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Assessment 2 and final project for the capstone course

Assessment 2 and final project for the capstone course “Hospital
Strategic Management and Planning”
Assessment 2: Development of a research proposal on a “Business Model”: The
learners are required to write a proposal for a business model for improving the
operation / adding value for a specific service within a hospital department.
Final Project: The final project (week 15, 40 marks) will take the form of a pilot study
whereby at least aspects of the research proposal are trialed/implemented and

Sections of the proposal
I. Situational Analysis – hospital assessment
The internal and the external environments of the hospital will be analyzed
1. External environmental analysis components of the health care environment
that currently affect or are likely to affect the study hospital in the near future.
(Assignment 1)
2. Internal environmental analysis: the internal environment will be analyzed
through a value-based healthcare delivery system
a. Major strengths and weaknesses across the value chain of service delivery
will be recognized. Strength and weakness should be stated in terms of
service delivery; pre-service, point of service and after service.
support activities; organizational culture, structure and strategic
b. Strengths and weaknesses’ competitive relevance based on value,
rareness, imitability and sustainability will be evaluated
c. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis will be
conducted through organizing internal environmental weaknesses and
strengths and external environmental opportunities and threats.
II. Service background and description
Based on the results of external environmental and internal environmental
assessments and building on a recognized competitively relevant strength to capture
a market opportunity or to face a threat, a specific service / quality improvement
initiative in a specific hospital department will be selected.
This section describes the service profile namely;
Service description
A selected service will be described in terms of
a. service location
b. service boundaries
c. Demand level for the selected activity e.g. number of outpatient visits for
a specialized clinic per month, number of operations for a selected type of
operations per month
d. Performance indicators for the selected service

III. Proposed interventions / strategy
1. General goal
a. The general goal of the strategy which should fit with the hospital strategic
direction represented in the hospital mission and vision.
b. The proposed strategy should aim at improving the outcomes, value, and/or
Examples for service improvement ideas within different hospital departments
Improving flow of patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome
Providing a model for “patient-centered-care” for diabetic patients
Providing a vertically integrated model of care for pregnant females
Improving patient flow and reducing waiting times for patients presenting to
the emergency department
Reducing operation cancellation rates and maximizing the efficiency of
utilization of operative theatre
Improving patient experience and continuity of care in outpatient settings
through reducing the internal and external waiting times with application of
open access appointment scheduling
2. Specific objectives
The objectives of the strategy need to flow from the general goal. They are statements
indicating the key outputs for the service to achieve and therefore form a basis for
assessing the performance of the selected service. The strategy is expected to improve
outcomes in monetary and non-monetary terms relative to the cost invested in the
proposed strategy
The objectives of the service will need to be aligned to hospital goals and stated in a
measurable time-bound, specific and attainable terms. Specific objective for
Example for a specific objective to one of the aforementioned goals;
a. Implementing a scheduling system in the operation room to

increase OR utilization from ……% to …….%
reduce overtimes by …..%
reduce delayed operations by ……..%
reduce cancellation by ……%

v. Reduce start time tardiness by …..%
b. Financial performance of the proposed strategy will be based on estimates of
the financial gains when compared to the costs of implementing the proposed
intervention. Estimation will be based on reviewing the relevant literature on
cost saving from applying similar strategies.

IV. Implementation plan
a. A work breakdown structure for the proposed new strategy will be developed
together with estimation of the needed resources.
b. Estimate the cost of implementing and operating the proposed strategy in
terms of direct capital cost for purchased material and supplies, if any, and
indirect cost of personnel time. Costs will be estimated based on interview
with personnel from the financial accounting department.
V. Measuring the anticipated outcomes
Performance evaluation for the selected service / quality improvement initiative will
be assessed based on a
Balanced Score Card system, linking the performance
measures to the hospital strategic directions across four pillars; financial performance,
internal business process, customer satisfaction and training and education. Learners
may utilize other methods (e.g. before-and-after study) if more appropriate for their
selected topics.
For the pilot project, the indicators will be measured after one month of application
of the proposed intervention

