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verbal responses to written activities (such as questions and answers tasks and case studies) • providing students with large-print copies of the Student Assessment Booklet.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Assessment information 3
Assessment Instructions 4
Preparing for Assessment 5
Student Assessment Agreement 6
Conducting Assessment 7
Following Assessment 8
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions 9
Assessment Task 1 Instructions 10
Assessment Task 1 Checklist 11
Assessment Task 2: Team Planning Project 12
Assessment Task 2 Instructions 13
Assessment Task 2 Checklist 16
Assessment Task 3: Reward and recognition project 17
Assessment Task 3 Instructions 18
Assessment Task 3 Checklist 19
Assessment Task 4: Managing underperformance project 20
Assessment Task 4 Instructions 21
Assessment Task 4 Checklist 22

Assessment information
The assessment tasks for BSBFLM312 Contribute to team effectiveness are outlined in the assessment plan below.
This document is to be used as a guide to mark the assessment tasks required for this unit.
It gives the instructions provided to the student for each task with sample/benchmark answers, as well as any relevant instructions for the assessor.
To be assessed as competent for this unit, the student must complete all of the assessment tasks satisfactorily.
Assessment Plan
Assessment Task Overview
1. Written questions Students must correctly answer all questions.
2. Team performance planning project Students must prepare for a team performance planning meeting.
3. Reward and recognition project Students must research and report on suitable reward and recognition schemes for the case study organization.
4. Managing underperformance project Students must manage a staff member who is underperforming.
Assessment tasks are varied and must be completed over a period of time and, where required, on a number of occasions.
Mapping Guide
A mapping guide is included as a separate document to show how each assessment task maps to the unit of competency.
Additional Resources
The following resources are to be found in the Assessor Resources folder
They are to be used when preparing for, and marking, the assessment tasks
Assessment Task 2
• Agenda Template
• Team performance plan template
• Sample Emails
Assessment Task 3
• Sample Emails
Assessment Task 4
• Sample Emails
The following resources are to be found in the Student Resources folder
Please ensure that the students receive these documents before they begin Assessment Task 2.
• Agenda Template
• Team performance plan template

Assessment Instructions
This Assessor Marking Guide outlines the assessment tasks as shown in the Assessment Plan. It also provides benchmark responses to the assessment tasks. As some assessment tasks require completion of, for example, plans or reports, additional resources are provided for assessors to refer to for guidance with marking where necessary.
Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
Students must fill out and sign the first section of each task’s Assessment Task Cover Sheet and submit it together with their assessment task responses. If they are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission. If they are submitting electronically, they are instructed to print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this and submit the file.
A copy of the Task 1 Cover Sheet is included in this guide so you can familiarise yourself with it.
When you have marked a student’s assessment task responses using the assessment task’s Checklist, you will fill out the middle section of the Assessment Task Cover Sheet, giving each student’s result for the unit as satisfactory (S), unsatisfactory (U), or did not submit (DNS).
Assessment Task Information
This gives you and the students:
• a summary of the assessment task
• information on the resources to be used
• submission requirements
• re-submission opportunities if required
Assessment Task Instructions
These give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed
Their answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.
They must copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for their assessment task submission, including this document’s header and footer.
If the students are submitting electronically, they are to give the document a file name that includes the unit identification number, the task number, your name and the date.
Assessors should use each task’s Checklist to mark their students’ responses.
Print out the Checklist, and fill it in by hand, complete the bottom section. If you need more space than is given in the checklist, copy and paste the page into a new document. Change the spacing to suit your responses, then print that out to fill out and sign.

