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Most car thieves who were reported to be stealing one model of the car, which was fitted with the best car security systems, targeted the BMW Company. The advanced technology was being used against the company itself. Radio frequency jammers were being used to block signal that was being used by the electronic key meaning the car was left unlocked by the users.

Most car thieves who were reported to be stealing one model of the car, which was fitted with the best car security systems, targeted the BMW Company. The advanced technology was being used against the company itself. Radio frequency jammers were being used to block signal that was being used by the electronic key meaning the car was left unlocked by the users.

What did the attack do to the organization? (for instance, did the attackers steal credit card numbers, deface websites, etc.?)

The attackers did use the technology to steal hundreds of cars that belonged to this single organization. The cars were of one model meaning that the computer technology that had been used by this company was vulnerable to activities of hackers. The electronic port that would be used to detect the car is what the thieves would plug the device which is used to track the car

Were there other “victims” of the attack besides this organization? (for instance, if credit card numbers are stolen, other victims include the owner of the credit card and the issuing bank)

The thieves did not just stop at jamming the car and taking it away, they would go ahead and gather the car’s unique key, which does correspond, to the identity of the car. There was great danger of not only losing the car but also important user ID on the and this prompted London police to warn owners of the risk that they posed

Who was the attacker? If it isn’t known for certain, write a sentence or two about what is known or speculated. How would you respond if you were a victim in one of the attacks?

The thieves must have been very intelligent individuals with the ability to understand how they could navigate high tech devices fitted in the BMW cars and even copy the ID of the car key to their own car keys. These cannot be categorized as cyber thieves but they make use of the same idea of cyber theft to steal cars. In such case I would only ensure my car security through physical securing by paying an attendant to physically look out for the car when packed in order to ensure that the thieves do not gain access into the car.

Describe the steps you would take

There is only one step that I would take which is to ensure that there is physical mode security to guide the car whenever it is out and packed in a place where the thieves can access it. This is a form a car that has its own internal technology, the only way to secure it is to ensure that no one gain access to it and temper with internal systems.


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