HNN108 Understanding Research Evidence
Assessment Task 1
Equivalent 2000 words (50%)
Purpose of assessment task 1
Symptom management in the setting of palliative or end-of-life care is an integral aspect of
nursing care. Unnecessary harm and reduced quality of life are avoidable consequences of
inadequate symptom management. The purpose of this assessment task is for you to explore,
interpret and understand current research evidence regarding symptom management and its
Assignment question:
In this assignment you will be required to read two (2) peer reviewed articles describing
primary research (references provided below), to provide annotated information for each
article and to use the knowledge you have gained from reading the articles to explain how
these findings inform clinical nursing practice.
Unit learning outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate the following Unit
Learning outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes;
Unit Learning Outcomes
ULO 1 – describe the different ways that health research is conducted and how research results are
ULO 2 – search for and retrieve health information, and professional literature from online sources
ULO 3 – explain the principles of appraising evidence to inform clinical practice
ULO 4 – interpret basic quantitative and qualitative analyses in health research
ULO 5 – discuss ethical considerations associated with research
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
GLO1: Discipline specific knowledge
GLO2: Effective communication
GLO3: Digital literacy
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
GLO6: Self-management
Submission information:
This assignment task is to be submitted into the designated assessment dropbox for this unit.
Due date: Monday the 3rd of September 2018 – assignment to be submitted no later than
To ensure appropriate support is available should any technical issues arise, you are strongly
advised to submit your assignment into the designated dropbox before 4pm on the due date.
You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly
uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Student instructions for assessment task
The following instruction provide direction for how to approach this task.
1. The following two references are provided for you to annotate:
Beernaert, K., Smets, T., Cohen, J., Verhofstede, R., Costantini, M., Eecloo, K., Van Den
Noortgate, N. & Deliens, L. (2017). Improving comfort around dying in elderly
people: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 390, 125-34. doi:
Baillie, J., Anagnostou, D., Sivell, S, Van Goodwon, J., Byrne, A. & Nelson, A. (2018).
Symptom management, nutrition and hydration at end-of-life: a qualitative
exploration of patients’, carers’ and health professionals’ experiences and further
research questions. BMC Palliative Care, 17, 60.
doi: https://ift.tt/2BVRv5u
2. You need to download the Assessment Task 1 Assignment Template.
3. You are required to find the articles using an appropriate database.
4. Access the full text of each of the articles.
5. Annotate the articles in the Assessment Task 1 Assignment Template tables. The
responses in each annotation table should be approximately 500 words.
6. Write a summary of the evidence from these articles. In this summary you need to
discuss the implications of the findings from these studies for clinical nursing
practice. In your discussion you should refer to the main findings from the articles,
the strengths and the limitations of the studies reported in the articles and the ways in
which the findings from these studies inform clinical practice.
In your summary there should be a thread of argument to support or reject the
conclusions of the studies reported in the articles. You should refer to other articles to
support your argument in this summary and these articles need to be included in your
reference list.
Front page: to include student name, number and word count.
Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include
headings, references page, reference citations and direct quotes.
A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the end
of the assignment.
Do not include a table of contents unless instructed to do so.
Headings are not necessary for this assignment task.
Presentation requirements
12-point type size.
Times or Times New Roman.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references
list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page.
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified
Your assignment is to be converted to a PDF document before submission. Please check the
document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed.
Software for converting word documents to PDF is available to download from the Deakin
software catalogue at no cost.
Annotation Tables: 500 words in each table (x 2 tables). In this assignment you need to
extract information from each article into the relevant sections of the table. The
information should be written in sentences, not dot points. You need to describe the
information you have found in the article, relevant to each section, in the table.
Summary of the Evidence: Write a summary of the evidence from these articles. In this
summary you need to discuss the implications of the findings from these studies for
clinical nursing practice. In your discussion you should refer to the main findings from the
articles, the strengths and the limitations of the studies reported in the articles and the ways
in which the findings from these studies inform clinical practice.
