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Adapted from: Patz, Elizabeth. 2002. A grammar of Kuku

Kuku Yalanji Example Sentences

2018 Version 1.1 (17 January)

Adapted from: Patz, Elizabeth. 2002. A grammar of Kuku Yalanji language of North Queensland. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

1x1) Kaba kaday.
kaba kada-y
rain come-NONPST

Rain is coming.

2x2) Yinya kadar warriy.
yinya kadar warri-y
that wallaby run-NONPST

That wallaby is running.

3x3) Bula wulbuman yirrkany.
bula wulbuman yirrka-ny
3du.NOM old.woman sing.out-PST

The two old women sang out.

4x4) Nganjan wunanay.
nganjan wunana-y
father lie-NONPST

Father is resting.

5x5) Juku wubul yinyay janjanay.
juku wubul yinyay janjana-y
tree many there stand-NONPST

Many trees are standing there.

6x6) Nyulu karrkay kaljil.
nyulu karrkay kalji-l
3sg.NOM child vomit-NONPST

The child is vomiting.

7x7) Nyulu bunjil jibabadiy.
nyulu bunjil jibabadi-y
3sg.NOM widow(er) feel.sad-NONPST

The widow(er) is sad.

8x9) Nyulu warrungku ngawuya damany.
nyulu warru-ngku ngawuya dama-ny
3sg.NOM sea.turtle spear-PST

The young man speared a sea turtle.

9x10) Bula jalbubulalangka bayan ngarany.
bula jalbu-bulal-angka bayan ngara-ny
3du.NOM woman-pair-ERG camp set.up-PST

The pair of women set up camp.

10x11) Dubungku nyunguny makunyajiny karrkay.
dubu-ngku nyunguny makunyaji-ny karrkay
ghost-ERG 3sg.ACC meet-PST child

The ghost met the child.

11x12) Dingarangka kaya kanan kuniny.
dingar-angka kaya kanan kuni-ny
man-ERG dog by.mistake hit-PST

The man hit the dog by mistake.

12x13) Yinyangka kubarrangka yalbayngka maral baykany.
yinya-ngka kubarr-angka yalbay-ngka maral bayka-ny
that-ERG eel-ERG big-ERG girl bite-PST

That big eel bit the girl.

13x14) Nganya bambaybungany kubarrda.
nganya bambay-bunga-ny kubarr-da
1sg.ACC sick-CAUS-PST eel-ERG

The eel [meat] made me sick.

14x15) Malalangka kumu karrbany.
malal-angka kumu karrba-ny
spider-ERG mosquito grab-PST

The spider grabbed the mosquito.

15x16) Nganya murrajamundu bakany.
nganya murrajamun-du baka-ny
1sg.ACC stonefish-ERG poke-PST

A stonefish poked me.

16x18) Nyulu yinya ngayku jinkurr.
nyulu yinya ngayku jinkurr
3sg.NOM that 1sg.POSS yZ

That one is my younger sister.

17x19) Jungkalu yinya kaminga.
jungkalu yinya kami-nga
billycan that MM/FF-POSS

That billycan is grandmother’s.

18x20) Yinya, mayi ngulkurr.
yinya mayi ngulkurr
that food good

That is good food.

19x21) Yinya mayi, ngulkurr.
yinya mayi ngulkurr
that food good

That food is good.

20x22) Kami bayanba.
kami bayan-ba
MM/FF house-LOC

Granny is in the house.

21x24) Ngayku ngamu kunamuny.
ngayku ngamu kuna-muny
1sg.POSS mother Shipton.flats-ABL

My mother is from Shipton Flats.

22x25) Yinya, kuyu jalunmuny.
yinya kuyu jalun-muny
that fish sea-ABL

That is a fish from the sea.

23x26) Yinya kuyu, jalunmuny.
yinya kuyu jalun-muny
that fish sea-ABL

That fish is from the sea.

24x27) Nyungu kalka dudu.
nyungu kalka dudu
3sg.POSS spear blunt

His spear is blunt.

25x28) Ngayku kangkal kulur.
ngayku kangkal kulur
1sg.POSS own.child three

I have three children.

26x29) Dingarangka yawu damany yinbabu.
dingar-angka yawu dama-ny yinba-bu
man-ERG stingray spear-PST 3prong.spear-INST

The man speared the stingray with a three-pronged spear.

