This local supermarket is located in an urban neighborhood and provides customers with a wide array of products to choose from
Case Study: Joe’s Supermarket
This local supermarket is located in an urban neighborhood and provides customers with a wide
array of products to choose from. Over time, the inventory has grown exponentially, but the
current information system is not equipped to handle the increase in purchase demand. The
company that owns the store opted to go with the “light” versions of the Purchasing and Point of
Sale (POS) modules used to manage inventory and request products from vendors. The owner of
the organization (Joe Russo) has emphasized that there are critical things on his “wish list” that
he believes will move the supermarket into “the new tech age,” but he is not sure where to start.
Here is some information he wants the IT consultant to know, but there is more likely additional
information he is unaware of:
• Other processes that are part of the enterprise resource planning system are becoming
slower, and some of the staff noticed errors in some of the product data coming into the
• A centralized database supports the entire system but has not been reviewed or upgraded.
• The time spent on customer transactions is too long! Anyone in management should be
able to monitor transactions in real-time, but the point of sale system sends the data “over
the wire” to the database slower each day. Some days there is a 2-hour lag in the system
catching up on transactions!
You will describe and visualize the current state of the organization’s information systems
architecture and create a causal loop approach connecting strategy and system dynamics for
the case study organization selected (Joe’s Supermarket).
Write a paper that addresses the following information:
1. Provide a detailed description of each interrelated and interdependent system and the rationale for applying a specific conceptual framework to describe the organizational
architecture and current information system's physical architecture.
2. Create a business process map diagram (using Lucidchart or of the core business processes of the current information system architecture (“as-is” state) to
provide a visualization of the systems in the organization as a whole and in-part (using
3. Identify any potential bottlenecks within the physical and organizational systems that need to be investigated further in future iterations of the systems requirements
specification process.
4. Describe the causal and response constructs that are relevant to the current “as -is” state and the implications of each for strategic drift.
5. Discuss the internal and external environments that make up the organizational boundaries and play a role in the feedback loop of the information systems in the
organization. Specifically, the external environments to include are community,
economic, political, and legal.
Length: 6 to 7-page paper and 1 diagram, not including title and reference pages. APA.
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly references.
• Karwatka, D. (2006). Technology’s past. Tech Directions, 65(6), 10.
• Pachory, A. (2019). Mastering the seven dimensions of the business/technology alignment. ProQuest Ebook Central.
• Kiran, D. R. (2019). Production planning and control: A comprehensive approach. ProQuest Ebook Central
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This local supermarket is located in an urban neighborhood and provides customers with a wide
array of products to choose from
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