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This report presents the

Project Specification



Prepared by:

Engr3704 – Team7

Flinders University

26th July 2011


The purpose of this project is to develop and setup a website for Flinders Courier and Cargo effectively creating an online presence for the business. The website will also allow customers to make online bookings for door-to-door courier services. The key milestones of this project are:

  • Client sign off on specifications
  • Client sign off on prototype
  • Delivery of the final product

This project is undertaken by Team7 at the behest of Flinders Courier and Cargo. The stakeholders for this project include the above said business itself, Team7 from School of CSEM, the general public (specifically the customers of Flinders Courier and Cargo). Going online is a major step ahead for a business and is expected to boost the turnover for the business significantly.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents iii

1. Executive Summary 1

2. Introduction 2

3. Project Overview 3

3.1 Project Title 3

3.2 Project Vision 3

3.3 Organisational Objectives 3

3.4 Scope Statement 5

4. Project Purpose 6

4.1 Relevant environment conditions 6

4.2 Business needs 6

4.3 Gaps between current situation and stated objectives 7

4.4 Sponsors 8

5. Assumptions and Constraints 8

5.1 Critical Assumptions 8

5.2 Critical Constraints 8

6. Analysis of Options 8

7. Work Plan 10

7.1 Work Breakdown Structure 10

8. Outputs 11

9. Cost Estimate 12

10. Implementation Strategy 13

11. Stakeholders 15

12. Project Management Framework 16

12.1 RACI Chart 16

12.2 Quality Checklist 18

12.3 Communications Management Plan 19

13. Risk Management 20

13.1 Risk Chart 20

13.2 Probability /Impact Matrix 23

Appendix 24

References 26

Version Control

Project Plan Version Number


Reason For Changes/ Approval


July 26, 2011

  1. Executive Summary

This report presents the specifications of project SendOnline. Project SendOnline will be implemented by Team7 from Flinders University for Flinders Courier and Cargo. Flinders Courier and Cargo is a privately owned small business that operates Australia wide and offers courier and cargo services. The project is aimed at meeting Flinders Courier and Cargo’s business goals of expanding by gaining higher profits and higher exposure in the market.

Firstly, an introduction provides a background to the business. Secondly, a project overview outlines the goals of the project, the organisational objectives and the project scope which also contains a project scope statement. Next, the purpose of the project is discussed and a problem statement is developed. Then the assumptions and constraints that relate to the project are stated. An analysis of options was also conducted and it compared the advantages and disadvantages between several options, including alternative projects.

A work plan with three levels was developed and it outlined the major areas of work in the project and the steps involved with each of them. The outputs of the projects, as agreed upon with Flinders Courier and Cargo, were then presented. Also, a cost estimate was calculated and it revealed that the project will cost approximately $13,000. Next, an implementation strategy was represented using a Gantt chart and a network diagram and it showed that the approximate implementation time is seven weeks.

The stakeholders in this project are Team7, Flinders Courier and Cargo and their customers. The report outlines the benefits that the project will return on each of the stakeholders. Next, the governance model assigned tasks to team members and quality checklists were constructed to ensure the product meets the quality that was agreed upon with Flinders Courier and Cargo. Also, a communications management plan was proposed to ensure that communications happened smoothly and efficiently. Finally, the risks involved with the implementation of the project were discussed and a potential response to each of them was proposed.

This report is the official final documentation of the requirements specification as have been agreed upon by Flinders Courier and Cargo. This document will be the sole source of reference during the implementation, monitoring and closing stages of the project.

  1. Introduction

SendOnline is a project aimed at creating a web presence for Flinders Courier and Cargo. Flinders Courier and Cargo is an Australian owned business with branches in all state and territory capital cities across the country. It provides logistics and transport services to clients. The company currently uses business software and an integrated database to manage the business. The current operations of the business are as follows:

  • The customer calls the local office to pick-up the goods to be sent and tells the operator all the details.
  • A pick-up person is dispatched to collect the goods.
  • The goods are transported to their destination city.
  • The delivery is made to the final address.

The aim of this project is to create a web site for the business so that the clients can access the services 24/7 from across Australia.

