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Search the open job listings on the web, identify and post one new open position that requires business analyst skills. Describe some required business analyst skills.


Business Analyst Skills (graded)

Search the open job listings on the web, identify and post one new open position that requires business analyst skills. Describe some required business analyst skills.


Business Analysis Processes (graded)

Describe the key processes used to manage business analysis activities. Share examples of how you might begin to apply those key processes.

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

week 2

Stakeholders (graded)

Given a project to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program in an organization, outline a stakeholder analysis. Describe and discuss inputs and outputs for the stakeholder analysis process.

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.


Change Management (graded)

Identify some change management processes that are occurring around you in your industry or business. Describe and discuss how business analysis, stakeholder analysis, communication, requirements management, and performance management are used to address change management.

week 3


Assessing Requirements (graded)

Given the results from your survey project, describe the subsequent tasks involved in identifying stakeholders concerns and then the tasks followed for stating requirements.


Elicitation Techniques (graded)

Compare and contrast the use of two elicitation techniques for gathering information. How could you use these concepts in your professional activities?

week 4


Requirements Planning and Communication (graded)

Explain why communicating requirements are critically important to help bring stakeholders to a common understanding? Explain how requirements would be communicated, understood, and used by the stakeholders in your project.


Requirement Analysis (graded)

Describe how the Visio project supports enterprise and requirements analysis. Discuss the use of analysis tools in management decision support and other parts of the business.

week 5

Enterprise Analysis (graded)

As the strategic part of the project cycle, describe some ways a business analyst can identify constraints and define criteria to prioritize projects. Share an example.

dis 2


Analysis Validation (graded)

How does creating a domain model aid in validating solution scope with business and technical stakeholders? How could you use this concept in your professional activities?

week 6


Identifying Solutions (graded)

Describe and discuss the business analysis techniques used to compare multiple solution alternatives for your Course Project.

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.



Implementing Project Objectives (graded)

Describe and discuss the situations to use process modeling, decision analysis, and functional decomposition to facilitate implementation of project objectives.

week 7


Software Tools (graded)

Compare and contrast two software tools, and discuss how these tools are applied in business analysis. What could be done to improve these tools, in your opinion?

diss 2


Conflict Management (graded)

If you had two stakeholders that were adamantly opposed to the solution you had identified, discuss how you might facilitate and negotiate a solution between these two stakeholders.

Week 3: Business Problem and Requirements
Business Analysis
The basic idea of business analysis is simple. It is the practice of identifying and clarifying a problem or issue within a company, then working with the various stakeholders to define and implement an acceptable solution. However, actually conducting a business analysis can be quite complex and time-consuming.
Starting Point
The first step in the process is to identify a problem, an issue, or some other business need. Let's say that you are the owner of a small motorcycle dealership. In addition to selling bikes, your store does repairs and maintenance, sells riding gear, and custom orders parts for your customers. You have received numerous complaints from the staff and customers about the accuracy of your inventory system. The problem is the inventory system often shows parts and merchandise as being in stock, when none are actually available. This often means that a repair job is not finished on schedule, which really irritates your customers.
Milestone 1 – Business Problem Definition
In a 5-8 page paper using APA format, please describe the following:
1. Introduction – Briefly describe the organization and the business process you are evaluation to provide context for your project.
2. Business problem – Identify and describe the business problem – explain the steps in the current business process and why it needs to be improved.
a. Create a flowchartof the as-is / currentbusiness process using Microsoft Visio insert the figure in this section.
b. If you do not have Visio installed on your computer, you can access this application via the iLab tab in the Course Home unit.
3. Project stakeholders – Explain the importance of interacting with stakeholders on your project and why they are important to the success of your project.
a. Create a stakeholder matrix based on each stakeholder’s position and responsibilities, the level of their involvement that will be required during the project, and their importance to the success of the project.
b. Insert the table in this section.
Example of a stakeholder matrix:
RoleResponsibilitiesLevel of InvolvementImportance
Project Manager
Manages the day-to-day organization of project tasksHigh, regular, dailyHigh – needed to mediate disputes and guide the direction of the project
Project Manager
(Implementation partner)
Business Analyst   
Department ManagerApproves purchase ordersMedium, regular, weeklyMedium – needed to provide details on the inventory replenishment process
Work Group Supervisor   
External Business Partner
SME 1   
SME 2   
SME 3   
Level of Involvement– What level of project involvement is required of this stakeholder and how much time will be expected of this stakeholder?
Importance – How important is the stakeholder in the overall success of the project? Are they required in order to document all of the critical project requirements, or are they optional in that they can add clarity to processes that may further refine requirements?
4. Elicitation activity – Explain the importance of using the correct method to gather requirements for your project.
a. Select one method from the list below to gather requirements about the business process from your project stakeholders.
b. Describe the elicitation method used, how many participants responded, and why this was the best method for eliciting requirements for your project.
c. Provide a summary of the elicitation results in this section of the paper.
d. Use a chart, table, or graph to illustrate the summarized results.
e. Provide the individual results of your elicitation activity in the Appendix of this paper. (hint: the Appendix is a separate section located after the References section)
Surveys – develop a set of 5-8 multiple choice questions pertaining to the business problem that will enable you to document a list of requirements for your project, administer the survey to elicit responses from 10 participants
Interviews – develop a set of 5-8 open-ended questions pertaining to the business problem that will enable you to document a list of requirements for your project, conduct interviews to elicit responses from 10 participants
Observation – develop a list of 5 work areas pertaining to the business problem where you can observe employees acting out the steps in the business process, document your observations and record issues that will enable you to document a list of requirements for your project
Document analysis – Gather and review at least 5 internal sources of existing documentation from the organization that is pertinent to your business problem or that may hold data related to a viable solution.
According to the BABOK, such documentation may include, business plans, market studies, contracts, requests for proposal, statements of work, memos, existing guidelines, procedures, training guides, competing product literature, published comparative product reviews, problem reports, customer suggestion logs, and existing system specifications.
5. List of requirements – Explain why having accurate requirements is essential to the success of your project. Explain the process you used to document your requirements during the elicitation activity from the previous section.
a.List the requirements you gathered from your project stakeholders during the elicitation activity in a table similar to the one below.
Example of a requirements matrix:
Business RequirementStakeholderBusiness
Process step
Project Objective
1.1The Warehouse inventory should be updated within 15 minutes when new stock is received.Warehouse
To show accurate inventory levels in the system at all times.
Business requirement– this column contains a description of the requirement (the
WHAT not the HOW). Describe what the stakeholders want the process to accomplish.
Stakeholder– this column identifies the stakeholder that defined this requirement.
Business process step– this column links to the step in the business process flowchart you presented in the Business Problem section of this paper.
Project objective– this column describes the goal of the requirement. As shown above, the requirement is to update inventory within 15 mins. of receiving new product, and the goal of this requirement is to have accurate inventory showing in the system within a reasonable timeframe.
6. Conclusion - Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion points.
• Explain the significance of your findings from the results of the elicitation activity. Where do they lead you regarding next steps for the project?
• Indicate where you found opportunities to implement a solution that will bring improvements to the business process you described in the Introduction.
a.For example, while examining the process with stakeholders you found that employees were skipping a step because it took too long to complete or they weren’t properly trained on how to complete that step. This will allow you, as the business analyst, to explore how training classes are being conducted or how long it actually takes an employee to complete the process by observing the staff for a few hours.
Grading Rubric

