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Salmonellosis A mother takes her 8 year old son to his pediatrician on Tuesday complaining of abdominal cramps, fever, and diarrhea in which the symptoms began in the early hours of Monday morning.

Paper instructions:
This internet research assignment will involve you researching a disease and creating a case study. This will get you to understand a particular disease in a way that you might observe in a health setting. As you will see, a disease will have particular signs and symptoms associated with it that can provide clues as to what it could be. Although the assignment only requires you to write a one paragraph case study, you may have to spend a considerable amount of time researching it before you can come up with a suitable scenario. Be creative, be correct, and be thorough.This internet research assignment will involve you researching a disease and creating a case study. This will get you to understand a particular disease in a way that you might observe in a health setting. As you will see, a disease will have particular signs and symptoms associated with it that can provide clues as to what it could be. Although the assignment only requires you to write a one paragraph case study, you may have to spend a considerable amount of time researching it before you can come up with a suitable scenario. Be creative, be correct, and be thorough.Your task: Write a one paragraph scenario in which a patient has acquired the disease you have chosen.
A well-written case study will include typical:
? Symptoms and signs
? Risk factors
? Mode of transmission
? Diagnosis
? Patient care
? Treatment(s)
Case Study: Salmonellosis
A mother takes her 8 year old son to his pediatrician on Tuesday complaining of abdominal cramps, fever, and diarrhea in which the symptoms began in the early hours of Monday morning. While the doctor performs his examination the boy is also found to have a headache along with showing signs of fatigue. When discussing the patient’s activities over the last few days with the mother she revealed he ate chicken at Sonic on Sunday after church and his other meals have been cereal and canned pastas at home. The doctor hypothesized that the boy’s symptoms are from the worker who prepared the chicken at Sonic having not washed their hands before work was likely the cause of his symptoms. In order for the doctor to confirm his suspicion he has his nurse take a stool sample from the child for laboratory analysis; the tests confirmed the doctor’s suspicion. The mother was told the results of the test and was informed to take him home to make sure proper hygiene techniques are being instructed and to make sure he drinks plenty of fluids such as water and sport drinks to prevent dehydration. Monitor him to make sure his symptoms do not change and they should get better on their own in the next few days as most patients do; and if they change or get worse to bring him back in for possible IV treatment. Risk factors of getting this disease are not practicing proper hygiene before preparing or eating food, not preparing food properly, many animals can harbor the bacteria as well so be sure to clean up after handling them or being in their environment before you eat as the oral route is the primary mode of transmission to humans. is a US based online academic company that offers support and assistance to students at all levels. We are dedicated to offering high quality and proficient academic services to students from all over the world. With more than Ten years in the industry, we have been able to serve more than two hundred thousand students, and assisted them to obtain excellent grades in their assignments and final exams.


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