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Faculty of Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Dam
Design Project –
Marking Criteria


Marks Marks
Overall report & submission 05
(i) Neat, clear, and well organized report with completed
cover page (20%)
(ii) All student should complete “Dam Design
Project _Peer Assessment” (40%)
(iii)Give the geometry of the earth dam cross section
showing all dimensions (20%)
(iv) Give a table to summarise properties of earth dam
materials used in the design (20%)
SEEP/W analysis of the dam for steady-state seepage when 15
upstream water is at the service level (question 1 in the
(i) Provide co-ordinates of points used to model the dam
geometry in SEEP/W (20%)
(ii) Show FEM model to indicate different material
regions and boundary conditions used (20%)
(iii)Tabulate values of material properties used for each
region and type of boundary conditions used to define
the problem (provide any values applied to
boundaries if applicable) (20%)
(iv) After analysing, provide model dam (FEM model) to
show the flux value in the flux section (20%)
(v) Accurately calculate the total seepage loss in the
reservoir per year in m3 (show all necessary
calculations) (20%)
Using SEEP/W results, determination of the total head and 5
pore-water pressure at Points “A” and “B” under steady-state
conditions with upstream water at the service level (question
2 in the problem)


(i) Calculate the co-ordinates of points “A” and “B”
showing all necessary calculations (20%)
(ii) Obtain the most appropriate total head values at
Points “A” and “B” (40%)
(iii) Obtain the most appropriate pore-water values at
Points “A” and “B” (40%)
Verification of FEM (SEEP/W) results (question 3 in the 20
(i) Provide two flow nets chosen to show flow lines
and equipotential lines (10%)
(ii) For each flow net, clearly show how to calculate
the total seepage loss accurately using Darcy’s
equation for 2D seepage (25%)
(iii) For each flow net, clearly show how to calculate
the total head at “A” and “B” accurately (25%)
(iv) For each flow net, clearly show how to calculate
pore-water pressure at “A” and “B” accurately
using Bernoulli’s equation (25%)
(v) Compare SEEP/W values with calculated values
and provide three possible reasons for any
deviation (15%)
Estimation of optimum saturated permeability for the core of 5
the dam (question 4 in the problem)
(i) Choose four appropriate saturated permeability
values for the dam core material (20%)
(ii) For each permeability value chosen for the dam
core, estimation of seepage loss per year in m3 per
1m length of dam using flux values in each
SEEP/W analysis (40%)
(iii) Plot the seepage loss (m3/year/m) with the
saturated permeability coefficient of the dam core
and determine the optimum saturated permeability
value for the dam core material (40%)

Faculty of Science and Engineering

reservoir water is at the overtopping level(question 5 in the


(i) Give FEM model and indicate the change made
boundary conditions of FEM model used in
question 1 in the problem (20%)
(ii) After analysing, provide model dam (FEM model)
to show the flux value in the flux section (20%)
(iii) Accurately calculate the total seepage loss in the
reservoir per year in m
3 (show all necessary
calculations) (20%)
(iv) Obtain the total head and pore-water pressure at
point “A” and “B” from the results of seepage
analysis using SEEP/W (20%)
(v) Compare the total seepage loss, total head at A &
B, and pore-water pressure at A & B when the
reservoir water is at service level (question 1&2)
and at overtopping level (question 5) and give
reasons for differences (20%)


just after construction (question 6 in the problem)
(i) Give SLOPE/W model showing boundary
conditions, material zones (regions), entry and
exit zones chosen for trial failure surfaces
considered for both upstream and downstream
slopes, tabulate material properties used for each
region (20%)
(ii) Estimate the minimum FOS using Morgenstern
Price, Bishop’s simplified, Janbu’s simplified,
Spencer, and Fellenious (Ordinary) methods for
upstream and provide details (graphically) of

Faculty of Science and Engineering

method, compare the minimum FOSs obtained
from different method and discuss the reasons for
differences (40%)
(iii) Estimate the minimum FOS using Morgenstern
Price, Bishop’s simplified, Janbu’s simplified,
Spencer, and Fellenious (Ordinary) methods for
downstream and tabulate the values. Graphically
show all the trial surfaces considered for
Morgenstern-Price method and one with the
minimum FOS (30%)
(iv) Provide three recommendations to increase the
FOS of dam slopes during/after construction
The long-term stability of downstream slope under steady- 15
state seepage (question 7 in the problem)
(i) Give SLOPE/W model showing boundary
conditions, material zones (regions), entry and
exit zones chosen for trial failure surfaces
considered for both service and overtopping water
levels, tabulate material properties used for each
region (20%)
(ii) For the service water level of the reservoir,
estimate the minimum FOS using Morgenstern
Price, Bishop’s simplified, Janbu’s simplified,
Spencer, and Fellenious (Ordinary) methods for
downstream and provide details (graphically) of
failure surface with minimum FOS for each
method (30%)
(iii) For the overtopping water level of the reservoir,
estimate the minimum FOS using Morgenstern
Price, Bishop’s simplified, Janbu’s simplified,
Spencer, and Fellenious (Ordinary) methods for

Faculty of Science and Engineering

show all the trial surfaces considered for
Morgenstern-Price method and one with the
minimum FOS (40%)
(iv) Provide three recommendations to increase the
FOS of downstream of the dam under steady-state
seepage conditions (20%)
The stability of upstream slope during/after sudden 10
drawdown of reservoir water level (question 8 in the
(i) Give SLOPE/W model showing boundary
conditions, material zones (regions), entry and
exit zones chosen for trial failure surfaces
considered upstream slope stability for sudden
drawdown, tabulate material properties used for
each region (20%)
(ii) Selection of four drawdown levels, estimate
minimum FOS for each drawdown level using
Morgenstern-Price method, provide details
(graphically) of the failure surface with minimum
FOS for each drawdown level (40%)
(iii) For each drawdown level, graphically (plotting a
graph) show how the FOS change over 30 days
after sudden drawdown (20%)
(iv) Plot a graph between minimum FOS and
drawdown levels determine the safest drawdown
level (20%)
Total 100


