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ICTICT610 - Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment 1. Manage adherence to copyright regulations

Details of Assessment
Term and Year Time allowed -
Assessment No 1 of 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Assessment Type Written Response
Due Date Week No. 8 Room
Details of Subject
Qualification ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Subject Name ICT Copyrights and Ethics
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and Names ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature: ___________________________
Date: _______/________/_______________
Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name
Assessment Outcome
0 Competent 0 Not Yet Competent
Marks /100
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
0 Student did not attend the feedback session.
Feedback provided on assessment.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following outcomes: Competent
(C) Not yet Competent
Performance Criteria: ICTICT610 - Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
1. Manage adherence to copyright regulations
1.1 Review current Australian copyright law, and in particular its relationship to information and communications technology (ICT)
1.2 Ensure that team members are aware of Australian copyright law and how it affects their work
1.3 Institute measures to ensure that copyright is not breached
1.4 Institute regular reviews to ensure organisational copyright requirements are up to date and team members are adhering to these requirements
1.5 Distribute updated versions if required
2. Manage ethical behaviour
2.1 Review appropriate code of ethics, both organisational and ICT specific
2.2 Acquaint team members with ethical requirements
2.3 Institute regular reviews of team members’ ethical work practices and feedback to ensure correct application of the code
2.4 Ensure that stakeholders are aware of ethics code, and adjust appropriately following stakeholder feedback
2.5 Institute regular reviews of stakeholder understanding and application of code of ethics
2.6 Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of ethical issues
2.7 Institute regular reviews of code of ethics, updating and distributing as required
3. Manage privacy
3.1 Institute a regular review of the relevance of legislation and standards to organisational outcomes, the organisation's privacy policy and procedures, and the work practices of team members with regard to these requirements
3.2 Determine and ensure the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by the organisational policy
3.3 Ensure continued confidentiality and proprietary rights of stakeholders' interests
3.4 Contribute to the creation or updating of the organisation's privacy policy and procedures to align with privacy legislation
3.5 Distribute new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders
3.6 Implement new work procedures and collect feedback from stakeholders
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.
Resources required for this assessment
• Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet
• Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
• This assessment has to be completed 0 In class 1 At home
• The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
• Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
• Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
• Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student handbook).

Assessment - Written exemplar
Part A – Project Case Study Scenario [100 marks]
You have recently joined work as Compliance Manager at BC Software Pty Ltd (BCSoft). You report to the Team Manager.
Organisational Information
BC Software Pty Ltd (BCSoft) is an I.T organisation developing software for schools in NSW. The company has been in business for seven years and employs a staff of 20 people ranging for managerial, marketing and sales, development personnel’s. BCSoft is a member of Australian Computer Society (ACS). I.T staffs are required to register as Professional members of ACS
Organisational Structure

