Interview a grade 6-12 history teacher regarding the teacher's history instruction. This interview should be conducted face-to-face, but can be conducted over the phone or via e-mail, if a face-to-face interview is not possible. Create your own list of at least seven questions, including: 1.How do you use a textbook? 2.How do you incorporate the National and State standards for history? 3.Do you include higher-order thinking activities in your program of study? If so, how; if not, are you considering it? 4.How do you determine what content to prioritize? 5.How do you determine what primary and secondary sources are appropriate for your students? 6.How do you reconcile meeting the various idiosyncrasies for your state’s standards? Document the interview questions and answers and submit with the Standards essay. Examine the history standards for Illinois. Write a 750-1,000-word essay in which you take a stance on the following questions: 1. Are the standards you reviewed easy to understand and write curriculum around? 2. Do the standards lend themselves to building creative thinking and problem-solving skills for secondary students? 3. How should a secondary history class help prepare students for post-secondary life (careers and/or college)? 4. What role should primary and secondary sources in history play in helping your students successfully master history standards? Provide specific evidence to support your rationale. three to five scholarly articles that support your rationale. You don't really need to interview a teacher. You can just make it up.
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