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Assignment 4: Business Planning

Assignment 4: Business Planning


1.0 Description

A business plan is a documented set of business goals, objectives, target market information and financial forecasts that you are aiming to achieve over a certain period. It is important to prepare a business plan when starting or growing your business and review it regularly to keep it up to date. In this assignment, you must write a Business Plan, in teams of two, for starting an Engineering-related business of your choice. As part of the Business Plan, you also need to consider Intellectual Property (IP) issues that may affect your product or service. The plan should be of a quality that it can be used potentially for obtaining necessary finance for the business and can serve as a guide for continuing with the start of the business and its subsequent operations. It should contain the following sections [1]:


Table 1. Proposed Business Plan sections

Cover page Environmental and Industry Analysis Marketing Plan and Future Directions Benefits to the Community
Table of Contents Products and/or Services Planned (Including IP Issues) Management Plan Critical Risks and Assumptions
Executive Summary Marketing Research and Evaluation Financial Plan Timeline
Business Information Business Operations Plan Exit Strategy Appendix

The appendix should contain a diary of all team meetings (i.e. agenda and minutes) and a personal/team reflection on the completion of the project. Some resources that may be useful in preparing the plan are:

  1. The website of Victorian Government that helps business [2] with guides for business plans.
  2. The NAB Business Plan [3]; other bank sites also provide assistance on writing business plans.
  3. There are several books that provide helpful hints, such as Hatten [1] and Covello and Hazelgren [4].




  1. USEFUL LINKS ON Intellectual Property



On completion of this assignment, you are required to produce two deliverables:

A Business Plan Report: The report should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Teams of two. Approximately 2500 words. It must follow the standard academic report format with correct usages of vocabularies, grammar, and language. Paraphrase, i.e. use your own words. Do not copy or cut and paste information from sources. References must follow the IEEE referencing style. Provide in-text references for every source of information and a reference list at the end of your report.


Table 2. Report Marking Scheme

Criteria Clarification Marks
Structure The format of the report 10
Presentation/Layout The quality of physical presentation. Legibility & layout 10
Summary/Intro/Conclusion The scope and quality of information in Introduction, Summary, and


Language Spelling, grammar, and attention to editing and proofreading 20
Content The scope of the research, accuracy of the analysis, and quality of the information in the body of the report. Degree of detail. 30
Teamwork Role of each team member & Participation & Team Self Evaluation 15
Referencing The accuracy of references and in-text referencing 5

Table 3. Oral Presentation Marking Scheme

Criteria Clarification Marks
Structure The organisation of the presentation 20
Content The scope of the research and quality of the discussions 35
Delivery The audibility and clarity of the presenters. Enthusiasm, preparedness, and motivation of the presenters. 25
Visual Aids The quality of the Power Point slides developed for the presentation 20


This assignment carries a weighting of 35% towards your final grade. Extensions of longer than five working days are possible under a special consideration application only. The standard penalty for late submission, without an approved extension, will be 5% of the total possible mark per day. If the submission is overdue for more than ten working days, the work will not be assessed.

3.0 Timeline

The assignment due dates are as follows. Submit only one hardcopy to your tutorial instructor. Table 4. Assignment Timeline

Activity/Deliverable Due
Business Plan Report Submission Monday, Week 13
Oral Presentation Tutorial Session, Week 12

4.0 Desired Learning Outcomes


On successful completion of this assignment, you will have the knowledge and skills to:


Assignment Learning Outcomes
1 Investigate and analyse intellectual property matters affecting the engineering profession;
2 Compare business types, appraise regulatory requirements of starting a business and create a business plan with emphasis on securing funding;

5.0 References


  • T. Hatten, Small Business Management, 5th ed., Mason, USA: South-Western, 2010.
  • Business Victoria, “Business Victoria,” 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed November 2017].
  • National Australia Bank (NAB), “How to write a business plan,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed November 2017].
  • Covello and J. Hazelgren, Your First Business Plan, 5th ed., Illinois: USA: Sourcebooks, 2005.


6.0 Review Criteria (Marking Rubrics)

The following rubrics will be used when assessing your reports:

Level 1 (Very Poor) Level 2 (Poor) Level 3 (Satisfactory) Level 4 (Good) Level 5 (Very Good)
0-2 Marks 3-4 Marks 5-6 Marks 7-8 Marks 9-10 Marks
No obvious structure. No title page. No summary. No table of contents.


No Introduction, Conclusion and References sections.


No consideration to Word


Some structure. Title page present. No summary.

Table of contents inaccurate.


No Introduction,

Conclusion and References sections. No consideration to Word limit

Adequate structure. Title page present.