In your summary there should be a thread of argument to support or reject the conclusions
of the studies reported in the articles. You should refer to other articles to support your
argument in this summary and these articles need to be included in your reference list.
Academic writing style
The conventions of written English are expected to be followed to ensure clarity of
discussion. This includes correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as the use
of appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. It is also expected that word choice will be
formal and professional language will be used.
Paraphrasing and direct quotations
Unless really necessary, most assignments do not require the use of direct quotes. Instead, reexpression of author arguments (paraphrasing) into your own words is required. Paraphrasing
of author arguments/statements must be supported by a reference. If a direct quotation is used,
you must explain how it adds to the discussion and provide a reference as per the APA Style
Turnitin (Feedback Studio)
The Turnitin/Feedback Studio is a program that allows you to check whether there is any
copied material in your assignment. Checking prior to submission in the dropbox gives you
the opportunity to correct any errors. See the following link to Turnitin.
Resources for essay writing
The following links will be useful in providing guidance for essay writing
Referencing style
Acknowledge sources and adhere to referencing conventions as per APA Style
Unit Code and title: HNN108 Understanding Research Evidence
Assessment Task 1: 2000 words (50%)
Total marks: 100
Performance | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Unsatisfactory |
Standards |
Demonstrates understanding research evidence by accurately interpreting and describing the research reported in each article in each annotation tool. (40 marks: 20 marks for each tool) |
All elements of this criterion met with occasional minor errors/gaps (32-40 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with several minor knowledge errors /gap (28-31 marks) |
Most elements of this criterion met but has many minor knowledge errors /gaps or one significant gap or error (24-27 marks) |
Meets most elements of the criterion but has more than one significant knowledge error/gaps (20-23 marks) |
Does not meet criterion (< 20 marks) |
Provides a summary of the evidence and discusses the implications of this evidence for clinical nursing practice. (30 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with occasional minor errors/gaps (24-30 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with several minor knowledge errors /gap (21-23 marks) |
Most elements of this criterion met but has many minor knowledge errors /gaps or one significant gap or error (18-20 marks) |
Meets most elements of the criterion but has more than one significant knowledge error/gaps (15-17 marks) |
Does not meet criterion (< 15 marks) |
Relevant literature selected and used to support discussion (10 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with occasional minor errors/gaps (8-10 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with several minor knowledge errors /gap (7 marks) |
Most elements of this criterion met but has many minor knowledge errors /gaps or one significant gap or error (6 marks) |
Meets most elements of the criterion but has more than one significant knowledge error/gaps (5 marks) |
Literature selected was either irrelevant or inadequate and/ or not used/rarely used to support discussion (< 5 marks) |
Referencing style is accurate and consistent with APA style (10 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with occasional minor errors/gaps (8-10 marks) |
All elements of this criterion met with several minor knowledge errors gap (7 marks) |
Most elements of this criterion met but has many minor knowledge errors /gaps or one significant gap or error (6 marks) |
Meets most elements of the criterion but has more than one significant knowledge error/gaps (5 marks) |
Consistently incorrect referencing style (< 5 marks) |
Assignment is presented and structured according to instructions. AND Writing is in accordance with standard language conventions (10 marks) |
All elements of the criteria met with occasional minor errors/gaps (8-10 marks) |
All elements of the criteria met with several minor errors/gaps (7 marks) |
All elements of the criteria met but has many minor knowledge errors /gaps or one significant gap or error (6 marks) |
All elements of the criteria met but has more than one significant knowledge error/gaps Errors in grammar, sentence and / or punctuation which detract from readability at times (5 marks) |
Not presented according to instructions. Lacks expected structure. Multiple errors in spelling/grammar and/or punctuation that significantly detracts from readability throughout. (< 5 marks) |
80%+ 70%+ 60%+ 50%+ <50%
The post Symptom management in the appeared first on My Assignment Tutor.
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team
- Source@PrimeWritersBay.com

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