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The Assignment is an Individual assignment and it consists of a critical

Department : Centre for Post Graduate Studies

Course Name : Master of Science in Software Management /


Module Name: Software Maintenance and Configuration Management

Assignment: Prepare Research Report (30 Marks)

The Assignment is an Individual assignment and it consists of a critical review of literature to generate a research paper on current issues in Software Maintenance and Configuration Management.

The following research guideline should involve in your report. The topic of research is your choice.

  1. Introduction

  • Describe the current state of the problem or issue or topic

  • Provide information that helps the reader understand the context for your research problem.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

  • Discuss the importance of the study.

  • Present the background or history of the problem.

  • Identify the general “problem” that your research addresses

1.2 Research Question / Purpose of research

  • State specific purpose of educational research

  • The question should logically flow from the problem or issue.

1.3 Limitations

  • Describe those things over which you have no control that may bias or skew the results

  • For research, describe known limitations in the planned scope of your project

1.4 Assumptions

  • State beliefs/underpinnings for your work that are not tested in your study

1.5 Operational Definition of Terms

  • List working definitions/quotes/paraphrases from an expert for important technical terms. Include a citation when appropriate.

1.6 Implications

  • Describe the possible significance of the outcome(s) of your study (on the immediate setting and more broadly).

  1. Literature Review

  • Briefly re-state purpose of study/research question(s).

2.1 Overview of Literature Review

  • Summarize the information presented in the rest of the parts

2.2 Review of Related Research

  • Present a carefully organized account of empirical research relevant to your study.

  • Can be organized by topic/construct, chronologically, general to specific, etc.

  • Include reasons why studies are relevant, either throughout the section or in a summary paragraph.

2.3 Outcome of the Analysis and Review

2.4 Conclusion

  • Highlight the most important ideas/research presented in the report and relate to your study.


Do not make your report longer than necessary. In general, shorter reports that contain appropriate information are preferred. Your report must not be longer than 15 to 20 pages, including all diagrams and appendices.

Instruction to Individual Assignment

  • This assignment, which carries 30 % of the total marks for the module, is compulsory for candidates attending the LUCT M.Sc. programme.

  • The general assessment criteria are Substance, Originality of work, Presentation, Use of illustrations / examples, where appropriate and will be assessed based on the illustrated grading scheme.

  • Independent research on the relevant topics is necessary and students are to support their opinion(s) with references.

  • The minimum number of references for the whole report is 15 references, preferably from peer-reviewed journals and articles.

  • Special consideration would be given to students who demonstrate an in-depth analysis of the task.

  • Candidates who simply regurgitate their answers from sources may risk getting a poor mark and may risk failing the paper if outright plagiarism is detected.

  • Any similarities between individual assignments will result in a fail grade.

  • The presentation format should be following the latest version of LUCT’s ASSIGNMENT AND PROJECT PAPER GUIDEBOOK – Writing and presenting the academic assignment and project paper for Masters Degree Students.

  • Students are advised to retain a photocopy of your course assignment.


The objective is to increase motivation of the students to follow the topic throughout the course by presenting them with the most fundamental tasks that Management of Outsourced Development tries to prepare.

Expected Outcome

The student’s individual assignment

Submission Information

  • Students are supposed to meet the submission deadline. Late submissions will be subject to certain mark deduction.

  • You must submit the work in accordance to the assignment paper guidebook.

  • Any required time extension would be considered case by case.

  • All assignments must be typed and printed out. Hand written assignments are not acceptable.

  • Students are required to place the grading scheme immediately after the report cover sheet.

Specific Information

  • Utilising updated extra information is welcome.

  • All references must follow the Harvard referencing system.

Rules and Regulations

  • You are to complete this assignment INDIVIDUALLY.

  • Do NOT let others see your analysis

  • Do NOT e-mail your assignment to anyone.

  • If someone cheats by using your work, you will be penalised.

  • Copying from other resources is plagiarism and the student would get zero for that subject.

Marking Criteria

  • Giving proper answers to the specified tasks and profoundly discussing relevant issues

  • Asking appropriate and precise questions in the interview that address major issues of the required areas of analysis.

  • Proper English academic writing and the overall presentation of the assignment.

  • Referencing and utilising suitable resources.


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