Compliance Manager Responsibilities
• Conduct periodic internal reviews or audits to ensure that compliance procedures are followed.
• Conduct or direct the internal investigation of compliance issues.
• Assess product, compliance, or operational risks and develop risk management strategies.
• Conduct environmental audits to ensure adherence to environmental standards.
• Identify compliance issues that require follow-up or investigation.
• Disseminate written policies and procedures related to compliance activities.
• File appropriate compliance reports with regulatory agencies.
• Verify that software technology is in place to adequately provide oversight and monitoring in all required areas.
• Analyse legislation and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy and apply to BC Software Pty Ltd.
• Contribute to the review and development of code of ethics, and monitor the workplace to ensure code of ethics is appropriate and being applied
• Contribute to the review and development of a privacy policy, and monitor the workplace to ensure the policy is appropriate and being applied
• Ensure the adherence to copyright, ethics and privacy in Project team.
Organisation Copyright Policy
You have researched the organisational website and documents and found following information regarding copyright policy.
© [name of rights holder or rights holders] [publication year]:
e.g. © BCSoft Pty Ltd and contributors 2017
[date of terms of use]
Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner.
The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information, see and
The owners of copyright in the content on this website may receive compensation for the use of their content by educational institutions and governments, including from licensing schemes managed by Copyright Agency.
We may change these terms of use from time to time. Check before re-using any content from this website.
For files downloadable from your website:
• in your terms of use, cover the use of files downloadable from your site as well as the use of content from webpages;
• include the copyright symbol (©), the name of the copyright owner, and the URL for the terms of use, in each downloadable file (if possible, on each page of the downloadable file: once a document has been downloaded, schools may copy parts of it and those parts may not include the copyright notice or terms of use)
• if you invite visitors to your site to download and print documents from the site, make sure that invitation is subject to your terms of use; and
• add metadata to your files covering the terms of use
Code of Conduct and Ethics
You have researched the organisational documents and found following information regarding code of ethics for organisation and staff of the BCSoft Pty Ltd.
Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy
The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct all staff and contractors employed by BCSoft are expected to adopt in the course of their employment, and in the performance of their duties
This policy applies to all staff and contractors and is additional to the legal, moral and duty of care obligations required.
Policy Statements:
BCSoft is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behaviour expected of staff and contractors; their rights; and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behaviour in order to safeguard the welfare of our Clients and the integrity of BCSoft.
Our organisational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code.
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action that may lead to the termination of employment and/ or contractor work with BCSoft.
The Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Leadership Team will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to all BCSoft staff and contractors.
Performance Standards:
• All staff and contractors fully understand and comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
• All staff and contractors have access to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
• Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to a staff member’s or contractor’s immediate supervisor.
Consultation Process:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Implementation Responsibility:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions
It is expected that you will:
• comply with BCSoft's policies and procedures;
• obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor or any other person having the authority to give direction;
• adhere to legislative and contractual obligations placed on BCSoft.
Conflict of Interest:
It is expected that you will:
• not allow private interests to adversely affect your performance or impartiality;
• not give preference to any person or organisation as a result of any private association with that person or organisation;
• make an immediate disclosure to your supervisor when it is considered that a conflict of interest might arise for you or other families of staff;
• advise your supervisor or manager where any benefit has been offered or received from an outside source;
• not seek to unduly influence any person to obtain promotion, transfer or other advantage.
Work Health and Safety
It is expected that you will:
• co-operate in ensuring that the highest possible health and safety standards are maintained through all BCSoft's activities;
• take reasonable care to ensure your own safety at work and avoid adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of any other person;
• use or wear any protective equipment or clothing required to be used or worn;
• immediately report any situation at the workplace which may constitute a hazard to any person;
• report any accident or incident immediately.
Use of Property and Equipment
It is expected that you will:
• use BCSoft property and equipment for its intended purpose;
• ensure that BCSoft property and equipment is properly cared for and maintained;
• not give away, lend, destroy, or otherwise dispose of BCSoft property unless the action is authorised, regardless of the age of the property or damage to the property
Code of Ethics
Ethics are a set of principles by which behaviour can be judged to be right or wrong. Our Code of Ethics sets the minimum standards of behaviour expected of BCSoft staff and contractors.
Guidelines on the Code of Ethics for BCSoft staff and contractors
The guidelines are intended to ensure that staff and contractors of BCSoft will deliver services in accordance with ‘Our Purpose’ and the following principles:
• Staff and contractors should perform their duties with professionalism and integrity.
• Staff and contractors should effectively and efficiently serve our Clients.
• Fairness and equity must be observed by our staff and contractors in dealings with Clients and stakeholders.
• Real or potential conflicts of interest are to be avoided.
Duty of Care
Staff and contractors are expected to practice General Duty of Care at all times. General Duty of Care refers to avoiding doing anything that would foreseeable cause harm to any person. Duty of Care is a requirement that a person, acts reasonably towards others and the public with reasonable attention and caution to avoid acts or omissions that could expose people, for whom there is responsibility, to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury or harm.
Financial Probity and Accountability
Staff and contractors must ensure that in financial matters, including the handling of monies, they are fully accountable for all transactions or advice. Staff and contractors undertaking financial responsibilities, must observe all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, and BCSoft’s financial policies and procedures.
Staff and contractors must perform their duties diligently in order to contribute effectively to achieve the desired performance of their workplace. Any staff member who is negligent, careless, indolent, inefficient, or incompetent in the discharge of her/his duties will face disciplinary action.
Staff must be punctual in attendance, be on duty for the whole of normal working hours and must inform their manager if they will be absent from work.
Wastage and Extravagance
Staff and contractors must strive to attain value for money and avoid wastage or extravagance with usage of BCSoft’s resources. Facilities and other physical resources must be used for their appropriate purpose and maintained appropriately. If possible, staff and contractors should identify improvements to systems and procedures to achieve effective and efficient use of BCSoft’s resources
Courtesy to Clients and the Public

Staff and contractors must be courteous and polite at all times in dealings with clients and the public.
Criminal Offences
Any criminal offence or driving conviction of which a staff member or contractor has been found guilty either prior to commencing, or during employment with BCSoft, except where the offence is covered by a prescribed spent convictions scheme, must be advised to their manager who shall report it to the Chief Executive Officer. If a staff member or contractor is charged with any criminal offence punishable by imprisonment or is subject to legal proceedings in a civil court, the staff member or contractor must immediately advise their manager who shall report it to the Chief Executive Officer.
Gifts and Favours
It is unacceptable for staff and contractors to encourage gifts or favours for services provided in connection to their official duties for themselves or their family. Staff and contractors can accept gifts or favours up to the value of $50 if they are given freely. Gifts cannot be in the form of cash or negotiable instruments. When a gift or favour is received, staff and contractors must declare it to their manager. If staff and contractors believe that a gift is given to induce favoured treatment, their manager must be advised immediately, who shall report to the Chief Executive Officer. Gifts valued over $50 will remain the property of BCSoft.
Staff and contractors are sometimes invited by other organisations to attend events. Staff and contractors may accept invitations in consultation with their manager if their attendance will be regarded as mutually reciprocal or will enhance networking. In accepting invitations, staff and contractors must be aware that they are representing BCSoft.
Staff and contractors must treat all people fairly, with sensitivity and involve them in decisions that affect them. Staff and contractors must be responsible for any decisions made and ensure that they have observed the legal requirements, established the facts and avoid improper exercise of powers.
Political Participation
Staff and contractors may participate in a political party but must advise the Chief Executive Officer when they are endorsed as a candidate for a political party or as an independent in an election.
Outside Employment
Before engaging in outside employment or in the conduct of a business, trade or profession, staff and contractors must consult with their manager to ensure the outside employment will not adversely affect their ability to perform their contract of employment, or give rise to a conflict of interest
Work Environment
BCSoft aims to foster and maintain good working relations. Staff and contractors must respect, and seek when necessary, the opinions of other staff and contractors and acknowledge their contribution.
Reporting of Unethical Behaviour

