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This week the ways a borders shapes identities of a region has been discussed.

This week the ways a borders shapes identities of a region has been discussed.  In this essay, students will chose a border (present or past) from the provided list and analyze the way(s) that border shapes/shaped the identity of that area.  Remember a border does not necessarily mean an intangible line on a map; it can be a natural formation such as a mountain, desert or river or a physical order such as a wall. (The U.S.-Mexico border)

This analysis should begin with a review of the region you chose and the historical events that lead up to the borders being discussed.  Once the historical makeup of the region you chose has been established, your analysis should discuss the impact that border has had on the religious, cultural, ethnic and political identities of the region you chose.

The first page of your paper will be a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.
The second page will include an Abstract.
This report will use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.
Any citations MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines (there should be at least two, documenting where you got the information for your report).  Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function.  Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available GU approved APA resources.
Excluding the cover page and references, this report must be at least 2 pages of written text.  The entire paper must be your original work.

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