Preparing for Assessment
All assessors must be familiar with their RTO’s assessment policy and procedure, including re-assessment opportunities and assessment appeals.
Prior to assessment, assessors must thoroughly review each of the assessment tasks and supporting resources prior to discussing these with students. Assessors should ensure that they are aware of the key requirements of each task and ensure that all appropriate facilities, resources and equipment are available.
Assessors must provide students with the Student Assessment Tasks booklet at the outset of each unit, and clearly explain all assessment tasks and assessment criteria. You must also provide opportunities for students to clarify any information and to confirm students’ understanding of the assessment criteria.
Assessors must provide students with the due date for each assessment task for this unit. Students should be instructed to write the dates in their Student Assessment Tasks booklet for each task. Where appropriate, time limits for assessments may be set at the assessor’s discretion.
Before beginning the assessment, each student must fill out and sign the Student Assessment Agreement which is at the beginning of their Student Assessment Tasks booklet, and submit it to you. You must countersign it and keep it on file. Only when a student has submitted their Student Assessment Agreement can they begin the assessment tasks.
A copy of the Student Assessment Agreement is given on the following page.
Reasonable adjustment
Where a student has indicated they have specific needs for assessment, these should be considered and reasonable adjustments made. Reasonable adjustments must be noted in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet for the relevant task.
Some examples of reasonable adjustments that could be made for the assessments include:
• verbal responses to written activities (such as questions and answers tasks and case studies)
• providing students with large-print copies of the Student Assessment Booklet.
• providing more time for students to complete assessments.
Student Assessment Agreement
Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below.
If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.
Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit? • Yes • No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit? • Yes • No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? • Yes • No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered? • Yes • No
If so, explain these in the space below.
Do you understand your rights to re-assessment? • Yes • No
Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? • Yes • No
Student name
Student number
Student signature
Assessor name
Assessor signature

Conducting Assessment
Assessment Context
A simulated work environment is to be used when assessing this unit. Therefore, assessment tasks:
• Reflect real life work tasks.
• Are required to be performed within industry standard timeframes as specified by assessors in relation to each task.
• Are assessed using assessment criteria that relate to the quality of work expected by the industry.
• Are performed to industry safety requirements as relevant.
• Utilise authentic workplace documentation.
• Require students to work with others as part of a team.
• Require students to plan and prioritise competing work tasks.
• Involve the use of standard, workplace equipment such as computers and software.
• Ensure that students are required to consider workplace constraints such as time and budgets.
Assessment tasks are varied and must be completed over a period of time and, where required, on a number of occasions.
Written assessments
• Observe student conduct where appropriate (e.g. closed book conditions)
• Liaise with the student during any projects/research tasks as required
• Ensure assessment timings are adhered to where appropriate
• Ensure the submission date is complied with where appropriate
• Intervene if assessment conditions are not complied with.
• Mark assessment using the model answers and record performance for each question in the checklist.
• Check submissions for plagiarism, cheating or collusion. Where you believe this has occurred it should be reported and managed according to the RTO’s process.
• Indicate performance for theory questions using the checklist provided.
Practical observations
• Practical observations provide opportunities for students to demonstrate both knowledge and skills.
• Observe performance from an appropriate position.
• Assess student performance against the assessment criteria.
• Use your professional judgement when deciding if a student has satisfactorily addressed the assessment criteria.
• Record performance on the observation checklist at the time of observation.
• Indicate performance as satisfactory or unsatisfactory by placing a tick in the relevant box on the Assessment Task Cover Sheet.
• Record appropriate comments and use for feedback purposes.

Following Assessment
As each assessment task is completed and submitted by a student, complete the task’s Assessment Task Cover Sheet to indicate satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If the student did not submit a task by the required date, record DNS (Did Not Submit).
Where the outcome of an assessment task is not satisfactory, return the Assessment Task Cover Sheet to the student and arrange a meeting to provide feedback. You can then make arrangements for re-assessment as required.
Discuss the result verbally with the student and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per your RTO’s re-assessment policy.
Depending on the task, this may include
• resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies)
• resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the project’s outcome.
• redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance
• being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.
Student should be provided with an appropriate time frame in which to resubmit their work, according to the RTO’s re-assessment policy and procedure.
Students should only redo questions that are incorrect; however, they will need to resubmit the entire assessment.
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion.
Where a trainer/assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or collusion, they should report this along with reasons for the allegation. Assessors should refer to their RTO’s policy and procedures regarding training and assessment for further information.”
When all of the unit’s assessment tasks have been submitted and assessed (including resubmissions), print out a copy of this unit’s Final Results Record, included as the last page of this document.
Record the result for each task and the final result for the unit as C (Competent) or NYC (Not Yet Competent). There is also space to give the student some written feedback for the overall unit.
Sign and date the middle section, and give the sheet to the student. After discussing their results with them, the student must fill out and sign the final section of the Record, where they acknowledge the result that you have given them.
When the student has filled out the final section of the Final Results Record, make a copy for them and retain the original with the student’s records.