Going online has the following impacts on the business:

  • Eliminates the need of a telephone operator to accept jobs and process payments.
  • Eliminates the need for telephone operators handling customer queries about deliveries

The web site should enable the clients to sign up for services and login using a username and password. The clients then should be able to get quotes, time estimates and book the packages to their destinations and pay for the services using credit card. Once the package is sent, the clients should be able to track their consignment in real time.

The website should provide details of the services, cost information, contact details, about the business, and multilingual support.

  1. Project Overview

    1. Project Title

The name selected for this project by Team7 of ENGR3704, School of CSEM, Flinders University is SendOnline.

    1. Project Vision

Internet usage among the general population is continually growing, and so are the users’ ability and confidence in using new technology. Using a service that offers convenience at any time is becoming more important to the general user. Project SendOnline is capitalising on this premise by producing a web service for an existing courier business. This web service will offer customers the option to receive quotes, find local outlets, track a package or book a service online. This project will deliver an efficient web page application to Flinders Courier and Cargo that will provide the above mentioned functionality.

    1. Organisational Objectives

This strategic SWOT analysis aims at identifying Flinders Courier and Cargo’s strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. The analysis is vital in projecting the corporation’s future development and growth.


  • The business has the capacity to attend to a bigger number of order deliveries.
  • Business can operate 24hrs a day, 7 days a week
  • Fast and effective
  • Cost effective advertisements
  • Flinders Courier and Cargo is able to track and locate the packages its handling accurately.
  • 7 years of previous experience.
  • Established reputation locally.
  • There is a physical shop front.
  • Employees are computer-literate.


  • Customers are restricted to use the company-designed envelops and boxes to pack goods they would like to send.
  • Lack of exposure.


  • Some customers do not have transportation means to drop off their package at the Flinders Courier and Cargo outlet.
  • Internet usage is rapidly growing so market will continue to increase
  • Big companies use online services, it can be seen to be taking a share of their market


  • Other businesses that are competing with Flinders Courier and Cargo and have already made this service available for their customers.
  • Security issues from running a web site that requires credit card details to be entered.
  • Extra transportation will increase the cost of sending a package

From assessing the organisation’s strategic plan (Maina,C 2008) and SWOT analysis, the project can be seen to relate to and promote the goals of Flinders Courier and Cargo. The organisational objectives and their related benefits from the project are shown in the following table.

Organisational Objective

Project Implementation Benefits

Reduce overall expenditure considerably and restructure the current balance sheet

  • After initial setup, running costs of the projects deliverables are minimal
  • Cost effective advertisements

Grow and maximise revenues by positioning Flinders Courier and Cargo to be the market leader and increase overall market share and grow revenue in the provision of Courier and mail business

  • The business will have the capacity to attend to a bigger number of order deliveries
  • Advertise to a wider market
  • Broader customer appeal

Improve the efficiency and quality of processes so as to improve on service delivery through automation

  • Business can operate 24hrs a day, 7 days a week
  • The business will have the capacity to attend to a bigger number of order deliveries

Enhance, sustain and optimize Flinders Courier and Cargo’s human resource


  • Automating the booking and payment process will reduce staffing needs

Improve customer satisfaction and enhance corporate image

  • Been seen to be keeping up to date with technology
  • Company remains relevant in growing market
  • Customer can access service outside of business hours

Table 1: Organisational Objectives and Project Benefits

    1. Scope Statement

The project scope statement for a web page for Flinders Courier and Cargo is shown in the following table.

Project Title: SendOnline

Date: 26 July 2011 Prepared by: Team7

Project Justification: Currently Flinders Courier and Cargo has no web presence. Their services can only be accessed by visiting an on-site location or telephone call during business hours. They must employ multiple staff to answer queries, book services and process payments 5 days a week.
Product Characteristics and Requirements:

This product will reduce human resource costs and increase business by producing a website allowing customers to calculate quotes, book services, process payments, locate offices, and track parcels.

