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As a forensic psychologist, your primary approach in correctional settings has been the cognitive-behavioral approach because of the likelihood for rehabilitative success when properly implemented. Outline a plan for treatmen

This is a (2) part question . Each answer must be 500 words each with some references from the book.
(1)As a forensic psychologist, your primary approach in correctional settings has been the cognitive-behavioral approach because of the likelihood for rehabilitative success when properly implemented. Outline a plan for treatment (individual and/or group) and explain which elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy you would implement in treating this client (e.g., social skills development training, relapse prevention, practical skills training, etc.) and why.
Your response should demonstrate your critical thinking and must be a minimum of 500 words in length.
(2)Suppose you are a forensic psychologist at an inpatient ward associated with a state prison. You receive a referral to treat a newly incarcerated 34 year-old Caucasian male who has a history of repeated acts of criminal behavior, including acts of violence against others. The client has been engaging in repeated acts of self-injury, sexually inappropriate behavior towards female correctional staff, and has made multiple verbalizations of threats of harm against himself and others. You are being asked to conduct an evaluation in order to inform the treatment teams' decision about whether to house the offender on the more secure unit that has increased correctional staff presence but less treatment services (primarily focused on managing your client's dangerous behavior) or on the mental health unit that is less secure and has decreased correctional staff presence but offers significantly more treatment and rehabilitative services. What are your first steps, and how will you go about treating and managing this client from a rehabilitative perspective? What ethical concerns and barriers must be considered when working with this client?
Please refer to the book "Introduction to Forensic Psychology" 5th edition:  Bartol, C. R,  & Bartol, A. M. ( 2019) chapters 12 and 13 for references.  I am not able to download information from this book. 

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