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Task summary
• This is an open book test.
• Students need to answer all of the written questions correctly.
• Answers should be provided on a separate sheet of paper with the assessment task number clearly indicated, the students name and each question clearly marked.
• Access to textbooks/other learning materials
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet
The assessor will advise you of the due date of this submission.
Write in the due date below as advised by your assessor:
• Answers to all questions
Assessment criteria
All questions must be answered correctly in order for a student to be assessed as having completed the task satisfactorily.
Re-submission opportunities
If a student submits work that is not satisfactory, the assessor will provide written feedback explaining why, as well as timelines for resubmission.

Assessment Task 1 Instructions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Describe two group classifications
2. Describe each of five stages in the five-stage model of group development.
3. When people are placed in a ‘group’ to work there is a chance of ‘social loafing’ occurring.
a) Using your own words describe what is meant by ‘social loafing’?
b) List 2 reasons why ‘social loafing’ is negative for a group.
c) There is more of a possibility of ‘social loafing’ occurring in a larger group than a smaller group. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
d) There is more of a possibility of ‘social loafing’ occurring in an Individualistic culture than a Collectivistic culture. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
4. If you were a ‘team leader’, list 3 things you could do to prevent or minimise ‘social loafing’ from occurring in your group. Describe how each one could do this.
Example: Have rules for all the group members, each team member will be clear and understand what the group goal is. When people know the rules of the group, they know how they must behave in the group.
5. Provide 2 examples of characteristics a group may display to make a team leader think that there could be signs of ‘Groupthink’ within the group?
Example: A team leader may notice some members of the group not speaking up because they may be scared to be criticised by other members.
6 What are three advantages and three disadvantages of group decision-making?
7 List 3 examples of activities or techniques work uses to build or promote team effectiveness. Explain how each one helps build positive team work.
8. What does consensus mean for a team?
9. Discuss two methods that can be used to assist teams reach consensus.
10. List four simple steps for resolving a workplace dispute.
11. Why is it important to have an effective dispute resolution process?
12. Name at least three Commonwealth anti-discrimination laws relevant to the workplace.
13. Briefly describe the objectives of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
14. What is the purpose of the Fair Work Act 2009?
15. In around a paragraph, discuss why it is important for a manager to take into account individual differences and behaviour at work.

Assessment Task 1 Checklist
Student’s name:
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15

Assessment Task 2: Team Planning Project
Task summary
The first part of this assessment task requires you in the role of Operations Team Leader for Football South East Coast to prepare for, organise and conduct a team meeting for your team members to discuss the organisation’s strategic goals as indicated in the scenario information provided to you about the organisation and to facilitate a team planning discussion using the team planning template provided to you by your assessor.
For the purposes of this assessment your team are the Marketing Officer and Administration Assistant and you report directly to the General Manager.
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet for research
• Agenda Template
• Space to conduct a meeting
• Team performance plan template
The assessor will advise you of the due date of this submission.
Write in the due date below as advised by your assessor:
• Completed agenda
• Completed email including meeting details
• Completed team performance plan
Assessment criteria
• The agenda and email must address all of the required content and be written in clear and concise English.
• The agenda must be prepared using the agenda template and clearly show the time and date of the meeting, as well as the duration.
• The team performance plan must be developed using the template provided, reflect the meeting discussion and be written in clear and concise English.
Re-submission opportunities
If a student submits work that is not satisfactory, the assessor will provide written feedback explaining why, as well as timelines for resubmission.

