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Scientific literature Writing Exercise.

Using the scientific paper from the previous discussion complete the following assignment: 
Nature paper 
The writing exercise will consist of a summary report that explains the scientific paper from Nature that you posted about by Thursday. A summary does not repeat the paper exactly, it tells the story within the paper. What is being done? Why? How? and What does it mean? Use the video to understand the paper better The paper shall cover the following four sections with clear subtitles: background of the research (why do it), major methods used (how), results obtained (what happened), conclusions(significance to the field) and references(find two papers that were cited in this paper. Did the scientific paper answer any of your questions from the Science Daily News article post? You can use the discussion we completed on Thursday to do this summary. Read over the different sections posted by your classmates to help you interpret the paper. The explanation should be clear enough that a fellow classmate could read it and understand it.
The report should be 3 to 4 typed pages with no more than double spacing between lines. Fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial with 12-point size are to be used.  Use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling for this writing assignment. 
References can be given in APA format. See Module 1 for an example. 
