It is said that training in conducting performance evaluations is an important issue for organizations to consider, why? What should an organization do in order to help make sure that its performance evaluation system is legal? What is the role of job analysis in this process?
1. It is said that training in conducting performance evaluations is an important issue for organizations to consider, why? What should an organization do in order to help make sure that its performance evaluation system is legal? What is the role of job analysis in this process?
2. How would you go about deciding if a survey on pay that you wanted to purchase had the necessary characteristics to be useful to your organization? How does job evaluation help you build a pay structure?
3. What determines if employers are to pay out the pension benefits they have promised? If they can’t, what should be done for retirees who are left without their pension benefits?
4. Why is training an important requirement for organizations to undertake? In the future, do you think e-learning or online training will replace classroom training? Why?
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