Assessment Task 2 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
Football South East Coast (FSEC) is a sporting association based in a small town on the Victorian South East Coast and is responsible for administration and development of football (soccer) for the Victorian South East Coast. The Association is also part of a state association responsible for the development of Football, the Victorian Footballing Association (VFA). The VFA provides funding to FSEC to achieve its strategic goals which link into state goals for the development of football. FSEC employs a General Manager, Operations Team Leader, Marketing Officer and Administration Assistant. The General Manager provides the link between FSEC and Victorian Footballing Association by reporting to the CEO of VFA on a regular basis, as well as participating in monthly meetings.
Information from the FSEC Strategic Plan is as follows:
FSEC’s Vision is to be the number one sport played through South East Victoria.
FSEC’s Mission is to grow football by supporting members and the football community through, strong leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that secures the sport’s long-term prosperity.
Values listed in its 2015 Strategic Plan include:
• Operating with trust and Integrity with each other, as well as with members and the community.
• Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion of our members and the broader football community.
• Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and efficiencies of good team work
• Innovation through best practice and change
• Openness and transparency in communicating with our members, customers and the broader community.
Key strategic goals are as follows:
• Improve participation in community football, specifically to increase the total number of players by 4% in 2016
• Increase the participation of girls (5 – 18) by 2% in 2016
• Develop strategies to increase the number and skill level of volunteers involved in sporting clubs associated with Football South East Coast
Team planning discussion
The purpose of the team planning discussion is to ensure that strategic goals are met and translated into clear action to be performed by all the team. This will also involve identifying training requirements for the team.
Your small team needs to meet to discuss and document team actions for the following year to achieve the strategic goals. All actions will be recorded in the Team Planning template (provided to you by your assessor).
Complete the following activities:
1. Prepare for a meeting with your team by reviewing the scenario information and the team performance plan template.
2. Develop an agenda for the meeting using the agenda template provided to you by your assessor.
3. Send an email to your team inviting them to attend a meeting and explaining the purpose of the meeting, including details of the Strategic Goals for which you will develop a team plan.
In the email, ask your team members to review the agenda and to come prepared to share their ideas (i.e. to think about the Strategic Goals and to develop ideas prior to the meeting).
Your email should include the date and time of the meeting, as well as the duration. You will need to send your email at least 5 working days prior to the meeting.
Your team members will be organised by your assessor and will include at least one other student, as well as your assessor to represent the positions of Marketing Officer and Administration Assistant. Your assessor will provide you with their email details.
4. Prior to the team meeting, research and make notes on ideas for actioning the identified goals in the Strategic Plan to share with your team members. This should include actions that relate to the strategic goals, as well as actions that can be taken to develop team skills and knowledge, for example, external professional development (provide specific examples).
You could also research the strategic plans of a range of sporting associations to get ideas.
5. At the meeting, you must provide an introduction to the meeting and state the purpose of the meeting. You should also explain the structure of FSEC in terms of the relationship with the Victorian Footballing Association.
You must also indicate to all team members that it is important for them to take an active role in the planning meeting so that their ideas for implementing the strategic plan and associated goals for the upcoming 12 months will be taken into consideration and included in the team planning framework.
6. Work with your team on each section of the planning template. Ask your team for ideas for actions that can be taken to achieve the strategic goals and write them up on a white board. Make sure you include ideas about training and development opportunities for the whole team.
7. Your assessor in the role of one of the staff members will also raise a workplace concern during the team planning session which you will be required to consider and provide feedback on after the meeting when you email the team planning template to the team (see activity 9). You should acknowledge the concern raised and indicate that this will need to be discussed with the General Manager.
8. During the meeting you will need to demonstrate your team building techniques, including clearly explaining the organization’s goal’s, asking effective questions and active listening.
9. Following the meeting, send an email to the General Manager seeking input on the workplace concern. The input provided by the General Manager (your assessor) will need to be shared with the team as part of the activity 10 of this assessment task.
10. Following the meeting, complete the plan based on the ideas raised at the meeting and send it your team via email for comments and feedback (this will be your assessor). The team plan and your email should be in clear and concise English and should be sent to the team no later than 2 days following the meeting.
In a covering email with the finalised team plan, you also should include:
• A request for feedback on the team plan.
• A schedule of meetings for the next 12 months to support the implementation of the actions documented in the plan. The schedule should commence following the meeting date and for the next 12 months. You can decide on the frequency of the meeting.
• An outline of the actions you intend to take to address the workplace concern raised at the team planning meeting and based on your discussion with the General Manager.
• A brief overview of the training and development activities that you intend to implement over the next 12 months to address training needs identified in the team plan.

Assessment Task 2 Checklist
Student’s name:
Did the student: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Organise a meeting with team to identify team purpose, roles and responsibilities, goals and objectives for inclusion in a team performance plan?

Develop an agenda to guide meeting as above

At the meeting, clearly explain strategic goals and collaboratively develop a team performance plan to support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes?
Encourage team to participate in the development of the team performance plan?

Discuss workplace concerns and refer to Manager?

Advise team of identified solution to workplace concerns?

Email the General Manager with the concern raised and seeking input in terms of a solution?
Submit all documents in clear and concise English?

