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Listening Self-Evaluation in The Art of Public Speaking, Ch. 3 pg. 54 (NOTE: You must do this self-evaluation prior to being able to answer this question for this week.

Listening and Your First Speech- Use what you’ve learned this week to respond to the following:
Complete the Listening Self-Evaluation in The Art of Public Speaking, Ch. 3 pg. 54 (NOTE: You must do this self-evaluation prior to being able to answer this question for this week. Discuss why you were or weren't surprised by the results. Identify three habits that you want to work on and share your plan for how to improve them.  Find quality, credible advice to help you give your first recorded speech. (Make sure it is a different resource than one found by a classmate.) Provide a link to the resource and briefly summarize the advice. How do you plan to use this advice in your first speech?
