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Electronic Systems Design




Assignment Front Sheet

Code Module title



Student Number

Student Name





Electronic Systems Design




Muhammad Sayed


Assessment Title: Electronic Systems Design


Date Issued: 7 Nov 2017

Assignment Deadline: See Module Guide


Date of Received Submission:





L.O. Code


Learning Outcome Criteria



Demonstrate an ability to analyse an electronics engineering problem and design a solution



 Demonstrate an ability to apply the solution and evaluate it








I verify that this is all my own work and that I have had sufficient guidance to complete this work.


Student signature:









Assignment Title; Electronic System Design






Additional information;


Please ensure you print & attach in front of this page the eVision ‘bar code’ sheet to receive a submission receipt







Assignment Front Sheet

Code Module title



Student Number

Student Name





Electronic Systems Design




Muhammad Sayed


Assessment Title: Electronic System Design



Type of assessment  -please tick





Assessors feedback (RED INK ONLY)






Assignment Front Sheet

Code Module title



Student Number

Student Name





Electronic Systems Design




Muhammad Sayed


Assessment Title:


Internal Verifier:


Grading decisions appropriate Y N
Assessors decision confirmed Y N
Appropriate feedback given Y N


Grading Verification


Verifiers feedback (GREEN INK ONLY)













Internal Verifier stamp / date/ signature





Practical Assignment – 6MA022 Electronic Systems Design (2017/18) [YEAR US1]


On successful completion of the module, the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and techniques available to solve an electronics engineering problem.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the environmental and sustainability issues relevant to a range of electronics devices and systems
  3. Demonstrate an ability to analyse an electronics engineering problem and design a solution
  4. Demonstrate an ability to apply the solution and evaluate it


This will be assessed by: 50% examinations (LO1&2) and 50% coursework (LO3&4). This document explains the coursework for this module. This document explains the practical coursework which amounts to 50% of the total marks for the module.


For the practical assignment of this module, you will need to design, build, and test an electronic control system to control the speed and position of an electric motor. The system is illustrated in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1 Motor controller system block diagram


You will need to design the electronic circuit for the encoder and motor driver, which you will then connect to an STM32 microcontroller development board and implement the control system using the skills you have learned in the previous year.


The project will be carried out on three phases:

  1. Design, build, and test the motor driver circuit (due 8th Dec 2018)
  2. Design, build, and test the encoder circuit (due 23rd Feb 2018)
  3. Design, build, and test the complete system (due 20th Apr 2018)


For each phase, you will need to research the circuit using online resources and components’ datasheets to identify system specification requirements, suitable components, inputs and outputs of each circuit, and locations of test points.



  • Documentations (design report) for each phase (including circuit schematics and PCB layouts) – all together amount for 25% of the total marks for this module
  • Fully working system composed of three interconnected electronic boards (the STM32 microcontroller will be provided to you) and a DC motor (also provided to you, unless you wish to use a different motor) – 25% of the total marks for this module


Please note that you will need to submit the circuit and corresponding documentations for each phase by the due date specified above, the deliverables will be handed back to you, after assessment, so you can proceed with the following phase.



Module Descriptor; See VLE




The assignment will be marked on the work given in but if the mark achieved is below a pass the work will not be returned for additions or amendments and the grade achieved will be submitted to the exam board (in-line with University of Wolverhampton regulations). If the work is not handed in by the due date it will be considered a zero grade (fail & repeat).


Assignment extensions cannot be granted without accompanying mitigating circumstances.


All course work MUST have the report word count provided at the end of the report.





The report must have a title page, a contents page and a bibliography, each section should be separate with heading or sub heading highlighted in some manner.


Drawings can be photocopied or downloaded but they must be referenced and have permission from the owner.


Text must not be downloaded and claimed as students own; however referenced or cited work is acceptable.


Loose sheets of paper will not be accepted under any circumstances – the report should be stapled together with the front covers appended to the front of the work to be marked.


The report must be entirely word processed.


The report will only be accepted once signed by the student to verify it is their work



Late submission of coursework;


Where work is submitted late it will receive a mark of 0%, (fail & repeat).





Plagiarism is completely unacceptable and is dealt with very severely.  To avoid plagiarism you must be sure you understand what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it.


The importance of correctly acknowledging the work of others cannot be over-emphasised.  It is absolutely essential that specific, detailed references are provided locally within your work for each and every extract you take from work that is not your own.


A general reference at the end of a report to a source from which you have extracted text items is not acceptable.


The use of italics and/or inverted commas to highlight text extracts which are not your own original work is a simple way of demonstrating honesty in your work.  Each text extract you use should be individually linked to a numbered list of specific references provided at the end of your work.


For further information, see the information on the Universities regulations.




