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The Nature of Organizations and the Contemporary Environment

Paper instructions:
Attached is the MGT501 Module 1 background and Module 1 SLP assignment instructions. Paper must be 3 pages not including cover page or reference page.
Module 1 – SLP
The Nature of Organizations and the Contemporary Environment
The purpose of the Session Long Project in TUI classes is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the Module to your own life and work. This can be done in a number of different ways—cumulative papers, practical hands-on experimentation with a tool of some sort, or reflections on a place of work or life experience. The common thread is personal application, aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course’s material.
For this course, the project will take the form of encounters with personal management assessments, aimed at constructing a personal inventory of your management skills and a plan for improving those skills. In each module, you will complete an assessment of a set of skills and/or situation diagnostics, focusing on your strengths and identifying any weaknesses that may have been revealed through the assessment and/or your personal experience. You will then be asked to create a plan by which you can “grow” your strengths and shore up your weaknesses. By the end of the course and the project, you will have a personal management profile and action plan.
In this module, you will be assessing your cultural awareness.
Required Reading
Refer to the required and optional readings for this module, and any other readings which will help you in increasing organizational effectiveness through cultural awareness.
Click on this link to Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialists. The site may take a moment to load, so be patient. You will find a selection of 20 or so cultural awareness quizzes. Choose one or two that look interesting to you. (Hint: You will learn the most if you choose a general quiz, or one that concerns a country with which you are not familiar, and then choose a quiz that tests your knowledge of a culture with which you think you are highly familiar.) After completing the quiz(zes), address the following questions in a 2- to 3-page essay:
