A key outcome of this course is a business plan/project proposal that each student creates and will use to develop their plan/project next quarter in RS651. The intent of the proposal is to persuade the reader to consider the intent, need, and viability of their plan/project. Please review the proposal from this perspective.
RS600 Peer Review of Proposal Draft Form
Peer Reviewer (your name): Date:
Name of peer (classmate) whose proposal you are reviewing:
A key outcome of this course is a business plan/project proposal that each student creates and will use to develop their plan/project next quarter in RS651. The intent of the proposal is to persuade the reader to consider the intent, need, and viability of their plan/project. Please review the proposal from this perspective.
Key: 1=Did Not Meet Requirements; 2= Met Limited Requirements; 3=Met Requirements; 4=Exceeded Requirements;
5=Highly Exceeded Requirements
5=Highly Exceeded Requirements
1. Rate the student’s choice of their business plan/project and its proposed intent. 1 2 3 4 5
Briefly describe how well you think it applies to current market/business demands:
Briefly describe how well you think it applies to current market/business demands:
2. Rate the quality of resources the student used for their proposal. 1 2 3 4 5
Briefly describe your rationale:
Briefly describe your rationale:
3. Rate how well the student integrated the required elements of their proposal. 1 2 3 4 5
List one important concept/strategy/theme that was used to organize the elements:
List one important concept/strategy/theme that was used to organize the elements:
4. What improvements/changes would you suggest to make this proposal more viable?
5. Discuss the most persuasive element/analysis included in the proposal (150 words).
6. Summarize your overall assessment of this proposal’s impact on management/business practices (150 words).
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