  • Calculate quotes: The web site will provide users the opportunity to enter their location, the location the item is to be sent, the weight and the dimensions of the item. The user will then be provided with a quote detailing the price of the entered job.
  • Book services: The web site will provide users the opportunity to book services for an item to be picked up from a site and shipped to any address in Australia.
  • Process payments: The web site will provide users the opportunity to enter their credit card details securely to pay for any transaction they select from the web site.
  • Locate offices: The web site will provide users information on the location of any of their offices Australia wide.
  • Track parcels: The web site will provide users the opportunity once a job has been booked to follow its progress. The user will be able to see when it has been picked up and the different transfer point throughout its Australian branches.
Product User Acceptance Criteria:

The web site produced as part of this project will be considered a success if customer use increases once it becomes live.

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: executive summary, scope statement, WBS, milestone list, schedule (Gantt chart and network diagram), cost estimate, RACI chart, quality checklist and a risk probability/impact matrix.

Product-related deliverables:

  • Design documents: Documentation on the analysis and design of the software will be provided including elicitation results and design prototypes.
  • Software code: Once final payment has been received, all source code will become the property of Flinders Courier and Cargo.
  • Documentation: All documentation for the implementation and testing will be provided.

  • User guides: User guides will be provided during the week of full support. Once final payment has been received, the user guides will remain the property of Flinders Courier and Cargo.

Table 2: Scope Statement

  1. Project Purpose

    1. Relevant environment conditions

The courier environment has changed dramatically in recent years (Maina 2008). To maintain viability with this rapid change, all courier communities need to adapt rapid economics and implement the latest technological developments. Courier sectors have to provide broader services due to increased competitors and customer expectations. As result of these pressures, the information technology of eBusiness / eCommerce has provided courier sectors with a new approach to communicate and offer more convenient services.

    1. Business needs


  • Grow the company business

The two tools of business software and database enable the company to identify the best customers. They can also profiles customers’ buying habits and preferences. This can help the company provide better customer services. However, the growth of company business cannot fully cover the increase in cost of staffing.

  • Control cost

The company is facing the issue of high expenditure in rising human resources costs. The business is unable to acquire a large enough increase in new customers to compensate for the high staffing cost.

  • Acquire new customers

The company has regular customers who visit or phone their outlets to send items. However, the company has difficulty in acquiring new customers especially in reaching a new generation of people who rely heavily on computer technology and having access to services 24/7.

  • Manage existing customers

The business software and database help the company to efficiently manage and review its existing customers. These two tools allow the company to analyse customer information and payment history. This helps the company identify and reduce the risk of having unbalanced cash inflow and outflow.

    1. Gaps between current situation and stated objectives

Current situation

Organisational Objective

  • High staffing cost significantly reduces the revenue of the business.
  • High cost in advertisement in print media.

Reduce overall expenditure considerably and restructure the current balance sheet

  • The number of customers that the existing staff can serve is limited while other customers are queuing.
  • The business is only well-known locally.
  • The business has difficulty in acquiring new customers.
  • Underperformance in the revenue in courier business and share value.

Grow and maximise revenues by positioning Flinders Courier and Cargo to be the market leader and increase overall market share and grow revenue in the provision of Courier and mail business

  • The business provides courier services manually during business trading hours.
  • Customer is unable to track items they sent.

Improve the efficiency and quality of processes so as to improve on service delivery through automation

  • The number of customers can be served is limited due to the limited number of business outlets.

Enhance, sustain and optimize Flinders Courier and Cargo’s human resource capacity

  • Customer can only provide written feedback or compliant on the paper-based forms.
  • The business can only provide services to the customers who have time to visit the outlets or have a phone to make an order during trading hours.

Improve customer satisfaction and enhance corporate image

Table 3: Gaps between Current Situation and Organisational Objectives

    1. Sponsors

The project is sponsored by the revenue of the company, Flinders Courier and Cargo. Flinders Courier and Cargo is a private and Australian-owned company. The revenue of the business is from the share assets and courier services provided by the business.

