Hard determinists, libertarians (e.g., Campbell), and compatibilists (e.g., Frankfurt) provide very different stances on moral responsibility.
Philosophy 101 Paper Assignment
Write a 5-page paper (typed, double spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins) in response to one of the following questions.
1. Hard determinists, libertarians (e.g., Campbell), and compatibilists (e.g., Frankfurt) provide very different stances on moral responsibility. Explain and assess how one of these authors responds to the dilemma of determinism. (A) Explain the dilemma of determinism. (B) Explain the main ideas of the author/position you plan to discuss. Be sure to present one of the main arguments supporting the position and say explicitly how this author would respond to the dilemma of determinism. (C) Does this position provide a well-supported response to the dilemma of determinism? Why/why not? Be sure to explicitly discuss at least one major objection to the position you are discussing and to consider potential objections to your thesis.
2. Compare and contrast two of the primary positions on the mind-body problem (i.e., Cartesian substance dualism, Identity theory, Functionalism). Based on your discussion of the similarities and differences, discuss which theory is better supported. (A) Explain the two theories, describing the central similarities and differences between them. (B) Which position do you think is closer to the truth? Be sure to discuss at least one objection to each theory and at least one objection to your thesis. [Two of these comparisons strike me as more sensible: dualism v. identity theory and identity v. functionalism. The third possibility – dualism v. functionalism – is do-able, but I don’t recommend it.]
Format and Details: - Word count must be 1400-1600 words. - Must recognize research in the bibliography or footnotes. - All direct quotes must be documented. You need to provide full documentation. Use footnotes or any standard system of references and in-text citations (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
Advice: - Make a specific claim (thesis) and defend your claim with good reasons. Be sure to show that you understand objections to the authors position and objections to your own position. - State your thesis in the first paragraph. First person is fine. “In this paper, I will argue that.....[thesis].”
- Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team
- Source@PrimeWritersBay.com
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