Week 5: Solution Assessment and Implementation
In order to achieve goals and planned results within a defined schedule and a budget, organizations initiate a project. Regardless of which industry sector the organization operates within, there are several methodologies to guide the processes at every stage of a project from initiation to implementation to project closure.
A methodology is a model, which project managers employ for the design, planning, implementation, and achievement of project objectives. There are different project management methodologies to benefit different projects.
Milestone 2 – Solution Assessment

In a 5-8 page paper using APA format, please describe the following:

1. Introduction – Briefly describe the business problem you are evaluating to provide context for your paper.
2. Solution Alternatives – Explain why it is import to evaluate several options along important dimensions such as risk, cost, and acceptability to key stakeholders.
a. Identify and describe the alternative solutions (minimum 2) that you developed to improve the business process and assess the alternatives using a technique from BABOK.
b. Conduct a solution assessment using a technique from the BABOK and recommend one solution
i.Techniques are listed in section 7.1.5 and chapter 9 of the BABOK
c. Insert the table, matrix, or chart of the solution assessment in this section.
d. Recommend the one alternative that fulfills the business need and offers the most value to the organization.
e. Provide the rationale for your recommendation of the proposed solution
3. Process Flowchart – Explain the differences between the steps in the as-is (current) process flowchart and the to-be (future) process flowchart. Which steps are different and why did they change?
a. Create a flowchartof the to-be / futurebusiness process using MicrosoftVisio and insert the figure in this section.
b. If you do not have Visio installed on your computer, you can access this application via the iLab tab in the Course Home unit.
4. Methodology – Explain how you will manage the implementation tasks. Select a project management methodology to manage the implementation tasks from the list below:
a. Waterfall – In this model, the project lifecycle has fixed phases and linear timelines.
b. Spiral – Spiral methodology is the extended waterfall model with prototyping. The spiral method is good for projects which require formal specification, but for which the specifications cannot be fully defined in advance.
c. Agile – This model is characterized by short delivery cycles (sprints),agile requirements, dynamic team culture, less restrictive project control and emphasis on real-time communication.
d. Scrum – This is an agile methodology. The main goal of this methodology is to improve team productivity dramatically by reducing the impact of potential barriers.
5. Project Management – Explain how you will implement the solution.
a. Define how long it will take to implement the changes and which resources will be required to support the implementation effort.
b. Create a project timeline for implementing the recommended solution.
c. Insert the table or matrix of the project timeline in this section.
6. Conclusion – Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion points.
a. Explain the significance of your solution assessment activity and define the value your recommendation will provide to the organization.
b. Explain the next steps for validating the solution to lead into the final paper.