27x30) Ngayu mayi yalaku dingkal marabu.
ngayu mayi yala-ku dingka-l mara-bu
1s.NOM fruit this-ADV squeeze-NONPST hand-INST

I squeeze the fruit like this with my hand.

28x31) Warrungku kaya jarbabu kangany.
warru-ngku kaya jarba-bu kanga-ny dog snake-INST chase-PST

The young man chased the dog with a snake.

29x32) Jana jalbu jinabu dungay.
jana jalbu jina-bu dunga-y
3pl.NOM woman foot-INST go-NONPST

The women are walking on foot. (lit. going with feet)

30x33) Maral bungkubu janjanay.
maral bungku-bu janjana-y
girl knee-INST stand-NONPST

The girl is kneeling. (lit. standing with knees)

31x34) Ngaykuwundu ngamungku minya yakal naybubu.
ngayku-wun-du ngamu-ngku minya yaka-l naybu-bu
1sg.POSS-wun-ERG mother-ERG meat cut.up-NONPST knife-INST

My mother is cutting meat with a knife.

32x35) Ngayku ngamu yakajiny naybubu.
ngayku ngamu yaka-ji-ny naybu-bu
1sg.POSS mother cut.up-INTR-PST knife-INST

My mother cut herself with a knife.

33x36) Nganya jukubu kuniny.
nganya juku-bu kuni-ny
1sg.ACC tree-INST hit-PST

A tree hit me.

34x37) Ngayu jukubu kunijiny.
ngayu juku-bu kuni-ji-ny
1s.NOM tree-INST hit-INTR-PST

I was hit by a tree.

35x40) Ngayu murrajanga bakajiny.
ngayu murraja-nga baka-ji-ny
1s.NOM stonefish-LOC poke-INTR-PST

I was poked by a stonefish.

36x41) Ngayu murrajamundu bakajiny.
ngayu murraja-mun-du baka-ji-ny
1s.NOM stonefish-mun-ERG poke-INTR-PST

I was poked by a stonefish.

37x42) Nyulu milibu wajujiny.
nyulu mili-bu waju-ji-ny
3sg.NOM jellyfish-ERG burn-INTR-PST

He was stung by a jellyfish.

38x43) Nyulu milinga wajujiny.
nyulu mili-nga waju-ji-ny
3sg.NOM jellyfish-LOC burn-INTR-PST

He was stung by a jellyfish.

39x44) Jarbabu nyunguny baykany.
jarba-bu nyunguny bayka-ny
snake-ERG 3sg.ACC bite-PST

A snake bit him.

40x45) Nyulu jarbabu baykajiny.
nyulu jarba-bu bayka-ji-ny
3sg.NOM snake-INST bite-INTR-PST

He was bitten by a snake.

41x46) Nyulu jarbanga baykajiny.
nyulu jarba-nga bayka-ji-ny
3sg.NOM snake-LOC bite-INTR-PST

He was bitten by a snake.

42x47) Ngayu bubu kidalkidal bayanka.
ngayu bubu kida-l-kida-l bayan-ka
1s.NOM ground sweep-l-sweep-NONPST camp-DAT

I am sweeping the ground for a camp.

43x48) Nyulu Cooktown dungay yabanka.
nyulu Cooktown dunga-y yaba-nka
3sg.NOM Cooktown go-NONPST eB-DAT

He goes to Cooktown for his elder brother.

44x49) Bamangka nganya binalbungal kukuku mayika
bama-ngka nganya binal-bunga-l kuku-ku mayi-ka
Aborigine-ERG 1sg.ACC know-CAUS-NONPST word-DAT food-DAT

minyaka bubuku bamanka.
minya-ka bubu-ku bama-nka land-DAT Aborigine-DAT

Aborigines teach me about [their] language, “bush tucker”, land [and] Aboriginal people.

45x50) Ngayu kulnguku wawu jirray.
ngayu kulngu-ku wawu jirray
1s.NOM bandicoot-DAT like much

I like (to eat) bandicoot a lot.

46x52) Nyulu dingkar ngamunku badiny.
nyulu dingkar ngamu-nku badi-ny
3sg.NOM man mother-DAT weep-PST

The man cried because of his mother. (she had died)

47x53) Jana mayi nukal ngawanka.
jana mayi nuka-l ngawa-nka
3pl.NOM food eat-NONPST baby-DAT

They are eating because of the baby. (to celebrate the birth)

48x54) Ngali mayika kuniway.
ngali mayi-ka kuni-wa-y
1du.excl.NOM food-DAT hit-RECIP-NONPST

We two are fighting over food.

