St. Jude
Paper details
Write a 300 word essay about St. Jude. Who is St. Jude? What did he do in his life that I admire? and Why I picked this Saint? Some personal information to help write the paper ***I am a sophomore in high school. I am preparing to receive my confirmation in March. I picked this Saint because he is the Patron Saint of Hope. He gives hope to people that are sick or need encouragement. I recently had a health scare and I felt better praying to St. Jude to give me hope that I would be alright. Jude is also the middle name of my Great Uncle and I picked this name to honor him, he died from melanoma cancer in 1995 so I never had the pleasure of meeting him.***
Write a 300 word essay about St. Jude. Who is St. Jude? What did he do in his life that I admire? and Why I picked this Saint? Some personal information to help write the paper ***I am a sophomore in high school. I am preparing to receive my confirmation in March. I picked this Saint because he is the Patron Saint of Hope. He gives hope to people that are sick or need encouragement. I recently had a health scare and I felt better praying to St. Jude to give me hope that I would be alright. Jude is also the middle name of my Great Uncle and I picked this name to honor him, he died from melanoma cancer in 1995 so I never had the pleasure of meeting him.***
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