THT2106 Festival and Events Management
Assessment Details
Assessment Task No 1 (Individual Event Concept Creation).
Task Length: 800 words
Date Due: Weeks 5
Task Weight: 15%
Task Requirements:
A short written proposal (800 words) for a major event (a minimum of 2000 attendees) is expected for task 1. This assessment requires individual students to propose a new development opportunity for a festival or event. Students are required to prepare one concept for an event or festival and provide rationale describing the value and novelty of the proposed event concepts. The proposal should include the following:
- – concept underpinning the event;
- – the potential market, venue and timing of staging event,
- – identify the unique elements (co-creation – design of the event experience) and
- – provide an overview of the resources necessary in staging of the event.
The event will be staged in the state where your campus is located (that is, Victoria for Melbourne campus students and NSW for Sydney campus).
Estimated Student Workload: 5-6 hours
See Separate Marking Rubric for the detailed marking allocation
Links to Subject Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 are assessed in this task Submission Details
Submissions must be made online via Turnitin.
Feedback and Return of Work
Feedback and marks will be provided via the LMS within two weeks of submission
Flavours of China Town Food Tour: Asian Cuisine & Culture, Friday 27th April
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team

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