  1. Assumptions and Constraints

    1. Critical Assumptions

  • The company only provides domestic courier services.
  • The business has the operational software capable of handling financial transactions, job handling and item tracking.
  • The database used in the business contains the customer records/accounts, job records and financial records of the business.
  • The business software and database are to be integrated into the SendOnline website.
  • For the services of item tracking and on-line transaction, the Flinders Courier and Cargo website displays the retrieved data from the business database.
  • Customers are able to cancel the services they requested if the cancellation is made within twenty-four hours of request they will not be charged.
  • During the execution of the project, the annual cost of domain name registration, hosting plans are estimated, and the monthly cost of advertising of Flinders Courier and Cargo website is evaluated.
    1. Critical Constraints

  • The company does not provide international courier services.
  • Internet access is required when using the Flinders Courier and Cargo website.
  • Cash is not accepted over the on-line transaction
  • Customers are restricted to use the company-designed envelops and boxes to pack goods they would like to send.
  1. Analysis of Options

The main purpose of undergoing the SendOnline project is to increase the business’ profits and exposure. In order to do so, four options were discussed along with their advantages and disadvantages. The options are as follows in the table below. After comparison, it was found that project SendOnline was the best option as it has the highest number of advantages and the lowest number of disadvantages while also meeting the organisation’s goals.

Option Analysis




Option 1 – Do nothing

  • No costs
  • Flinders Courier and Cargo will fall behind the competitors who have an online presence and offer door-to-door services
  • Same level of exposure as before
  • Same level of sales as before

Option 2 – Undertake the SendOnline project

  • Higher profits
  • Higher exposure
  • Business information and bookings accessible 24/7
  • Less labour cost
  • Cost of implementing the project

Option 3 – Undertake an alternative project – massive advertising campaign in order to achieve similar levels of sales and exposure as project SendOnline proposes.

  • Higher exposure
  • Higher profits
  • Very high costs

Option 4 – Merging with an existing courier business

  • Higher exposure
  • Bigger customer base
  • Make use of the other company’s resources
  • Less control over managing the business

Table 4: Option Analysis


  1. Work Plan

    1. Work Breakdown Structure

The work involved in the project can be broken down into a series of modules as shown below for the purpose of job allocation and managing the work flow.

1.0 Requirement specification

1.1 Discussion with client

1.2 Elicitation analysis

1.2.1 Design questionnaires

1.2.2 Conduct questionnaires

1.2.3 Analyse results

1.3 Documentation.

2.0 Design

2.1 Develop design plan

2.2 Decide programming language

2.3 Decide host ISP

2.4 Design prototype

2.5 Get client feedback on design

2.6 Revise and adjust prototypes as per client request

2.7 Documentation.

3.0 Implementation

3.1 Program the home page

3.1.1 Design layout

3.1.2 Design graphics

3.1.3 Identifying content sections

3.1.4 Positioning the content

3.1.5 Create forms

3.1.6 Add content

3.2 Program secondary pages

3.2.1 Create information pages

3.2.2 Create job submission pages

3.2.3 Create contact pages

3.2.4 Create feedback pages

3.3 Incorporate functionality

3.3.1 Integrate with business software

3.3.2 Integrate with business database

3.4 Documentation.

4.0 Testing

4.1 Adhoc testing

4.1.1 Code revision

4.2 Unit testing

4.2.1 White box testing

4.2.2 Black box testing

4.2.3 Code revision

4.3 Integration testing

4.3.1 White box testing

4.3.2 Black box testing

4.3.3 Code revision

4.4 Acceptance testing

4.4.1 Code revision

4.5 Documentation.

5.0 Rollout

5.1 Roll out web application live

5.1.1 Install digital certificates

5.2 One-week full support with application

  1. Outputs

The output of the project is a fully functional website that allows the customers to get information and avail services online. The project is scheduled to start on 15 August 2011 and last for a period of 7 weeks. The milestones in the project have been identified and tabulated as follows along with their expected completion dates.


Initial estimated completion date

Client sign off on specifications


Prototype and host selected


Client sign off on prototype


Part Payment from client


Webpage content inserted


Functionality of application fully tested


Delivery of final product


Final payment


Table 5: Milestone list

  1. Cost Estimate

The following table contains a cost estimate of the work breakdown for the project (Salary Centre 2011).

