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IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description

Assessment 1:Written Questions
Q1. Below are given some stakeholders. Think about the relevant work to be allocated to these stakeholders along with the resources required by them. In the last column, identify the mode of communication to be used to allocate your proposed work to these stakeholders.
Stakeholder Work to be allocated Resources required Mode of communication
E.g; IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description
Online documentation ERP Face to face meeting
Online record keeping Network system Email correspondence
Data storage Printer Official Memos
Fax machines
Marketing Manager
Finance Manager
HR Manager
Operations / Production Manager
Q2. Using the same tale above, you are now required to list down KPIs for each these stakeholders
Stakeholder Work to be allocated Resources required Mode of communication Agreed KPIs
E.g; IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description E-documentation in the next 3 months
Online documentation ERP Face to face meeting Training on Online record keeping system by Dec this year
Online record keeping Network system Email correspondence Two best quotation to be obtained from Data storage suppliers by Nov this year
Data storage Printer Official Memos
Fax machines
Marketing Manager
Finance Manager
HR Manager
Operations / Production Manager
Q3. Describe the following two staff development options:
• On the job Training
• Coaching plan
Q4. Performance requirements include performance standards, codes of conduct and performance indicators. What are performance standards and how are they assessed?
Q5. Provide a definition of a code of conduct and describe the main points it should contain.
Q6. Provide a definition of performance indicators.
Q7. Describe how you would develop performance indicators for an individual employee.
Q8. Discuss briefly the systems or strategies that as a Manager, you can put in place to minimise the consequences of an unforeseen event or disaster, should it occur.(Max. 200 words)
Q9. What is a performance management system?(Max. 250 words)
Q10 What are the critical elements that constitute the performance management system?
Q11 What is the critical Industrial Legislation that you must adhere to in your state? Explain briefly in maximum 250 words, some unlawful dismissal rules and due process.

Q12 Identify the relevant awards that you will have to use in your work place. List at least three.
Q13 When you have to allocate work to your team members, how do you make sure they know what to do and to what standard?
Q14 Describe a situation where you provided one of your team members with informal feedback.
a. What led up the situation?
b. What was the feedback about?
c. How did you give the feedback?
d. What was the outcome?
Q15 When do you need to get advice and/or expertise from specialised human resource services to deal with performance issues? What is the procedure for getting this expertise?
Q.16 Discuss briefly the importance of developing work plan in accordance with the organization's operational plans. (Max words: 200)