49x56) Ngayu wawurrwawurrmany banaka.
ngayu wawurrwawurr-ma-ny bana-ka
1s.NOM glad-INCHO-PST water-DAT

I was glad about the water. (after a long dry walk)

50x57) Karrkay yinil kijunku.
karrkay yinil kiju-nku
child afraid crab-DAT

The child is afraid of crabs. (they may nip)

51x58) Ngayku babarr wawubajanga kari dungay bilngkumunku.
ngayku babarr wawubaja-nga kari dunga-y bilngkumu-nku
1sg.POSS eZ river-LOC NEG go-NONPST crocodile-DAT

My elder sister does not go to the river because of the crocodile.

52x60) Ngayu Mabelanda babajiny bayanka jirakalka.
ngayu Mabel-anda babaji-ny bayan-ka jirakal-ka
1s.NOM Mabel-LOC ask.about-PST house-DAT new-DAT

I asked Mabel about her new house.

53x64) Nganjiny burrira marijiny.
nganjiny burrir-a mariji-ny
1pl.excl.NOM island-LOC swim-PST

We swam to the island.

54x66) Charlie dungany yarramananda.
charlie dunga-ny yarraman-anda
Charlie go-PST horse-LOC

Charlie went to the horses.

55x67) Ngayu minya milbil bujinda.
ngayu minya milbi-l buji-nda
1s.NOM meat show-NONPST cat-LOC

I showed the meat to the cat.

56x68) Nyulu marrkin dajiny yabanda.
nyulu marrkin daji-ny yaba-nda
3sg.NOM gun give-PST eB-LOC

He gave the gun to his elder brother.

57x69) Ngayu yunu mayi yungal ngaykuwunbu ngamundu.
ngayu yunu mayi yunga-l ngayku-wun-bu ngamu-ndu
1s.NOM 2sg.POSS food send-NONPST 1sg.POSS-POSS-LOC mother-LOC

I will send your food with my mother.

58x70) Majangka kuku yungany bulimananda.
maja-ngka kuku yunga-ny buliman-anda
boss-ERG word send-PST police-LOC

The boss sent a message with the policeman.

59x71) Maralmaral bananga janjil.
maral-maral bana-nga janji-l
girl-girl water-LOC bathe-NONPST

The girls are bathing in the water.

60x72) Charlie yarramanba bunday.
charlie yarraman-ba bunda-y
Charlie horse-LOC sit-NONPST

Charlie is sitting on a horse.

61x73) Dingarangka kadar kuniny majanga.
dingar-angka kadar kuni-ny maja-nga
man-ERG wallaby hit-PST scrub-LOC

The man killed a wallaby in the scrub.

62x76) Kija jambulmuny ngayu dungaybaja Cairnsmuny.
kija jambul-muny ngayu dunga-y-baja Cairns-muny
moon two.ABS-ABL 1s.NOM go-NONPST-again Cairns-ABL

After two months I will leave Cairns.

63x77) Jalbungku kaya kangal bayanmuny.
jalbu-ngku kaya kanga-l bayan-muny
woman-ERG dog chase-NONPST house-ABL

The woman chases the dog from the house.

64x78) Jabujungku mayi kari nukal babarrandamuny.
jabuju-ngku mayi kari nuka-l babarr-anda-muny

A younger brother must not eat food from [his] elder sister.

65x79) Jalbungku balji wukurril jilnganmuny.
jalbu-ngku balji wukurri-l jilngan-muny
woman-ERG bag weave-NONPST reed.grass-ABL

The woman is weaving a bag from reed grass.

66x80) Dingkarangka belt balkany kurriyalamuny.
dingkar-angka belt balka-ny kurriyala-muny
man-ERG belt make-PST carpet.snake-ABL

The man made a belt from the carpet snake.

67x81) Ngayu bambay minyamuny buyunmuny.
ngayu bambay minya-muny buyun-muny
1s.NOM sick meat-ABL bad-ABL

I am sick from the bad meat.

68x82) Nyulu ngakijiy bulimanandamuny
nyulu ngaki-ji-y buliman-anda-muny
3sg.NOM hide-INTR-NONPST police-LOC-ABL

He is hiding from the police.

