Paper details
Instructions: 7 page Paper
For this final assignment, I would like you to put everything you have learned over the last 7 weeks to work! I would like you to identify a management issue at your current place of employment. If you are not currently employed, you can do a bit of research and find an issue that exists at another company.
Using the concepts that you have learned in this course, come up with a solution to this problem. This paper must be at least 5 pages in length (not including the cover and reference page). You also need to do some research. You are not an expert (not yet, anyway!), so you will need to find experts that support your ideas. Please include at least three sources (including the text) with this assignment. An excellent paper will include at least 5 different sources (including the text). Please make sure you use the terminology from the text to explain both the problem as well as your proposed solution.
I am looking for students to use scholarly sources. Please access the library for scholarly or peer reviewed sources. The following are not scholarly or peer reviewed sources and should not be used:,,,,,, smallbusiness.chron, Also please avoid using websites with this assignment.
All papers should contain the following information:
Cover page- You must include a properly formatted cover page that includes a running head; title in all caps, page number in top right corner (This information should be permanent).
In the center of the paper should be the following:
Title of paper
Student name
Course name
Dr. Curtis Todd (This is the only information, please do not use Dr. Todd, Professor Todd, Mr. Todd, Mr. Curtis Todd, Professor Dr. Curtis Todd)
Introduction Heading (You must use a new headings when changing topics in the paper)
Thesis statement: Students should indicate what exactly will be discussed with the paper. For example ' This paper will discuss..." The thesis statement should be short, in bold font and the last few sentences in the introduction. This is absolutely needed for credit!
Writing in Third person- all written work should be in third person as these are not opinion assignments. Therefore the use of "Us" "We" "I" "You" are phrases that should be omitted from your work. Please use "This writer or This author" when describing yourself rather than "I", 'Me" or your full name.
Originality score- Your turnitin score should be 24% or below as when you submit your work it will automatically calculate. If your score is above 24% please review the report, revise and you can submit again and use "revised" when you save the word document.
Conclusion heading- You must include a conclusion or summary heading at the end of your paper. Please do not end your paper without this as valuable points will be lost. In this area no new information should be cited as this is where the author presents perceptions and final thoughts. In the conclusion or summary heading please do not use the phrase "In conclusion or In summary" as a full point will be deducted. This is not scholarly and detracts from students work.
Reference page- You must include your reference page and ensure all references are properly formatted per APA.
Please do not include the following with your papers:
Bullets, graphics, numbers, figures
Excessive short paragraphs (at least 5 complete sentences constitute a paragraph per APA)
Preferred language style US English
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