HIS 100 Project 3: Multimedia Presentation Guidelines and Rubric
“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.”
—Pearl Buck
Your final longer term assignment in this course is to complete a multimedia presentation. The work you did on the topic exploration worksheet in Theme 1 and
the research plan and introduction in Theme 3 will directly support your work on this project.
One of the prime benefits of studying history is that it allows us to learn about who we are and where we came from. The people and events of the past can
often shed light on the conditions and social norms of the present. Having historical awareness can inform various aspects of your life as well as future
aspirations. Learning from past failures and successes can shape ideals and values for years to come.
This is your final longer term project designed to help you understand the fundamental processes and value of studying history. In the first project, you
completed the Topic Exploration Worksheet on one of the topics or themes from the research kit. You investigated the types of research you might need to do
to learn more about the topic and developed research questions. In Project 2, you used this worksheet to complete a research plan and introduction. You
selected one of your research questions and did some secondary source research, speculated on primary source needs, and used the information to write the
introduction and thesis statement for a possible research paper.
In the third project, you will create a multimedia presentation that explores both major developments in historical inquiry as well as the value of examining
This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
● Investigate major developments in the progression of historical inquiry for informing critical questions related to historical narrative
● Articulate the value of examining historical events for their impact on contemporary issues
Now that you have done some research with primary and secondary sources (using only the sources provided in the research kit for your chosen topic) and
written an introduction for a possible history paper, you will turn your attention to thinking about the creation and value of historical inquiry. You will use the
research you have done throughout this course, as well as course materials, to inform your thoughts. To present your opinions and observations, you will create
a multimedia presentation (using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint or Prezi) that addresses the following critical elements. While these questions may
seem “big,” remember that you are addressing them in a presentation, not a paper, and can use bullet points, visuals, or other methods. These critical elements
will be evaluated from the information you provide in your multimedia presentation of 10–12 slides. Note: If using Prezi, be sure to include a word document
with notes. If using PowerPoint, be sure to use the speaker notes feature.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Articulate how different historical lenses impact how people perceive an historical event.
A. Explain how historical lenses could be applied to your topic. For instance, are there aspects of this event that might interest a political historian
and what are they?
B. Choose one of the lenses referenced above, and detail how the historical narrative you started in your research and introduction might change
through this lens. For instance, how might the “story” of your event change when studied through its political aspects?
C. Discuss what conclusions you can draw about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller.” How does this impact for you what “history” is?
Be sure to back up your opinions with information learned throughout the course.
II. Based on your conclusions, articulate the value of studying history.
A. Describe how you could apply to our lives today what you have learned from the event you have studied. Be sure to reference specific
contemporary issues. For instance, what specific issues that we encounter today could benefit from lessons learned from your event?
B. Discuss your opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself.” Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to explain why you have this opinion with
information you have learned throughout the course.
C. Discuss your obligation as a citizen of your society to understanding the history behind issues that impact you every day. For instance, what civic
duties you can be better at if you know more about their history? How can being a more informed member of society benefit you and society?
Supporting Work and Resources
Throughout Theme 4, there are opportunities to work directly on different elements of the multimedia presentation.
1. In Learning Block 4-2, you will organize your thoughts and arguments as you work on your presentation.
2. In Learning Block 4-3, you will explain the value of history as you determined it during the course of your project. You will address the importance of the
study of history (and of your topic). Questions will be used to help you organize your thoughts.
3. In Learning Block 4-5, submit your finalized version of Project 3, the multimedia presentation.
4. For your presentation, you may use PowerPoint, Prezi, Microsoft Word, or another presentation platform of your choosing. Reference the resources
below for assistance getting started with PowerPoint or Prezi.
For support on developing a multimedia presentation, refer to the PowerPoint Training (Windows PC or Mac) or Prezi Training Atomic Learning tutorials from
Learning Block 4-2. Log in to Atomic Learning using your SNHU email address as your username and your SNHU email password as your password. Be sure to
include notes as needed in your presentation in order to meet the outlined critical elements.
Project 3 Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your multimedia presentation should be approximately 10–12 slides. You are encouraged to include a combination of text, visuals
and sound in order to support your work. Note: If using Prezi, be sure to include a Word document with notes. If using PowerPoint, be sure to include speaker
Critical Elements | Exemplary (100%) | Proficient (85%) | Needs Improvement (55%) | Not Evident (0%) | Value |
Historical Lenses: Your Topic |
Meets “Proficient” criteria and choice of historical lenses and details demonstrates insight into the topic |
Explains how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic |
Explains how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic but is overly generalized or has inaccuracies |
Does not explain how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic |
16 |
Historical Lenses: Historical Narrative |
Meets “Proficient” criteria and details demonstrate highly developed connections between the narrative and the lens |
Details how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens |
Details how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens but is cursory or has inaccuracies |
Does not detail how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens |
16 |
Historical Lenses: Conclusions |
Meets “Proficient” criteria and details demonstrate highly developed connections between conclusions and course information |
Discusses conclusions drawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller,” backed up by information learned throughout the course |
Discusses conclusions drawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller,” but lacks backup by information learned throughout the course, or is cursory or has inaccuracies |
Does not discuss conclusions drawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller” |
16 |
Value: Our Lives | Meets “Proficient” criteria and connections between past and present demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application |
Describes what can be applied from studying the event to current day, referencing specific contemporary issues |
Describes what can be applied from studying the event to current day but lacks reference to specific contemporary issues, or is cursory or has inaccuracies |
Does not describe what can be applied from studying the event to current day |
16 |
Value: Opinion | Meets “Proficient” criteria and connections between opinion and course information demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application |
Explains opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself” and is backed up by information learned throughout the course |
Explains opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself” but lacks backup by information learned throughout the course, or is cursory or has inaccuracies |
Does not explain opinion on the adage that “history repeats itself” |
16 |
Value: Obligation | Meets “Proficient” criteria and connections between citizen obligations and impactful issues demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application |
Discusses obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues |
Discusses obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues but is overly generalized |
Does not discuss obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues |
16 |
Articulation of Response |
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and |
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization |
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization |
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization |
4 |
organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format |
that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas |
that prevent understanding of ideas |
Total | 100% |
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- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team
- Source@PrimeWritersBay.com

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