MGMT6014 Organisational Best Practice Page 1 of 7
Subject CodeandTitle | MGMT6014 OrganisationalBestPractice |
Assessment | FutureProofing Exercise |
Individual/Group | Individual |
Length | Notmorethan12pagesincludingreferencesand appendices |
Learning Outcomes | PL01,PL02,PL03,PL04, |
Submission | End ofModule6 |
Weighting | 60% |
TotalMarks | 60 marks |
Benchmarking is the process by which organisations measure themselves against their
competitors. There are different types and forms of benchmarking, different purposes,
different measures and different outcomes. Your first assessment asked you to
demonstrate your understanding of benchmarking by providing a benchmarking analysis of
an organisation of your choice against its competitors or lead competitor in the field
(depending on the form of benchmarking you choose to undertake). This assessment asks
you to future proof the organisation by presenting a range of alternative futures and what
appropriate benchmarks and milestone would be to ensure the organisation is maximising
opportunity in those given future states.
For the organisation that you completed assessment 1, you now need to present a range of
alternative futures that could occur for this organisation in response to different
environmental changes. For each of these futures, identify key benchmarks and milestones
you would recommend adopting to ensure your organisation is maximising the
opportunities that each of the futures potentially holds.
Your report should outline the following elements:
1. A minimum of 3 possible future states within which your organisation could find itself
operating in the next 10 years.
2. For each of the 3 futures states, outline how the organisation will need to adapt if it is to be
successful in that future state.
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3. For each of these adaptations, outline what the benchmark measures and milestones ought
to be to ensure the organisation is adapting appropriately as the environment changes.
Output/deliverables and parameters of the assessment:
You should submit a report for the attention of the CEO/Managing Director of the organisation of
your choice which should be no more than 12 pages in length, including references and appendices,
and should include a minimum of 3 alternative future states in the discussion.
Marking Criteria
• Selection of appropriate benchmarks, measures and data for the organisation to future
proof the organisation in the selected future states.
• Appropriate analysis of industry data, trends and scenarios to define the futures states
selected as plausible.
• Critical reasoning skills, including ethical and moral consideration.
• Presentation of the report including referencing and use of appendices, and use of academic
• Effective communication of the need to benchmark and set milestone in an organisation to
future proof operations and strategic intent.
Learning Outcomes
• Examine the role of best practice and its relationship to organisational competitiveness and
develop an effective plan for benchmarking best practice which can practically be applied to
an organisation.
• Evaluate organisational performance against best practice benchmarks and apply these
benchmarks to establish organisational improvements.
• Critically analyse the role of qualitative and quantitative tools which support the
improvement of key processes in an organisation.
• Critically evaluate organisational culture, team structures and the effective management of
human resources and how these can contribute to the achievement of organisational best
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Learning Rubrics
Assessment Attributes |
Fail(Unacceptable) | (Functiona Pass l) | (Proficient) Credit | (Advanced) Distinction | HighDistinction (Exceptional) |
GradeDescription (GradingScheme) |
Evidenceofunsatisfactoryachievement ofoneormoreofthelearning objectivesofthecourse,insufficient understandingofthecoursecontent and/orunsatisfactorylevelofskill development. |
Evidenceofsatisfactory achievementofcourse learningobjectives,the developmentof relevantskillstoa competentlevel,and adequate interpretationand criticalanalysisskills. |
Evidenceofagood level ofunderstanding, knowledgeandskill developmentin relationtothecontent ofthecourseorwork ofasuperiorqualityon themajorityofthe learningobjectivesof thecourse. Demonstrationofa highlevelof interpretationand criticalanalysisskills. |
Evidenceofahigh level of achievementofthe learningobjectives ofthecourse demonstratedin suchareasas interpretationand criticalanalysis, logical argument, useof methodologyand communication skills. |
Evidenceofan exceptionallevelof achievementof learningobjectives acrosstheentire contentofthecourse demonstratedinsuch areasas interpretationand criticalanalysis,logical argument,creativity, originality, useof methodologyand communicationskills. |
Selectionof appropriate benchmarks, measuresanddata fortheorganisation tofutureproofthe organisationinthe selectedfuturestates. 25% |
Doesnotmeetminimumstandard Demonstratesnoawarenessofcontext and/orpurposeoftheassignment. |
Meetsminimum standard Demonstrateslimited awarenessofcontext and/orpurposeofthe assignment |
Movesbeyond minimumstandard Demonstrates consistentawareness ofcontextand/or purposeofthe assignment. |
Exceedsminimum standard Demonstratesan advancedand integrated understandingof contextand/or purposeofthe assignment. |
Exceedsminimum standardandexhibits highlevelsof independence Consistently demonstratesa systematicandcritical understandingof contextandpurpose oftheassignment. |
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Appropriateanalysis ofindustrydata, trendsandscenarios todefinethefutures statesselectedas plausible. 25% |
Limitedunderstandingofrequired conceptsandknowledge Keycomponentsoftheassignmentare notaddressed. Is notabletocomprehenddifferent futurestatesclearly. |
Knowledgeor understandingofthe fieldordiscipline. Resemblesarecallor summaryofkeyideas. Often conflates/confuses assertionofpersonal opinionwith information substantiatedby evidencefromthe research/course materials. Cancomprehendfuture stateswithclarity. |