69x83) Jukijuki warrinwarriy kurriyalandamuny.
jukijuki warri-n-warri-y kurriyala-nda-muny
chicken run-n-run-NONPST carpet.snake-LOC-ABL

The chickens are running from the carpet snake.

70x84) Mabel yirrkay bayanmundu
Mabel yirrka-y bayan-mundu
Mabel sing.out-NONPST house-ABESS

Mabel is singing out from the house.

71x85) Jana jukumundu mayi yilbal.
jana juku-mundu mayi yilba-l
3pl.NOM tree-ABESS fruit throw.out-NONPST

They are throwing the fruit from the tree.

72x87) Yira yangka walany bujildarr miyildarr.
yira yangka wala-ny bujil-darr miyil-darr
juice green.ant enter-PST nose-PERL eye-PERL

Green ant juice entered through the nose and through the eyes.

73x88) Jana wawubajaburr marijiny.
jana wawubaja-burr mariji-ny
3pl.NOM river-PERL swim-PST

They swam through the river.

74x89) Dingkar baraldarr dungandungay.
dingkar baral-darr dunga-n-dunga-y
man road-PERL go-n-go-NONPST

The man is going along the road.

75x90) Yinya mayi ngulkurrmany.
yinya mayi ngulkurr-ma-ny
that food good-INCHO-PST

That food has become good.

76x91) Nyulu kambamanijiny.
nyulu kamba-maniji-ny
3sg.NOM old.woman-INCHO-PST

She has become an old woman.

77x92) Kami bayanbamal.
kami bayan-ba-ma-l

Granny is moving into the house.

78x93) Jana karrkay badamal.
jana karrkay bada-ma-l
3pl.NOM child down-INCHO-NONPST

The children are moving down.

79x94) Nyungu kalka dudumany.
nyungu kalka dudu-ma-ny
3sg.POSS spear blunt-INCHO-PST

His spear became blunt.

80x95) Juma juku ngakun ngankajimanijiy.
juma juku ngakun nganka-ji-maniji-y
soon tree flame.tree flower-COMIT-INCHO-NONPST

Soon the flame tree will get flowers.

81x96) Nyulu kirukarimal.
nyulu kiru-kari-ma-l

He is getting stupid.

82x97) Maral yinilmany.
maral yinil-ma-ny
girl afraid-INCHO-PST

The girl became frightened.

83x98) Dingarangka nyungu kalka dudubungany.
dingar-angka nyungu kalka dudu-bunga-ny
man-ERG 3sg.POSS spear blunt-CAUS-PST

The man has made his spear blunt.

84x99) Bilngkumungku yinya jalbu manyarrbungany.
bilngkumu-ngku yinya jalbu manyarr-bunga-ny
crocodile-ERG that woman wife-CAUS-PST

The crocodile made that woman his wife.

85x100) Dubungku maral yinilkangany.
dubu-ngku maral yinil-kanga-ny
ghost-ERG girl afraid-CAUS-PST

The ghost frightened the girl.

86x101) Muyarabu nganya yararrimanil.
muyara-bu nganya yararri-mani-l
wind-ERG 1sg.ACC shiver-CAUS-NONPST

The wind made me shiver.

87x102) Charliengka yarraman warndimaniny.
charlie-ngka yarraman warndi-mani-ny
Charlie-ERG horse get.up-CAUS-PST

Charlie made the horse get up.

88x106) Dingarangka yinya jalbu ngakiny.
dingar-angka yinya jalbu ngaki-ny
man-ERG that woman hide-PST

The man hid the woman.

89x107) Dingarangka yinya jalbu ngakimaniny.
dingar-angka yinya jalbu ngaki-mani-ny
man-ERG that woman hide-CAUS-PST

The man eloped with the woman. (lit. He caused her to hide with him)

90x108) Bula kaya buji baykaway.
bula kaya buji bayka-wa-y
3du.NOM dog cat bite-RECIP-NONPST

Cat and dog are biting each other.

91x109) Jana dingkar kuniway.
jana dingkar kuni-wa-y
3pl.NOM man hit-RECIP-NONPST

The men are fighting. (lit. hitting each other)

92x110) Bula kaya bijaway
bula kaya bija-wa-y
3du.NOM dog lick-RECIP-NONPST

The two dogs are licking each other.

