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This is an individual written

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Individual Written Task
This is an individual written assignment requiring a business report containing altogether up to1500 words for both
subtasks. The report should present the result of research relating to the ethical questions stated below. Assessment criteria
are based on the course learning outcomes, quality of the written presentation and the appropriate application of ethical
and professional principles to solve the questions.
Timelines and Expectations
Percentage Value of Task: 15%
Due: 11:55 PM Friday the 31
st August 2018 (Week 7)
Minimum time expectation: 20 hours
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
K1. Research and discuss underpinning theories of ethical philosophy and apply these in to a range of
scenarios in an IT workplace environment.
K2. Interpret the principles of the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics and synthesize them into
daily IT practice.
S1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive and practical approaches required to
manage IT professionals in collaborative, global work environments.
A2. Apply skills frameworks and develop a career plan in readiness for transition into the IT profession.
V3. Value ethical decision making approaches when working as an IT professional.
Assessment Details
This assignment has two subtasks of equal weights. Students are expected to complete both subtasks.
Subtask 1: Case Study
Percentage Value of Task: 7.5%
Minimum Time Expectation: 10 hours
Assume that Mr. McBright is an employee of a company called NewAge Pty Ltd, which develops operating systems for a
tablet computer manufacturer by name XYZ Pty Ltd. Mr. McBright is in charge of testing the proper functioning of the
operating system and endorsing them prior to their release to XYZ Pty Ltd. Mr. McBright reports to Mrs McDonald, who has
become so complacent with her position within NewAge Pty Ltd that she takes every step to protect it. For example, since
assuming her current position five years ago she has not developed herself for a higher-level position, neither has she
trained or sponsored any of her subordinates for further career development. Mrs McDonald also does not employ anyone
who appears to be much more competent than herself. Furthermore, to Mrs McDonald, the most important criteria for hiring
new employees is the college that they attended. The management philosophy of Mrs McDonald has resulted in many
incompetent employees at NewAge Pty Ltd, resulting in the lack of current best practices for software development.
XYZ Pty Ltd contracted NewAge Pty Ltd to develop a software at the cost of A$2 million. Just prior to handing over of the
operating system to XYZ Pty Ltd, Mr. McBright discovered a bug in it, although it could provide its intended basic functions.

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He reported his discovery to Mrs McDonald, but they colluded to keep the finding secret in order to meet project schedule.
Eventually the new operating system with its bug was released to XYZ Pty Ltd. XYZ Pty Ltd then installed the buggy
operating system it acquired from NewAge Pty Ltd on 20,000 newly-manufactured tablet computers without knowing the
deficiency. Five weeks after releasing the first set of tablets running the faulty operating system into the market, the software
created a virus, called McDonaldBug, which destroyed all the customer records of Badluck Bank which acquired some of
the tablets. Four months after the release of the second set of tablets manufactured from the faulty operating system one
of the tablets burst into frames, burning an office complex owned by TastyBurgers Pty Ltd.
An investigation into the two accidents revealed that:
1. The main cause of the two accidents was that the tablets involved were manufactured using the buggy operating
system acquired from NewAge Pty Ltd.
2. NewAge Pty Ltd has four branches located in four countries, and the employees at each branch have different set
of skills. However, Mrs McDonald has the habit of not making good use of the skills of her colleagues working from
other branches than where she sits.
3. The main cause of the bug in the software was the lack of current best practices for software development at
NewAge Pty Ltd as Mrs McDonald has not mentored her staff for career development for a long time. Also, Mrs
McDonald employs only people of her alma mater.
Both Badluck Bank and TastyBurgers Pty Ltd sued XYZ Pty Ltd for damages. XYZ Pty Ltd also sued NewAge Pty Ltd for
compensation. The authorities of the council of the city (called LivingCity) including its mayor Hon. Joseph Luck, where the
headquarters of NewAge Pty Ltd is located, interfered in the legal proceedings to get NewAge Pty Ltd exonerated. Their
reason is that NewAge Pty Ltd is the major employer in LivingCity. Eventually, Badluck Bank and TastyBurgers Pty Ltd are
battling against XYZ Pty Ltd in courts. The legal proceedings have been adjoined until further notice.
Subtasks 1 Tasks:
Students are expected to prepare a business report of maximum length of 750 words that gives an ethical analysis of the
issues raised in the case study. Your submission must at least address the following points:
a) List the stakeholders in the case study. Discuss how each of the stakeholders in the case study applied or failed
to apply ethical decision-making approaches in the IT work environment. (V3)
b) Clearly state the ethical dilemma that confronts the stakeholders mentioned in the case study.
c) Provide an ethical response to the dilemma according to consequences alone. Consider the consequences for
each of the stakeholders mentioned in the case study.
d) The ACS Code of Professional Conduct extends the meaning of the six ethical values with requirements that
contribute to observing the values. Examine the code and identify requirements (using value numbers 1-6 and a
requirement letter) that are relevant to this case study. For each identified requirement, explain how it should be
applied in this case study. (K2)
e) Use appropriate theories of ethical philosophy to analyse the case study, especially for the position of Mrs
McDonald and Mr. McBright in passing the software while knowing that it was buggy. (K1)
Marking Criteria/Rubric for Subtask 1
The report submitted by each student shall be graded using the marking criteria below.