Submit all document in clear and concise English?

Assessment Task 3: Reward and recognition project
Task summary
This assessment task requires you to research, as well as report on reward and recognition schemes that can be implemented for Football South East Coast staff.
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet for research
The assessor will advise you of the due date of this submission.
Write in the due date below as advised by your assessor:
• Copy of your email.
Assessment criteria
• The email must address all of the required content and be written in clear and concise English.
Re-submission opportunities
If a student submits work that is not satisfactory, the assessor will provide written feedback explaining why, as well as timelines for resubmission.

Assessment Task 3 Instructions
After 12 months, data shows that your team has exceeded the percentage increase in the number of new football players and you have decided to recognise your team for their efforts.
Complete the following activities:
1. Using the Internet, research both informal and formal staff reward and recognition schemes and make notes. Research at least five schemes.
2. Send a brief email to your assessor outlining at least five of the schemes you have researched. Indicate which of the schemes you think would be most appropriate for the FSEC team as per the scenario and why.
3. In addition to the above and using at least one of the ideas you have researched, you must also send an email to your team members (this should be your assessor) thanking them for their efforts, as well as the details of the reward or recognition you intend to provide based on their performance.

Assessment Task 3 Checklist
Student’s name:
Did the student: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Include details of at least 5 reward and/or and recognition schemes?

Clearly explain why their choice of reward or recognition scheme for FSEC employees?

Advise team of relevant reward/recognition?

Submit all documents in clear and concise English?

Assessment Task 4: Managing underperformance project
Task summary
This role-play requires you to assume the role of the Operations Team Leader at FSEC and conduct a meeting with the Administration Assistant (role-played by your assessor) to discuss her under-performance and to identify solutions to address the issue.
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet for research
• Space for a meeting
• Fair work managing underperformance guide
The assessor will advise you of the due date of this submission.
Write in the due date below as advised by your assessor:
• Copy of your email confirming meeting outcomes
Assessment criteria
• The email must address all of the required content, reflect the discussion at the meeting and be written in clear and concise English.
Re-submission opportunities
If a student submits work that is not satisfactory, the assessor will provide written feedback explaining why, as well as timelines for resubmission.

Assessment Task 4 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
The Marketing Officer, Sue has complained to you about the Administration Assistant, Jackie. Sue complains that Jackie is often talking to friends on her mobile and so when the office phone rings she needs to answer the phone. This distracts Sue from her work and it is not her main role to answer the phone. Even when Jackie can see Sue is answering the phone for her, she does not end her personal call.
Complete the following activities:
1. Before you commence this assessment, read the following guide about managing underperformance. You will be assessed on your demonstration of the skill referred to under key points for employers to remember.
2. Send an email to your assessor (as though they are Jackie) requesting her to attend a meeting with you to discuss her work. Include a date and time for the meeting.
3. Conduct the meeting with Jackie (your assessor) explaining to her what the problem is, why it is a problem, how it impacts on the workplace and why there is a concern. Use the information included at Step 3 of the Managing Underperformance guide to help guide your meeting.
At the meeting your assessor in the role of Jackie will give you some further information that you were unaware of and you will be expected to take this information into account in dealing with the staff member.
At the meeting you must:
• Explain the purpose of the meeting
• Explain to Jackie what the problem is
• Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace/why it is a concern? Ensure you focus on the issue not the person.
• Demonstrate your interpersonal and communication skills by:
? Keeping your communication clear and simple
? Listening to Jackie and confirming and clarifying information shared
? Asking questions to confirm information
? Staying relaxed and encouraging to build trust and confidence
• Discuss and agree on a solution, using your skills to come up with realistic and creative solutions.
4. Send a follow up email to Jackie within 1 day of the meeting summarising the meeting and the solution agreed to.

Assessment Task 4 Checklist
Student’s name:
Based on the case study, did the student provide a clear and satisfactory response to: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Communicate the workplace issue to Jackie?
Assist Jackie to understand why she is not meeting expected outcomes and the impact on the team?
Demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills including:
• Keeping communication clear and simple
• Listening to Jackie and confirming and clarifying information shared
• Asking questions to confirm information?
• Demonstrate integrity, respect and empathy in handling the meeting
Identify appropriate solution to workplace issues to ensure that ongoing work performance is maintained?
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

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