93x111) Jana bayjaway.
jana bayja-wa-y

They ignore each other.

94x112) Nyulu bulngany.
nyulu bulnga-ny
3sg.NOM shake-PST

He/she shook. OR He/she shook something.

95x113) Maral bulngany.
maral bulnga-ny
girl shake-PST

The girl shook. OR The girl was being shaken.

96x114) Maralangka bulngany
maral-angka bulnga-ny
girl-ERG shake-PST

The girl shook [something].

97x115) Nyunguny bulngany.
nyunguny bulnga-ny
3sg.ACC shake-PST

He/she was being shaken [by someone].

98x116) Karrkay julurrijiy.
karrkay julurri-ji-y
child wash-INTR-NONPST

The child is washing itself.

99x117) Bunjil yakanyakajiny.
bunjil yaka-n-yaka-ji-ny
widow(er) cut.up-n-cut.up-INTR-PST

The widow kept cutting herself. (It was customary for a woman to inflict a number of skin cuts on herself on the death of her husband.)

100x118) Nyulu yirrbanyirrbajiy.
nyulu yirrba-n-yirrba-ji-y
3sg.NOM scratch-n-scratch-INTR-NONPST

He keeps scratching himself. (perhaps because of mosquito bites)

101x119) Warru kanban kunijiny.
warru kanban kuni-ji-ny by.mistake hit-INTR-PST

The young man hit himself by mistake.

102x120) Bunjil yakajiny dunyunku.
bunjil yaka-ji-ny dunyu-nku
widow(er) cut.up-INTR-PST husband-DAT

The widow cut herself because of her husband. (i.e. his death)

103x121) Nyulu wulbuman jina bakajiny mayi bakalbakanya
nyulu wulbuman jina baka-ji-ny mayi baka-l-baka-nya
3sg.NOM old.woman foot poke-INTR-PST food poke-l-poke-SUB

The old woman poked her foot while digging for food. (e.g. yams)

104x122) Ngayu yimbi junkajiy.
ngayu yimbi junka-ji-y
1s.NOM lips paint-INTR-NONPST

I paint my lips. (i.e. put lipstick on)

105x123) Nyulu kajajiny badurubu.
nyulu kaja-ji-ny baduru-bu
3sg.NOM tie-INTR-PST fishing.line-INST

He got tangled up in the fishing line.

106x124) Nyulu jalbu naybubu yakajiny, minya yakalyakanya.
nyulu jalbu naybu-bu yaka-ji-ny minya yaka-l-yaka-nya
3sg.NOM woman knife-INST cut.up-INTR-PST meat cut.up-NONPST-cut.up-UM

The woman cut herself with a knife while cutting meat.

107x127) Jalbundu jarba bakajiny.
jalbu-ndu jarba baka-ji-ny
woman-LOC snake poke-INTR-PST

The woman happened to poke a snake.

108x132) Dingkarangka nganya jina kanban narriny.
dingkar-angka nganya jina kanban narri-ny
man-ERG 1sg.ACC foot by.mistake step.on-PST

The man accidentally stepped on my foot.

109x133) Jalbungku jarba kanban bakany.
jalbu-ngku jarba kanban baka-ny
woman-ERG snake by.mistake poke-PST

The woman accidentally poked a snake.

110x135) Ngayu yinilkangajiny bilngkumundu.
ngayu yinil-kanga-ji-ny bilngkumu-ndu
1s.NOM afraid-CAUS-INTR-PST crocodile-LOC

I was given a fright by the crocodile.

111x138) Yinya bama bulimananda karrbajiny.
yinya bama buliman-anda karrba-ji-ny
that Aborigine police-LOC grab-INTR-PST

That Aborigine was grabbed by the police.

112x139) minya dindandindajiy bayanga.
minya dinda-n-dinda-ji-y baya-nga
meat roast-n-roast-INTR-NONPST fire-LOC

Meat is roasting in the fire.

113x140) Store nandajiy nyiku.
store nanda-ji-y nyiku
store close-INTR-NONPST today

The store is closed today.

114x142) Yanya mayi ngulkurr nukajiy.
yanya mayi ngulkurr nuka-ji-y
this food good eat-INTR-NONPST

This food tastes nice. (lit: is good to eat)

115x144) Marra munjajiny.
marra munja-ji-ny
zamia.nut gather-INTR-PST

Zamia nuts were gathered [by someone].