WBS Categories

Internal labor


Internal $ Total

Non-labor $

1.Requirement specification

1.1 Discussion with client




1.2 Elicitation analysis

1.2.1 Design questionnaires




1.2.2 Conduct questionnaires




1.2.3 Analyse results




1.3 Documentation




1.4 Get client approval




2. Design

2.1 Develop design plan




2.2 Decide programming language




2.3 Decide host ISP




2.4 Design prototype




2.5 Get client approval




2.6 Revise and adjust prototypes as per client request




2.4 Documentation




3. Implementation

3.1 Program the home page

3.1.1 Design layout




3.1.2 Design graphics




3.1.3 Identifying content sections




3.1.4 Positioning the content




3.1.5 Create forms




3.1.6 Add content




3.2 Program secondary pages

3.2.1 Create information pages




3.2.2 Create job submission pages




3.2.3 Create contact pages




3.2.4 Create feedback pages




3.3 Incorporate functionality

3.3.1 Integrate with business software




3.3.2 Integrate with database




3.4 Documentation.




4.0 Testing

4.1 Adhoc testing

4.1.1 Code revsion




4.2 Unit testing

4.2.1 White box testing




4.2.2 Black box testing




4.2.3 Code revision




4.3 Intergration testing

4.3.1 White box testing




4.3.2 Black box testing




4.3.3 Code revsion




4.4 Acceptance testing

4.4.1 Code revsion




4.5 Documentation.




5.0 Rollout

5.1 Roll out web application live




5.1.1 Install digital certificates




5.2 One-week full support with application




6. Domain name registration ($33 per year)


7. Hosting plans ($299 per year)


8. Advertising of Flinders Courier and Cargo website ($277 per month)


Total Cost:


Table 6: Cost Estimate

  1. Implementation Strategy

The project is expected to run for seven weeks. It is estimated to start on the 15th of August and the web site will be live by the 23rd of September. The last week of the project is to be spent on comprehensive technical support and staff training with the completion date expected to be Friday the 30th of September. Full details of estimations on task durations, task dependencies, and important milestones can be seen in the Gantt chart shown below and network diagram (Figure 3) in the appendix.

Figure 1 Gantt Chart

Figure 2: High level Network Diagram

  1. Stakeholders

The benefits of outputs from the deliverables of the project to the stakeholders are displayed in the following table.


Outputs/ Benefits

Flinders Courier and Cargo

  • Higher profits
  • Higher exposure
  • Business information and bookings accessible 24/7
  • Reduced labour cost


  • Successfully completed project
  • Increased confidence and reputation for company


  • Customers can access information 24/7
  • Customers can get quotes and make bookings on the website without having to call the company

Table 7: Stakeholders

  1. Project Management Framework

    1. RACI Chart

The main tasks and deliverables, along with the team members and their responsibility towards each task are summarised in a RACI chart as shown below:


Debra (Tester)

Ramprasad (System analyst)

Lee-Ying (Web developer/ graphic designer)

Nadine (Project manager/ Superviser)

