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].



  • Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955. (references)
  • Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
  • S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
  • Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
  • Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.
  • Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].