Suggested Grading Scheme for Assessment 3

Criteria Excellent (86-100) Good (71-85) Poor (0-70)
Situational analysis
Steps for
situational analysis
All steps precisely
Some elements are
Most of the steps are
Elements of the
All elements for
analyzing the internal
environment across
the value chain are
Some elements for
analyzing the internal
environment across the
value chain are mentioned
Major elements in the
value chain are missing
Data sources Adequately described Inadequately described Not described
Service description
Elements for
service description
All elements
Some elements missing Most of the elements missing
General goal for the service
Stating the general
goal for the service
Correctly stated,
justified by the results
of the hospital’s
analysis and
consistent with the
hospital overall
Correctly stated, relevant
to the results of the
hospital environmental
analysis but inconsistent
to the hospital overall
Poorly stated, irrelevant
to the results of the
hospital environmental
analysis and inconsistent
to the hospital overall
Specific Objectives for the service
Description All objectives are
clearly stated with
well-defined time
frames and
performance target
Some objectives are
clearly stated with well
defined time frames and
performance target
Objectives are poorly
with no time frames and
no performance target
Consistency with
the hospital
All objectives are
consistent with the
hospital mission
Some objectives are
consistent with the
hospital mission
All objectives are in
consistent with the
hospital mission
Implementation plan
Activities included Comprehensive Missing few essential
Missing most essential
plan elements for
each activity
Includes all elements Missing 1-2 elements Missing more than 2
between elements
for each activity
Logical relationship
between elements
Mostly logical relationship
between elements, with
few exceptions
Relationship between
elements not logical
Anticipated outcomes


Set of indicator Balanced set of
indicators covering
structure, process and
outcome measures in
case of Donabedian
model or the four
pillars of a Balanced
Score Card (at least 2
indicators per area)
Some areas are not
adequately covered by the
set of indicators
Some areas are
completely not
assessed by the
indicators set)
Indicator threshold All indicators have a
precise threshold,
which is evidence
Some indicators have a
precise threshold which is
evidence based
There is no threshold
for the indicators or
threshold is mentioned
without sufficient
Communication The report is well
organized and well
written. It includes
accurate use of
grammar, and
The report is generally
organized, but includes
some linguistic errors,
including inaccurate use of
terminology, grammar,
and spelling.
The report is not well
organized and includes
significant linguistic
errors that impact on its
coherence and clarity.
References All the references
used are important,
and of good scholarly
quality. There is a
minimum of 3
scholarly resources
that are used
effectively. Almost all
the references are
correctly cited (>90%)
and correctly listed in
the reference list
according to APA
Most of the references
used are important, and
are of good scholarly
quality. There is a
minimum of 2 scholarly
resources that are for the
most part used effectively
Most of the references
(>70%) correctly cited and
correctly listed in the
reference list according to
APA style.
Most of the references
used are not important,
and/or are not of good
scholarly quality. There
is <2 scholarly resources,
and/or they are not used
effectively. References
are not correctly cited
and/or correctly listed in
the reference list
according to APA style.


Steps for undergoing situational analysis 1
Elements of the internal environment described 1
Data sources for situational analysis 1
Elements for service description 1
Stating the general goal for the service 1
Description of the specific objectives of the service 4
The specific objectives are consistent with the hospital


Activities in the implementation plan 2
Implementation plan elements for each activity 2
Relationship between elements for each activity in the
implementation plan
Set of indicators selected 4
Indicator threshold 1
Total Grade 20

