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Your paper should be organized as follows: 1. Introduction 2. The moral dilemma: a. Presentation and explanation of the moral dilemma, b. the positions that can be adopted to solve the dilemma, and c. the arguments presented in support of each side of the dilemma. 3. Utilitarianism and the moral dilemma. a. Presentation and Explanation of Utilitarianism b. Discussion of the strengths and weakness of the theory c. Discussion of its implications for the arguments presented on each side of the dilemma. 4. Kant and the moral dilemma a. Presentation and Explanation of Kant’s Deontology b. Discussion of the strengths and weakness of the theory c. Discussion of its implications for the arguments presented on each side of the dilemma. 5. Your solution to the dilemma a. Statement of your solution b. Explanation of whether your solution is a Utilitarian solution, Kantian solution, a hybrid solution, or a solution based on an entirely different moral theory. c. Argument about why your position is correct argument and its response to the arguments on each side of the issue. 6. Conclusion summarizing what you have done in the paper.
