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Karl Marx on Labor and Capitalism

Content: Using pp. 492-508 of Karl Marx: Selected Writings as your source, discuss Marx’s concept of the labor process as (1) a natural human form and (2) a process under capitalism. How does the human being interact with nature in the labor process, and how is the human labor process similar to or different from that of insects or spiders? To what extent for Marx is human labor in its natural state a form of (1) drudgery or (2) creativity? Under capitalism, according to Marx, does the basic nature of labor change, and if so, how? How is labor under capitalism organized? Give a detailed description of how surplus value is produced, taking up issues such as: if workers are paid the full value of their labor, where does surplus value come from? Using examples from your own life or from the experience of others with whom you are familiar, assess the contemporary relevance (or lack thereof) of Marx’s discussion
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