Only two of the Summary,

Introduction, Conclusion and References sections.


Table of contents accurate.

Word limit met.

Good structure. Title page present.


Only three of the

Summary, Introduction,

Conclusion and References sections in the report.


Table of contents detailed. Word limit met

Excellent structure. Title page professional.


All Summary, Introduction, Conclusion and References sections present in the report.


Table of contents accurate and detailed.

List of Figures and Tables included. Word limit met

0-2 Marks 3-4 Marks 5-6 Marks 7-8 Marks 9-10 Marks
Very poorly presented. No clear margins. Text not justified.


No spacing or inconsistent spacing between paragraphs.

No line spacing.


Inconsistencies in font size/style. Pages not numbered.


Very long

paragraphs/sentences. Lots of empty space between sections.


Headings and sub-headings not labeled and distinguished.

No Figure & table captions.

Poorly presented. Margins set but text not justified.


Inconsistent spacing between paragraphs.

Inconsistent line spacing.


Inconsistencies in font size/style. Pages numbered.




Lots of empty space between sections.


Some headings and subheadings labeled and

distinguished. Some figures and tables captioned

Adequately presented. Margins set and text justified.


Inconsistent spacing between paragraphs in some places.

Inconsistent line spacing at some places.


Consistent font size/style. Pages numbered.


Appropriate length of paragraphs/sentences.


Appropriate spacing between some sections


Most headings and sub-headings very well labeled and

distinguished. Most figures &

tables captioned

Well presented. Margins set and text justified.


Consistent spacing between paragraphs at

most places. Consistent line spacing at most places.


Consistent font size/style.

Pages numbered.


Appropriate length of paragraphs/sentences


Appropriate spacing between most sections


All headings and subheadings very well labeled and distinguished. All figures & tables captioned.

Very well presented. Looks professional.

Margins set and text justified.


Consistent spacing throughout the report between paragraphs and sentences


Consistent font size/style. Pages numbered.


Appropriate length of paragraphs/sentences.


Appropriate spacing throughout the report


All headings and sub-headings very well labeled and distinguished. All figures and tables captioned.

0-2 Marks 3-4 Marks 5-6 Marks 7-8 Marks 9-10 Marks
A very poor attempt at

Summary, Introduction and Conclusion.


The Summary, Introduction and Conclusion address very few of the points outlined in

Level 5

Some attempt at writing the Summary, Introduction and Conclusion. But, not

to an appropriate level.


The Summary,

Introduction and

Conclusion address few of the points outlined in

Level 5

Adequate Summary,

Introduction and Conclusion sections.


They address some of the points outlined in Level 5

Good Summary, Introduction and

Conclusion sections.


They address most of the points outlined in Level 5

Summary includes the purpose, scope, research methods, main arguments, and conclusions drawn.


Introduction includes the background information, purpose and scope.


Conclusion includes the purpose, the main investigated points, achievements, results, and recommendations

0-4 Marks 5-8 Marks 9-12 Marks 13-16 Marks 17-20 Marks
The written language is very poor and cannot be understood.


Full of grammatical and spelling errors. No attention

to punctuation

Written so that it can be understood. Many

grammatical and spelling errors. No attention to punctuation.

Written well


Few grammatical errors and no spelling errors. Some attention

to punctuation

Written very well


No grammatical and spelling errors. Detailed attention to punctuation.

Written very clearly and precisely


No grammatical and spelling errors.

Appropriate use of vocabulary. Detailed attention to punctuation.

0-6 Marks 7-12 Marks 13-18 Marks 19-24 Marks 25-30 Marks
Very little or no attempt in addressing the given project assignment requirements. Some attempt in addressing the project

assignment requirements.

Some key points investigated and outlined.

Adequate attempt in addressing the project assignment

requirements. Most key points investigated and outlined.

Good attempt in addressing the project

assignment requirements.

All key points investigated and outlined.

Excellent attempt in addressing the given laboratory or project assignment

requirements. All key points thoroughly and systematically investigated.

0-3 Marks 4-6 Marks 7-9 Marks 10-12 Marks 13-15 Marks
No mention of the role of

each team member. Only student initials on the Contents Page.

Brief explanation of the Role of each member. Student initials on the Contents Page. Good explanation of the role of each team member. Student initials on the Contents Page. Good explanation of the role of each team member.

Some discussion of the how the team worked together including

challenges and successes.

Detailed description of the role of each team member.


Detailed discussion of the teamwork process including challenges and successes.

1 Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 4 Marks 5 Marks
No references. No paraphrasing. No in-text references. Few references. Incorrect use. Incorrectly formatted as per the style guide.


