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How to do A Research Paper

A time has come and your instructor instructs you to submit a remarkable academic research paper. In spite of these instructions, you do not have the slightest idea on how to do a research paper. If that is your situation, worry not. This article, save for its shortness; will offer you simple, but effective tips on how to not only do a research paper, but do it excellently. First of all, you may need to understand that a research paper is quite different from an essay. An essay is generally short and this means that is does not go into depths of an issue.
In addition, essays, unless otherwise stated, do not contain subheadings. Headings and subheadings are part and parcel of a research paper. After taking this into consideration, all that you may need to know is what are the bits and pieces that complete a research paper.
The first step in unraveling the mystery of how to write a research paper, is conducting thorough research on a topic in question. The internet and libraries offer more than enough resources for most academic topics. On how to do a research paper, understanding what a topic at hand entails is a great steps towards writing a first rate research paper. After analyzing and summarizing relevant information, an author has the green-light to proceed into writing the research paper.
In pondering how to do a research paper, a writer needs to understand the several sections that should be included in a research paper. The first section involves introduction and background information. On this section, a writer may introduce the paper’s problem statement, objectives of the paper and any relevant information that that can be classified as background information. After the introduction, the other section that follows is literature review or review of literature section. In this section, views held by other authors are highlighted. The other sections that follow after this are the recommendations and conclusion sections respectively.
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