Suggested Grading Scheme for the Final Project

Criteria Excellent (86-100) Good (71-85) Poor (0-70)
Situational analysis
Data collection
appropriate, and well
Partly sufficient, some
inappropriate or not well
Insufficient, most
inappropriate and/or
not well described
Number of
Not less than 12
9-11 strengths/
Less than 9 strengths/
Use of organizational
values chain
Used correctly Used with few errors Not used, or used incorrectly
Discussion of
All points discussed,
supported by
Most points discussed,
partially supported by
Less than half of points
discussed, not
supported by evidence
competitive relevance
The 4 criteria used
appropriately for
each point,
conclusion valid
The 4 criteria used
appropriately for most
points, conclusion valid
for most points
The 4 criteria not used
appropriately for most
points, and/or
conclusion not valid for
most points
Service description
Service location Location is well
described with any
potential strategic
implications and
accessibility factors
Location is described
inadequately and with no
link to the strategic
implications and service
Location is poorly
described and with no
link to the strategic
implications and service
Service boundaries The geographical
area for the
proposed service is
well delineated and
Evaluation based on few
criteria, conclusion and
refinement partly logical
Evaluation not based on
criteria, conclusion and
refinement not logical
Service demand level The level of demand
is precisely
determined based on
the previous year
Evaluation based on few
criteria, conclusion and
refinement partly logical
Evaluation not based on
criteria, conclusion and
refinement not logical
Performance level Performance for the
selected service is
well described in
terms of a balanced
set of indicators
Performance for the
selected service is partly
described in terms of an
imbalanced set of
Performance for the
selected service is
poorly described in
terms of a few,
unbalanced set of
General goal for the service
Stating the general
goal for the service
Correctly stated,
justified by the
results of the
Correctly stated, relevant
to the results of the
hospital environmental
Poorly stated, irrelevant
to the results of the
hospital environmental


analysis and
consistent with the
hospital overall
analysis but inconsistent
to the hospital overall
analysis and
inconsistent to the
hospital overall mission
Specific Objectives for the service
Description All objectives are
clearly stated with
well-defined time
frames and
performance target
Some objectives are
clearly stated with well
defined time frames and
performance target
Objectives are poorly
with no time frames
and no performance
Consistency with the
hospital mission
All objectives are
consistent with the
hospital mission
Some objectives are
consistent with the
hospital mission
All objectives are in
consistent with the
hospital mission
Implementation plan
Activities All activities written
in the proposal are
implemented on a
narrow scale
Missing few essential
Missing most essential
Anticipated outcomes
Set of indicator All indicators
mentioned in the
proposal measured
for a pilot of 10
patients before and
after application of
the proposed
Some indicators are not
measured or measured for
one phase
Most of the indictors
are not measured in
either phases
Communication The report is well
organized and well
written. It includes
accurate use of
grammar, and
The report is generally
organized, but includes
some linguistic errors,
including inaccurate use
of terminology, grammar,
and spelling.
The report is not well
organized and includes
significant linguistic
errors that impact on its
coherence and clarity.
References All the references
used are important,
and of good scholarly
quality. There is a
minimum of 3
scholarly resources
that are used
effectively. Almost all
the references are
correctly cited
Most of the references
used are important, and
are of good scholarly
quality. There is a
minimum of 2 scholarly
resources that are for the
most part used
effectively Most of the
references (>70%)
correctly cited and
Most of the references
used are not important,
and/or are not of good
scholarly quality. There
is <2 scholarly
resources, and/or they
are not used effectively.
References are not
correctly cited and/or
correctly listed in the


(>90%) and correctly
listed in the
reference list
according to APA
correctly listed in the
reference list according
to APA style.
reference list according
to APA style.


Data collection methods for situational analysis 2
Number of strengths/weaknesses identified in internal
environmental analysis
Use of organizational values chain 3
Discussion of strengths/weaknesses identified 2
Evaluating competitive relevance 2
Describing the service location 1
Service boundaries 1
Service demand level 2
Performance level 2
Stating the general goal for the service
Description of specific objectives of the service
Consistency of the specific objectives with the hospital
mission with the hospital mission
Implementation of activities in the implementation plan 10
Indicator measurement 8
Communication 2
References 2
Total Grade 40