116x145) Nyulu maral yajarrijiny warrundu.
nyulu maral yajarri-ji-ny warru-ndu
3sg.NOM girl laugh-INTR-PST

The girl was ridiculed by the young man.

117x146) Nyulu dingkarangka minya nukany.
nyulu dingkar-angka minya nuka-ny
3sg.NOM man-ERG meat eat-PST

The man ate meat.

118x147) Nyulu dingkar minyanga nukajiny.
nyulu dingkar minya-nga nuka-ji-ny
3sg.NOM man meat-LOC eat-INTR-PST

The man had a good feed of meat.

119x148) Yinya karrkay kayanda kuninkunijiy.
yinya karrkay kaya-nda kuni-n-kuni-ji-y
that child dog-LOC hit-n-hit-INTR-NONPST

That little one is hitting all the dogs (around here).

120x150) Jalbu wukaymba nubinubijiy.
jalbu wukay-mba nubi-nubi-ji-y
woman yam-LOC look.for-look.for-INTR-NONPST

The woman is looking all around (searching) for yams.

121x152) Jalbungku wukay nubil.
jalbu-ngku wukay nubi-l
woman-ERG yam look.for-NONPST

The woman is searching for yams.

122x154) Kaya mayiburr ngunjanngunjajiy.
kaya mayi-burr ngunja-n-ngunja-ji-y
dog food-PERL forage-n-forage-INTR-NONPST

The dog is foraging through the food.

123x155) Jalbu bayandarr yinduyinduymburr nurinurijiy.
jalbu bayan-darr yinduyinduy-mburr nuri-nuri-ji-y
woman house-PERL other-PERL peep-peep-INTR-NONPST

The woman is having a look through all the other houses.

124x158) Dingkarangka nganya kunjany.
dingkar-angka nganya kunja-ny
man-ERG 1sg.ACC call-PST

The man called me.

125x159) Dingkar ngayku mayika kunjajiny.
dingkar ngayku mayi-ka kunja-ji-ny
man 1sg.POSS food-DAT call-INTR-PST

The man asked me for food.

126x161) Buliman warrundu babajiny kamukamuku.
buliman warru-ndu baba-ji-ny kamukamu-ku
police taste-INTR-PST alcohol-DAT

The police asked the young man about the grog.



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 Discussion Forum: Counterarguments (Should pit bull terriers be banned in my community) You created a question about the topic for your W6 Rough Draft. For this discussion, you will give an answer to that question in the form of a thesis statement. "Dieting Makes People Fat" Main Post: Share your thesis statement with your classmates. Please note: As with last week’s discussion, nothing here is set in stone. Be open to changing everything about your topic, including your position and audience, as you research it and get feedback from your classmates. Topic + Position/Purpose + Supporting Points =Thesis Statement Example: Suppose the question you posed in the Week 5 discussion was something like, “Should pit bull terriers be banned in my community?” After doing some preliminary research, you have concluded that pit bulls, if raised properly, are no more dangerous than other breeds of dogs. Your thesis statement can be something like, “Pitbulls should not be ba...

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 Seek out the latest presentation by Mary Meeker on “Internet Trends” (if you cannot find it, the video from 2019 is available at or seek out another source of information on Internet Trends and Emerging Technologies . Write 1 page describing what the top three trends and/or emerging technologies are, in your opinion and why.  Are there any ethical dilemmas over those trends and why? (Think about printable like 3D printers and weapons, autonomous vehicles, wearables, findables, etc...).  In your opinion, is this trend good for mankind? WE HAVE DONE THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE, WE CAN ALSO DO IT FOR YOU GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT,  Get Impressive Scores in Your Class CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER   on  Internet Trends and Emerging Technologies Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help?  We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism. TO BE R...

CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today's healthcare system and the future

 Start by reading and following these instructions: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Assignment: Recommendations Document Due Week 6 (100 pts) Main Assignment Recommendations Document The 1250 to 1500-word deliverable for this week is an initial draft of your recommendations. Note that this is a working document and may be modified based on insights gained in module eight and your professor's feedback. This document should contain the following elements: Summary of your problem or opportunity definition A list of possible recommendation alternatives. In this section, you are not yet at the point of suggesting the best set of recommendations but you are trying to be creative and explore all the different ways that the problem or opportunity might best be addressed. The end result here will be a list of alternatives among which you will choose your final ...