1.0 Requirement specification

1.1 Discussion with client

R, C



1.2 Elicitation analysis

R, C



1.2.1 Design questionnaire

R, C


1.2.2 Conduct questionnaire

R, C


1.2.3 Analyse results

R, C



1.3 Documentation

R, A, C


1.4 Get client approval

R, C



2.0 Design

2.1 Develop design plan


R, A


2.2 Decide programming language


R, A


2.3 Decide host ISP


R, A


2.4 Design prototype


R, A


2.5 Get client approval



C, A

2.6 Revise prototype to client request


R, A


2.7 Documentation

R, A, C


3.0 Implementation

3.1 Program the home page (Prototype)

R, C

A, I

3.1.1 Design layout

R, C

A, I

3.1.2 Design graphics

R, C

A, I

3.1.3 Identifying content sections

R, C

A, I

3.1.4 Positioning the content

R, C

A, I

3.1.5 Create forms

R, C

A, I

3.1.6 Add content

R, C

A, I

3.2 Get client approval

R, C



3.3 Program secondary pages

R, C

A, I

3.3.1 Create information pages

R, C

A, I

3.3.2 Create job submission pages

R, C

A, I

3.3.3 Create contact pages

R, C

A, I

3.3.4 Create feedback pages

R, C

A, I

3.4 Incorporate functionality

R, C

A, I

3.4.1 Integrate with Business software

R, C

A, I

3.4.2 Integrate with database

R, C

A, I

3.5 Documentation.


R, A, C


4.0 Testing

4.1 Adhoc testing

R, A



4.1.1 Code revision



4.2 Unit testing

R, A



4.2.1 White box testing



4.2.2 Black box testing



4.2.3 Code revision



4.3 Integration testing

R, A



4.3.1 White box testing



4.3.2 Black box testing



4.3.3 Code revision



4.4 Acceptance testing

R, A



4.4.1 Code revision



4.5 Documentation.

R, A, C


5.0 Rollout

5.1 Roll out web application live


R, A, C

A, I

5.1.1 Install digital certificates


R, A


5.2 One week full support with application

R, A, C

A, I

Table 8: RACI Chart

    1. Quality Checklist

In order to ensure that the output of this project is a product which meets the quality standards that Team7 and Flinders Courier and Cargo have agreed upon, two check lists were formed. The checklists are as shown below.

Checklist 1

Purpose: Ensure the requirement specification meets what clients of the project expected.

  • Questionnaires contain the questions that help to clarify the needs of stakeholders.
  • Tables and figures are generated from the analysis of questionnaire results.
  • Document is produced for the requirement specification

Checklist 2

Purpose: Ensure the design of web pages meets what clients of the project expected.

  • The design plan contains the high-level structures of home page and secondary pages
  • The design of the prototype has the functions the clients required.
  • Clients comment on the design of the prototype.
  • Document is produced for the design of the web application.

Checklist 3

Purpose: Ensure the prototype of the home page and secondary pages meet the requirement specification.

  • The correct company logo is placed on the prototype
  • Tables and forms are created correctly.
  • Pictures and components are added correctly.
  • Correct background colours are used.
  • The nature of the business is correctly described in secondary pages.
  • The pages where clients can submit jobs are correctly built.
  • The contacts of the business is correctly described in secondary pages.
  • The pages where clients can provide their feedback are correctly built.
  • Document is produced for the implementation of the web application.

Checklist 4

Purpose: Ensure the functionalities of web pages perform the tasks that clients requested.

  • The buttons of web pages link to correct corresponding pages.
  • The web application communicates successfully with the business software and database.
  • The application retrieves correct account details of a user.
  • The web application returns correct quotes calculated according to dimensions entered by users.
  • Document is produced for the testing of the web application.

Checklist 5

Purpose: Deploy the web application and integrate it with the existing systems of the business.

  • The web application is integrated with the operating software and database of the business.
  • The digital certificates are installed in the web application.
  • The maintenance service is provided.

The quality metrics that will be used to measure the success of the project in meeting the organisation’s goals are presented below:

Quality Metrics

July 2011

Project Name: SendOnline

The following quality metrics apply to this project:

  • In order for the initial elicitation process for the design of the webpage to be considered successful, there must be a discussion with the client and at least 45% of all questionnaires distributed should be answered. If neither of these metrics is achieved in the elicitation process then the project manager will alert the client as to what corrective action must be taken.
  • All web pages and content must adhere to the Australian standards for web accessibility Policies and Guidelines.
  • All web pages and content must adhere to the ISO standards.
  • The yearly additional profits once project is completed should exceed at least 40% of the investment.
  • The number of hits the web page gets per month should be at least 50% of their current customers.

Table 9: Quality Metrics Table

    1. Communications Management Plan

Project Name: SendOnline

  1. Stakeholder communications requirements:

During the earlier stages of the project, the project team will use surveys, interview and checklists to determine the project requirements. However, once the requirements and figured out, e-mail will be used as the main method of communication.

  1. Communications summary:

The following table shows the main stakeholders between which communication will be likely to occur in order to complete the project successfully. It also contains the name of the communication, the method it will be implemented, its producer and its frequency. The project team will follow the comments and guidelines stated below in order to communicate effectively.