Grading Rubric

Course Project


There are three (3) milestone assignments in this course that will assist you in completing this final course project. The course project requires you to organize, map, and analyze a business process for an organization.
These milestone assignments are separate academic papers that require you to apply APA 6th edition style and structure.
The general criteria for the course project are as follows:
1. Analyze a business problem and map the current business process steps using Microsoft Visio to create the flowchart.
2. Elicit and document project requirements from stakeholders
3. Define and assess alternative solutions, and make a recommendation
4. Map the to-be business process steps using Microsoft Visio to create the flowchart
5. Select a project management methodology to implement the solution

• The final paper must be at least 15 pages, maximum 20 pages in length.
• Follow APA 6th edition format for title page, reference page, appendix, citations, etc.
• At least six authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors, blogs, Wikipedia or Web pages are not acceptable).
• All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
• The final paper is due during Week 7 of this course.
• Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.
• This paper is worth 240 total points and will be graded on quality of research, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure (see grading rubric).

Paper Outline:

1. Executive Summary
a. This section should be concise but contain sufficient detail for the reader to completely understand the purpose of your project and the report content.
b. Minimum 200 words, maximum 300 words in length.
2. Business Problem Review
a. Identify and describe the business problem – explain the steps in the current business process and why it needs to be improved.
b. Insert the flowchart of the current business process in this section
c. Explain the importance of interacting with stakeholders on your project and why they are important to the success of your project.
d. Insert the stakeholder matrix in this section
3. Elicitation Techniques
a. Explain the importance of using the correct method to gather requirements for your project.
b. Describe the elicitation method used, how many participants responded, and why this was the best method for eliciting requirements for your project.
c. Provide a summary of the elicitation results in this section of the paper.
d. Use a chart, table, or graph to illustrate the results.
e. Provide the individual results of your elicitation in the Appendix of this paper.
(hint: the Appendix is a separate section located after the References section)
4. Requirements
a. Explain why having accurate requirements is essential to the success of your project.
b. Explain the process you used to document your requirements during the elicitation activity from the previous section.
c. Insert the requirements analysis matrix/table in this section
5. Communication
a. Explain the importance of obtaining and maintaining consensus among key stakeholders regarding the overall solution scope and the requirements that will be implemented.
b. Create a business analysis communication plan that describes the stakeholder groups and their communication needs.
c. Insert the communication plan in this section
6. Enterprise Analysis
a. Describe the desired outcome that will result from meeting the business need and the expected end state desired by your project stakeholders.
b. Identify new capabilities or changes to organizational systems that are required by the organization to meet the business need.
c. Explain why this change is important to the success of your project.
7. Solution Assessment and Validation
a. Explain why it is import to evaluate several options along important dimensions such as risk, cost, and acceptability to key stakeholders.
b. Identify and describe the alternative solutions (minimum 2) that you developed to improve the business process.
c. Insert the table, matrix, or chart of the solution assessment in this section.
d. Recommend the one alternative that fulfills the business need and offers the most value to the organization.
e. Provide the rationale for your recommendation of the proposed solution
f. Explain the differences between the steps in the as-is (current) process flowchart and the to-be (future) process flowchart. Which steps are different and why did they change?
g. Insert the flowchart of the to-be business process in this section
8. Project Management
a. Explain how you will manage the implementation process.
b. Identify the project management methodology you will use to manage the implementation tasks.
c. Define how long it will take to implement the changes and which resources will be required to support the implementation effort.
d. Create a project timeline for implementing the recommended solution.
e. Insert the table or matrix of the project timeline in this section
9. Conclusion
a. Present the key conclusions of your project including the overall impacts of this proposal and any positive social, environmental, or economic outcomes the organization can expect to realize as a result of this implementation effort.
b. Minimum 200 words, maximum 300 words in length.

Grading Rubric:

20 ptsLists and reviews main points in same order in which they appear in report.
Business Problem Review25 ptsProvides thorough explanation of identified business process reviewed. Flowchart of current business process reflects college level expertise.
Elicitation25 ptsDescribes and substantiates techniques used to obtain requirements. List of stakeholders identifies importance and level of involvement.
Requirements25 ptsDescribes tasks to understand the business need or problem and translate unstructured information into project objectives. List of requirements identifies category and project objective.
Communication20 ptsIdentifies and substantiates communication techniques and methods appropriate for obtaining approval of documented requirements from stakeholders.
Enterprise Analysis20 ptsProvides an examination of the business problem and proposed solutions, provides an evaluation of strategic risks and returns for each proposed solution.
Assessment and
25 ptsProvides viable recommendations after requirements analysis. Describes methods for assessing identified solution and validates that the solution would work. Flowchart of to-be business process reflects college level expertise.
20 pts 
Conclusion20 ptsSummarizes major points.
Organization & Cohesiveness20 ptsPaper is organized, has topical flow, and uses appropriate industry terms, concepts, and theory. Paragraph transitions are present and logical flow maintained throughout paper. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Grammar and
20 ptsPaper is well written and is college level writing. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. Follows APA format.
Total240 PtsA quality paper will m