No paraphrasing. No intext references.

Few references. Appropriately used. Correctly formatted as per the style guide.


Good attempt at paraphrasing with some in-text references.

Sufficient references. Appropriately used.


Correctly formatted as per the style guide.


Very good paraphrasing with sufficient in-text references.

Sufficient references. Effectively used. Correctly formatted as per the style guide.


Sophisticated paraphrasing with effective in-text references.

The following oral presentation Rubrics will be used when assessing your oral presentations:

Level 1 Very Poor Level 2 Poor Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Very Good
0-4 Marks 5-8 Marks 9-12 Marks 13-16 Marks 17-20 Marks
The presenters made very little attempt at structuring

the presentation. No logical structure!


Topic not introduced. No objectives stated.


Presentation not concluded.

Main points left unfulfilled.

The presentation has some structure but with no link

between introduction and conclusion.


Topic not clearly introduced. Objectives of the presentation are unclear.


Presentation not effectively concluded.

The presentation has a defined structure with some links between introduction and conclusion.


Topic clearly introduced.

Objectives of the presentation sufficiently clear. Scope is ill defined.


Presentation concluded.


The conclusion addressed the problem but not

summarised the key points in the presentation.

The presentation has a good structure with links between introduction and conclusion.


Topic is clearly and accurately introduced.


Objectives of the presentation are clear. Scope is defined.


Presentation is concluded

and covered all key points.

The presentation has a clear and coherent structure with strong

links between introduction and conclusion.


Topic clearly and accurately introduced. Introduction grabs the audience’s attention. Objectives of the presentation very clear. Well defined Scope.


Presentation well concluded. The conclusion covers all key points

facilitating clear understanding by the audience.

0-7 Marks 8-14 Marks 15-21 Marks 22-28 Marks 29-35 Marks
Very little or no attempt in addressing the given project assignment requirements. Some attempt in addressing the project assignment requirements.


Some key points investigated and outlined.

Adequate attempt in addressing the project assignment requirements.


Most key points investigated and outlined.

Good attempt in addressing the project assignment requirements.


All key points investigated and outlined.

Excellent attempt in addressing the given laboratory or project

assignment requirements.


All key points thoroughly and systematically investigated.

0-5 Marks 6-10 Marks 11-15 Marks 16-20 Marks 21-25 Marks
Inaudible and unclear.


Inappropriate use of language. Very tense and not confident.


Too dependent on notes.

Reads from notes at all times.


No eye contact. Failed to answer any questions.


Insignificant contribution to the overall presentation.

Audible but unclear. Pace too rapid/slow.


Language is not precise.

Tense and not confident.


Dependent on notes. Reads from notes at most times.


Occasional eye contact.


Failed to provide appropriate answers to questions.


Limited contribution to the overall presentation.

Audible and clear.

Reasonable Pace.




Semi-dependent on notes.

Reads from notes at some times.


Some eye contact.


Satisfactory contribution to the overall presentation.

Audible and very clear.

Fluent and good pace




Not dependent on notes.

Reads from notes occasionally


Good eye contact and body language.


Good contribution to the overall presentation.

Audible and very clear. An entertaining presentation.


Very fluent and very good pace.


Very confident


Not dependent on notes. Does not read from notes.


Plenty of eye contact and good body language.


Excellent contribution to the overall presentation

0-4 Marks 5-8 Marks 9-12 Marks 13-16 Marks 17-20 Marks
No PowerPoint slides Poorly developed

PowerPoint slides.


Too much text on the slides. Poorly structured and inconsistent (font size).


Pages not numbered.


No graphics or irrelevant graphics


Figure and table captions not labelled at all. No references to resources.


Headings and sub-headings poorly labelled.


No video clip

Satisfactorily developed

PowerPoint slides. Some slides with too much text.


Some structure including the title, introduction and conclusion slides.


Pages numbered but inconsistently.


Few relevant graphics. Few figure and table captions.


Few references to resources


Some heading and subheadings labelled.


Poorly developed video clip

Well-developed PowerPoint slides. Appropriate text on all slides.


Good structure including the title, introduction, body and conclusion slides.


Pages consistently numbered. A number of relevant graphics Many figure and table captions.


Some references to resources used. Heading and sub-headings labelled.



Professionally developed

PowerPoint slides. Precise and concise use of text


Excellent and coherent structure including the title, introduction, body, conclusion and references slides.


Pages consistently numbered and sequence graphically shown.

Effective use of relevant graphics


All resources referenced. Figure and table captions properly labelled


Heading and sub-headings labelled.


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