Communications Name

Delivery Method/Format



Flinders Courier and Cargo

Enquiries/ Updates

E-mail/ Phone


Business hours.


Weekly status report



Every Friday at 12:00 p.m.

Table 10: Communication management table

  1. Comments/Guidelines:

  • All communications should use formal English language and no abbreviations.

  • Use titles and dates in emails.

  • All communications between the stakeholders mentioned above should happen through the project manager.

  • Minutes of any meetings that occur should be recorded and posted within 24 hours of meeting.

  • All written and verbal communications should be archived by the project manager.

  1. Escalation procedures for resolving issues:

All issues should be raised to the project supervisor as soon as they occur. The project manager will liaise between the two parties and sort out the issue.

  1. Revision procedures for this document:

Any revisions to the plan will be approved through the project manager.

  1. Risk Management

    1. Risk Chart

The following table lists the potential risks that might affect the project.

Table 11: Risk Chart

    1. Probability /Impact Matrix

The probability / impact matrix for the risks identified in the risk chart (Table: 11) is shown below:



Risk 7


Risk 8, Risk 9

Risk 3

Risk 2, Risk 5


Risk 4

Risk 1, Risk 6

Risk 10





Table 12: Probability Impact Matrix


Figure 3: Network Diagram (Part A)

Figure 3: Network Diagram (Part B)


Information on Corporate Strategic Plan for a courier business, pg 19

Average pay for a web developer as of January 2011 in Australia taken from

Cost for setting up a website from

Calculating benefit for an ecommerce website to sell your products online

SWOT analysis for e commerce

System analyst cost:

MyCareer, Salary Centre. viewed 24 July 2011, <>.

Maina, C 2008, Corporate Strategic Plan 2008/09 – 2012/13. viewed 24 July 2011, <>.

Business Needs, EQUIFAX, viewed 24 July 2011, <>

The post This report presents the appeared first on My Assignment Tutor.



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 Discussion Forum: Counterarguments (Should pit bull terriers be banned in my community) You created a question about the topic for your W6 Rough Draft. For this discussion, you will give an answer to that question in the form of a thesis statement. "Dieting Makes People Fat" Main Post: Share your thesis statement with your classmates. Please note: As with last week’s discussion, nothing here is set in stone. Be open to changing everything about your topic, including your position and audience, as you research it and get feedback from your classmates. Topic + Position/Purpose + Supporting Points =Thesis Statement Example: Suppose the question you posed in the Week 5 discussion was something like, “Should pit bull terriers be banned in my community?” After doing some preliminary research, you have concluded that pit bulls, if raised properly, are no more dangerous than other breeds of dogs. Your thesis statement can be something like, “Pitbulls should not be ba...

Internet Trends and Emerging Technologies

 Seek out the latest presentation by Mary Meeker on “Internet Trends” (if you cannot find it, the video from 2019 is available at or seek out another source of information on Internet Trends and Emerging Technologies . Write 1 page describing what the top three trends and/or emerging technologies are, in your opinion and why.  Are there any ethical dilemmas over those trends and why? (Think about printable like 3D printers and weapons, autonomous vehicles, wearables, findables, etc...).  In your opinion, is this trend good for mankind? WE HAVE DONE THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE, WE CAN ALSO DO IT FOR YOU GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT,  Get Impressive Scores in Your Class CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER   on  Internet Trends and Emerging Technologies Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help?  We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism. TO BE R...

CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today's healthcare system and the future

 Start by reading and following these instructions: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Assignment: Recommendations Document Due Week 6 (100 pts) Main Assignment Recommendations Document The 1250 to 1500-word deliverable for this week is an initial draft of your recommendations. Note that this is a working document and may be modified based on insights gained in module eight and your professor's feedback. This document should contain the following elements: Summary of your problem or opportunity definition A list of possible recommendation alternatives. In this section, you are not yet at the point of suggesting the best set of recommendations but you are trying to be creative and explore all the different ways that the problem or opportunity might best be addressed. The end result here will be a list of alternatives among which you will choose your final ...