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Object modelling

                                         Object modelling


Assessment item 1

Inception Phase

Value: 18%

Due date: 23-Mar-2018

Return date: 17-Apr-2018

Length: Word length 1200 to 1500

Submission method options

Alternative submission method


Investigate the effectiveness of business information systems of the given case study. To do this, you are required to submit a complete report which includes a system vision document, resources required, stakeholder map and the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks).

Choose one of the case studies from the Interact2 Resources Section (which will be availbe prior to the start of the term) and use the case study to complete assessment item 1, assessment item 2, and assessment item 3.


This assessment tasks covers the fundamental concepts of object oriented analysis, relationship between analysis and design and activities of SDLC. More specifically it assess your ability to
• Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology (Learning outcome 1);
• Describe the activities in each phase of the system development life cycle. (Learning Outcome 2)
Marking criteria

Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
Develop a System Vision Document to give the total vision of the system.

(6 Marks)

Accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major
system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits.

Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.

Mostly accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major
system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits.Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.
Mostly accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits.
Minor omissions only.
Reasonable accuracy to develop System Vision Document which gives the vision of the system including problem description, system capabilities, and business benefits
Some omissions only.
Demonstrates very little evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources.
Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.
Content of the report (i.e., analysis of functionality, resources required, the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks) and proposed outcome
(8 Marks)
Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of many of the deeper more subtle aspects of
the topic content. Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of material presented in core texts and readings. Demonstrates evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. However literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive manner. Content acknowledged but not really taken into account. Demonstrates very little evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources. Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.
 Clarity of expression, presentation of response and referencing while fully utilizing the 1200 to 1500 word-count limit.
(4 Marks)
 Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task type. Grammar and spelling accurate.

Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. All references are cited in the text.
Well-organized use of the 1200 to 1500 word-count limit.

 Well-developed skills in expression and presentation of response. Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task type. Grammar and spelling accurate. 1200 to 1500 word limit maintained.

Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. Most of the references are cited in the text.

 Good skills in expression and clear presentation of response. Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task type. Grammar and spelling accurate. 1200 to 1500 word limit maintained.

Some attempt in referencing and according to the APA standard. Few references are cited in the text.

 Some skills in expression and presentation of response. Meaning apparent but writing style not always fluent or well organized. Grammar and spelling contain errors. Exceeded or fell short by more than 10% of 1200 to 1500 word limit.

Tried to reference according to APA standard and only few references are cited in the text as well.

 Rudimentary skills in expression and presentation of response. Not all material is relevant and/or is presented in a disorganized manner. Meaning apparent but writing style not fluent or well-organized, Grammar and spelling contain errors. Ignored word count completely.



Reports should be submitted is MS Word format, using the  referencing style of APA.