Thoroughknowledge orunderstandingofthe fieldordiscipline/s. Supportspersonal opinionand information substantiatedby evidencefromthe research/course materials. Demonstratesa capacitytoexplainand applyrelevant concepts. Canclearly differentiatebetween differentfuturestates. |
Highlydeveloped understandingof thefieldor discipline/s. Discriminates betweenassertion ofpersonalopinion andinformation substantiatedby robustevidence fromthe research/course materialsand extendedreading. Welldemonstrated capacitytoexplain andapplyrelevant concepts. Cleararticulation ofdifferentiation betweendifferent futurestatesand theimpactthe differenceswill have. |
Asophisticated understandingofthe fieldordiscipline/s. Systematicallyand criticallydiscriminates betweenassertionof personalopinionand information substantiatedby robustevidencefrom theresearch/course materialsand extendedreading. Masteryofconcepts andapplicationto new situations/further learning. Wellarticulated futurestates,clearly differentiatingcauses andeffectsandthe impactthesewill have ontheorganisation. |
Criticalreasoning | Specificposition(perspectiveor | Specificposition | Specificposition | Specificposition | Specificposition |
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skills,includingethical andmoral consideration. 20% |
argument)fails totakeintoaccountthe complexitiesoftheissue(s)orscopeof theassignment. Makesassertionsthatarenotjustified. Difficultyinformulatingownopinion andlackofrecognitionofethical principlesandcompetinginterests. Doesnotclearlydemonstratemoral ethicalreasoning. |
(perspectiveor argument)beginsto takeintoaccountthe issue(s)orscopeofthe assignment. Justifiesany conclusionsreached withargumentsnot merelyassertion. Difficultyinjustifying conclusionsbasedon moral-ethicalprinciples butrecognisesdifferent viewpoints. |
(perspectiveor argument)takesinto accountthe complexitiesofthe issue(s)orscopeofthe assignment.Others’ pointsofvieware acknowledged. Justifiesany conclusionsreached withwell-formed argumentsnotmerely assertion. Conclusionsare justifiedbasedon moral-ethical principles. |
(perspectiveor argument)is expertlypresented andaccurately takesintoaccount thecomplexitiesof theissue(s)and scopeofthe assignment. Justifiesany conclusions reachedwithwell developed arguments. Formulatesand justifies conclusionsbased onmoral-ethical principles. Canrecognisethe competing interestsin argumentsand identifyethical issuesembodiedin them. |
(perspectiveor argument)is presentedexpertly, authoritativelyand imaginatively, accuratelytakinginto accountthe complexitiesofthe issue(s)andscopeof theassignment.Limits ofpositionare acknowledged. Justifiesany conclusionsreached withsophisticated arguments. Usesethicalprinciples toidentifycompeting interestsandviews. Sophisticated understandingofthe ethicalandmoral positions. Well-articulated viewpointbasedon moral-ethical reasoning. |
Presentationofthe | Poorlywrittenwitherrorsinspelling, | Is writtenaccordingto | Is well-writtenand | Is verywell-written | Expertlywrittenand |
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reportincluding referencinganduse ofappendices,and useofacademic conventions. 10% |
grammar. Demonstratesinconsistentuseofgood quality,credibleandrelevantresearch sourcestosupportanddevelopideas. TherearemistakesinusingtheAPA style. |
academicgenre(e.g. withintroduction, conclusionor summary)andhas accuratespelling, grammar,sentenceand paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistentuseof credibleandrelevant researchsourcesto supportanddevelop ideas,butthesearenot alwaysexplicitorwell developed. Therearenomistakes in usingtheAPAstyle. |
adherestothe academicgenre(e.g. withintroduction, conclusionor summary). Demonstrates consistentuseofhigh quality,credibleand relevantresearch sourcestosupportand developideas. Therearenomistakes in usingtheAPAstyle. |
andadherestothe academicgenre. Consistently demonstrates expertuseofgood quality,credible andrelevant researchsourcesto supportand develop appropriate argumentsand statements.Shows evidenceof readingbeyondthe keyreading Thereareno mistakesinusing theAPAstyle. |
adherestothe academicgenre. Demonstratesexpert useofhigh-quality, credibleandrelevant researchsourcesto supportanddevelop argumentsand positionstatements. Showsextensive evidenceofreading beyondthekey reading Therearenomistakes in usingtheAPAStyle. |
Effective communicationofthe needtobenchmark andsetmilestonein anorganisationto futureproof operationsand strategicintent. |
Difficulttounderstandforaudience,no logical/clearstructure,poorflowof ideas,argumentlackssupporting evidence. Noeffortismadetokeepaudience engaged,audiencecannotfollowthe lineofreasoning. Littleuseofpresentationaids,orthe presentationaidsandmaterialusedare |
Information,arguments andevidenceare presentedinawaythat is notalwaysclearand logical. Attemptsaremadeto keeptheaudience engaged,butnot alwayssuccessful.Line ofreasoningisoften |
Information,arguments andevidencearewell presented,mostlyclear flowofideasand arguments. Theaudienceismostly engaged,lineof reasoningiseasyto follow. |
Information, argumentsand evidencearevery wellpresented,the presentationis logical,clearand wellsupportedby evidence. Engagesthe audience, |
Expertly presented; thepresentationis logical,persuasive, andwellsupportedby evidence, demonstratingaclear flowofideasand arguments. Engagesandsustains audience’sinterestin |
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20% | irrelevant. | difficulttofollow. Presentationaidsare usedmoreforeffect thanrelevance. |
Effectiveuseof presentationaids. |
demonstrates culturalsensitivity. Carefullyandwell prepared presentationsaids areused. |
thetopic, demonstrateshigh levelsofcultural sensitivity Effectiveuse of diversepresentation aids,including graphicsandmulti media. |
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- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team
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