Elements Maximum Marks Obtained Marks
Report structure and contents of executive summary 4
Quality of introduction and conclusion 4
Analysis – Interpretation of the ethical dilemma 5

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– Use of ethical philosophies or approaches and
– Appropriate application of the ACS Code of
– Appropriate application of ethical decision
making approaches
– Demonstration of understanding of practical and
cognitive approaches used to manage
employees in collaborative and global work
Writing skills – spelling/grammar accuracy, ease of reading,
use of signposting
Total Marks 50
Weighted Total [7.5%]

Subtask 2: Using the SFIA 6 to Develop a Career Plan for Classroom/Career Transition
Percentage Value of Task: 7.5%
Minimum Time Expectation: 10 hours
The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) is one of the frameworks developed to guide professionals or aspiring
professionals and employers in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). Employers can match the skills
of an applicant for a job to the skills needed to fill a specific vacancy in the business, and (prospective) job seekers can use
the SFIA to build their skills for their aspired employment.
A main objective for an average student is how to become a professional. Therefore, knowing and embracing the set of
skills, knowledge and competencies needed for the aspiring careers is foremost important. The objective of this assignment
is to motivate students to achieve that. SFIA is developed and managed by SFIA Foundation, which is a global not-for-profit
organization headquartered in the United Kingdom. SFIA Version 6 (aka SFIA 6), released on 1
st July 2015, has seven
levels of responsibilities, and there are a number of skills for each level of responsibility. An overview of SFIA 6 can be
downloaded by clicking
here. The website address is also provided under the section Resources in this document.
Task: investigate the SFIA 6 framework, and apply it to develop a career plan to prepare you for your transition into the IT
profession upon your graduation. First, identity and specify which of the seven SFIA 6 responsibility levels whose skills your
developed career plan seeks to achieve.
Marking Criteria/Rubric for Subtask 2
The report submitted by each student shall be graded using the marking criteria below.

Elements Maximum
Report structure and contents of executive summary 5
Quality of introduction and conclusion 5

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Analysis – Reflective interpretation of SFIA 6 5
– Selection and justification of responsibility level in SFIA 6 5
– Justification of how each of the skill set required in the
selected responsibility level in SFIA 6 is acquired or to be
acquired. This must include your career development
timeline with milestones.
Choice and use of resources, referencing accuracy and style 5
Writing skills – spelling/grammar accuracy, ease of reading, use of
Total Marks 50
Weighted Total [7.5%]

Some Resources for the Assessment
ACS professional code of conduct
At least three additional resources, which are not website links, should be used in the preparation of your report.
Please clarify this with your lecturer. Submit your report at the assessment section of Moodle LMS. Refer to the Course
Description for information regarding late submission of assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism.
Note that all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website especially statutes 5.3 and 6.1, url:
Each lecturer will mark and grade the submissions from students, and provide feedback to students thereafter,
and as soon as possible. Feedback will be given to students via email, in the marked submissions returned to
students, or online, or any combinations thereof.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own
without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must
take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure
for the university can be found at

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