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Relying upon Montaigne’s “Of Cannibals,” discuss what Montaigne would make of the Mayan ball game, in which the loser, often a king or high official, would be sacrificed to the gods.

Write a well-developed essay of at least 4-5 solid, long paragraphs on ONE of the topics below.
1. Relying upon Montaigne’s “Of Cannibals,” discuss what Montaigne would make of the Mayan ball game, in which the loser, often a king or high official, would be sacrificed to the gods.
2. Agree, disagree, or modify the following statement: “In The Tempest, Caliban represents the deprived colonial subject and Prospero, the usurping European colonizer.” Be sure to support your argument with reference to speeches in the play.
3. Imagine a dialogue between Prospero and one or two of the Renaissance humanists that we studied in this unit (Rabelais, More, Cervantes, Machiavelli). You can create an actual dialogue or write an essay that covers 2 or 3 subjects or ideas that Prospero and the humanist might address. Here’s just one example: both Rabelais and Prospero address that key Renaissance humanist concern, education. What do the two have to say about the importance and nature of education?
