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Consider three decisions you have made today.

Instructions Sheet
1. Type your answers in a word document and upload the document through the Moodle assessment submission for grading within the strict cut-off date and time. This will be limited to a time frame of 24 hours allowing you to type, complete, and upload. This will be checked by Turnitin as usual.
2. This examination comprises two parts, Parts A and B. Research and prepare answers to all questions in Part A and B. Use a variety of web sources, journals and books to do research, read, understand and then explain in your own words.
3. Part A: Answer ALL the questions. Part A is worth 25 marks.
4. Part B: Answer ALL the questions. Part B is worth 25 marks. Some specific instructions for Part B are:
• Read the supplied case study carefully and answer all the questions given this exam paper.
• Be specific and focused on the issue while answering the questions.
• No marks will be given for irrelevant details.
5. Write your answers clearly; use numbered headings or subheadings to show which part of your answer refers to which question. Example: Part A – Question 2 (a).
6. The submission may be subject to additional verification in the form of a Zoom interview with the Unit Coordinator (or nominee). Inability to satisfactorily answer questions about submission solution(s) will receive zero for the question(s). Interviews would only be used if there was suspicion about the submission and/or additional detail was required.
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Question 1 5 Marks
Consider three decisions you have made today. (Those decisions could be simple such as, taking a turn while driving or even choosing books at a library.) In each case determine the data, information, or knowledge that were involved in the decision. Now consider how those decisions would have been influenced by the lack of pre-existing data, information, or knowledge.
Question 2 5 Marks
Knowledge Management (KM) is an invaluable tool to the oil industry. Justify this statement with suitable examples.
Question 3 5 Marks
Suggest reasons why a knowledge-sharing system could be established between rival organisations (e.g., Mastercard and Visa, Toyota and Honda) for their mutual benefit.
Question 4 5 Marks
Tacit knowledge could be transferred from one person to another in two distinct ways. One possibility is to transfer it directly through socialisation. The other possibility is to convert it into explicit form (through externalisation), then transfer it in the explicit form to the recipient (through exchange), who then converts it into tacit form (through internalisation). What are the pros and cons of each approach? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to one other person, which approach would you recommend? Why? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to 100 other individuals in different parts of the world, which approach would you recommend? Why?
Part A continued over the next page
Part A (continued)
Question 5 5 Marks
How would you utilise knowledge discovery systems and knowledge capture systems in an organisation that is spread across the globe? Does geographic distance hamper the utilisation of these systems?
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Case Study: It’s not what you know … it’s who you know
Please find the case study on the 7th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf file available through the Assessment tab of the Moodle unit website.
Case Study Questions
1. The initial interview and orientation presented a very strong message about the knowledge environment operating at Manic Marketers. What features were portrayed? How did these differ from reality?
2. A mentor has certain functions in an organisation. Identify the types of support offered by this mentor. What else could the mentor have done to help Damon gain organisational knowledge?
3. In this context, the recording of client data is a major benefit to the organisation. Identify the types of information that should be included and discuss how they might have been recorded as codified knowledge. Review KM Viewpoint 2.1 located on the 4th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf and identify the other forms of knowledge which would have been of value to Damon in this initial stage.
4. Using KM Viewpoint 2.2 located on the 6th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf evaluate the social capital factors which were evident in the knowledge environment. What, in your opinion were the key weaknesses?
5. Manic Marketers needed to develop some very different approaches to how they share their knowledge. Identify some strategies which might be considered. How would you implement these strategies? What impediments to sharing can you identify?


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