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This assignment has the following 2 components: (i) Critical review of a research paper for a project and (ii) Preparing a quality management plan (QMP)

20W PMGT731-901:
Group Project on Research Review & Preparation of Quality Management Plan
Overall weight for final grade: RP=IO% + GMP=IO% = 20%.
General Information
a. This assignment has the following 2 components: (i) Critical review of a research paper
for a project and (ii) Preparing a quality management plan (QMP)
b. This assignment will be undertaken by a group of 3-5 students or individually.
• Students will form their own groups
• Members of each group will nominate a focal person to communiæte with the
• The members of any group are also wemme to communicate with the professor
when there are issues involved.
• The groups/individuals will chcxyse a title of a research paper for critical review (one
title for one group) and a project for the preparation of a quality management plan.
Details of the assignment are given below.
a. Critical review of a research paper (Wt. for final grade 10%)
Undertake a critical review one the research papers in the content section
in eCentennial.
Submit a critical review report on the purpose of the research, its findings and
recommendations, and your personal evaluation of the research findings and
The r4X)rt will have a page limit of minimum 2 pages & maximum 3 letter
sized pages with single space, 1- margin on all sides, and Arial font 12.
The report will properly formatted as specified in the requirements which
include title, sections, fonts, paragraphs, margins and page numbers.
Make a PPT supported 6-minute presentation using a minimum of 5 slides
excluding 'title' and 'thank' you slides
The (in word file) will be submitted in both hard copy and soft copy.
The soft copy will submitted to eCentennial assignment folder on or tEfore
12.00 PM (Noon) on Monday March 25, 2020. Delayed submission will not be
by the system.
\on of hardcopy in the assignment or to the reæption at the
Business School will not be
A PPT presentation will be made on the research pagEr for 5-6 minutes on
Monday April 1, 2020.
PPT slides used in presentation will submitted after the presentation on
or before 11.00PM on Monday April 1, 2020
A report with less than or than the page limit will be at 10% of
final marks per page.
Delay in finalizing their project may result in penalty of 5% of final marks per
ælendar day.
If formatting did not follow all or most of the formatting requirements (including
page numbers, fonts, spacing, paragraphing, page limits, margins, title pages or
leaving blanks paragraphs and sentences in pages), the will not
be evaluated, and will be graded zero.
b. Preparing a quality management plan (GMP) for a project (Wt. for final grade 10%)
Develop a Project Quality Management Plan for a project to establish a new
Ptv1GT701 online or in-class course on project management fundamentals.
Assume that project charter for the new course has been approved, and the
preparation of Project Management Plan is underway. You may make the required
assumptions on the project constraints and other relevant areas.
In the altemative, you may chcxyse to prepare a QMP for a project of your choice with
approved (assumed) project charter, with appropriate assumptions on constraints
and relevant areas
QMP plan must have all the specified in the QMP template. The grading of
the plan will mainly focus on the
Please do not repeat in your assignment the guidance provided for the author of the
plan in the template.
While selecting a project for the preparation of QMP, ensure that you have the
required information or you are able to make the appropriate assumptions.
In preparing the QMP, wherever possible, you are required to apply the knowledge
you have gained by reviewing the research pag•s. You need not limit your review to
only one paper.
The QMP will have a maximum limit of 34 letter sized pages with 1- margins on all
sides and Arial or other sans serif font of 12.
The reFX)rt (word file) will submitted in both hard copy and soft copy.
The soft copy will submitted to eCentennial assignment folder on or before 12.00
PM (Noon) on Monday March 25, 2020.
The hardcopy will submitted in class on the same day Monday March 25, 2020.
Make a PPT supported 6-minute presentation using a minimum of 5 slides excluding
'title' and 'thank' you slides on Monday April 1, 2020.
PPT slides used in presentation will be submitted after the presentation on or
before 11.00PM on Monday April 1, 2020
Template and Rubrics
A template for the QMP is attached. You are welcome to improve it while maintaining
the main components.
No template is available for the review of research a paper. You may choose an
appropriate template to reflect the requirements of the assignment
A rubric for evaluation and grading the QMP is provided in eCentennial content
section of the eCentennial
A rubric for the evaluation and grading the critical review of research paper is provided
in the content section of the eCentennial.
A report with less than or more than the page limit will be penalized at 10% of final
marks per page.
Delay in submission of the assignment will result in penalty of 5% of final marks per
ælendar day.
If formatting did not follow all or most of the formatting requirements (including page
numbers, fonts, paragraphing, page limits, margins, title pages or leaving blanks in
pages), the will not be evaluated, and will be graded zero.
In case you find any errors or inconsistency in the assignment, or if you need any clarification,
please send an email to the professor


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