Staff and contractors must report any unethical behaviour or wrongdoing by any other staff member, contractor or third party to an appropriate senior officer, without the fear of reprisal. Unethical behaviour may include any action that a staff member or contractor believes is a violation of the law, policy, or regulation, or represents gross mismanagement, or is a danger to health or safety.
Equal Employment Opportunity
BCSoft is committed to fairness and non-discrimination to maintain standards of equity, ethical conduct and accountability. All staff and contractors must ensure that BCSoft’s work environment is free of discrimination and harassment.
Occupational Health and Safety
BCSoft is committed to a healthy, safe and secure work environment and staff and contractors are expected to become familiar with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and legal obligations that impact on the way in which they undergo their duties. No smoking is permitted in BCSoft’s facilities, including offices, workplaces and motor vehicles.
Access and Equity
BCSoft will ensure that all Clients, staff and contractors regardless of race, culture, religion, gender or language are equally able to benefit from, and participate in, its activities. Staff and contractors should assist in identifying and eliminating any barriers to full access and equity so that BCSoft can communicate more effectively with its Clients.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
BCSoft retains the copyright of any work or intellectual property produced by staff and contractors during their employment. Staff and contractors may retain the copyright or intellectual property of work only upon approval by the Chief Executive Officer, or if they can substantiate that BCSoft’s time, name, information or resources were not used in its production.
Code of Ethics for members of ACS
• The Primacy of the Public Interest:
You will place the interests of the public above those of personal, business or sectional interests.
• The Enhancement of Quality of Life:
You will strive to enhance the quality of life of those affected by your work.
• Honesty:
You will be honest in your representation of skills, knowledge, services and products.
• Competence:
You will work competently and diligently for your stakeholders.
• Professional Development:
You will enhance your own professional development, and that of your colleagues and staff.
• Professionalism:
You will enhance the integrity of the ACS and the respect of its members for each other.
Privacy Policy
You have researched the organisational documents and found following information regarding privacy information for organisation and staff of the BCSoft Pty Ltd.
Privacy Policy for Websites
This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for the BCSoft Pty Ltd website,
BCSoft Pty Ltd is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service experience. BCSoft is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.
Collection of your personal information
There are many aspects of the site which can be viewed without providing personal information, however, for access to future BCSoft customer support features you are required to submit personally identifiable information. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, or provide sensitive information in the recovery of your lost password.
Sharing of your personal information
We may occasionally hire other companies to provide services on our behalf, including but not limited to handling customer support enquiries, processing transactions or customer freight shipping. Those companies will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the service. BCSoft takes reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.
Use of your personal information
For each visitor to reach the site, we expressively collect the following non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to browser type, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while browsing the Site, page access times and referring website address. This collected information is used solely internally for the purpose of gauging visitor traffic, trends and delivering personalized content to you while you are at this Site.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will use for these new purposes only, data collected from the time of the policy change forward will adhere to our updated practices.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
BCSoft reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use the Site.
Accessing Your Personal Information
You have a right to access your personal information, subject to exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know. You may be required to put your request in writing for security reasons. BCSoft reserves the right to charge a fee for searching for, and providing access to, your information on a per request basis.
Contacting Us
BCSoft welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.
Call: (02) XXXX XXXX
Post: Attn: Privacy Policy,
123 George Street,
NSW 2000,
E-mail: privacy-policy@
Organisational Problem / Issues
Your recent internal audit has identified issues with compliance with copyright, ethics and privacy standards in the organisation.
Below is list of issues identified during the audit.
• Copyright Issues
o Pirated Software: The I.T staff had set up a computer network using the pirated operating software. The staff believed this will achieve great savings by networking the business computer using the software.
o Copyright register: Copyrighted register was missing from the office.
o Copyright notice: Copyright notice was missing from the photocopiers
o Downloading licensed material: Staff downloaded software, movies, music from internet. Completed books were copied using the photocopiers in workplace.
o Company Logo: Staff was using corporate logo without permission in their personal email.
o Photos without permission: Images were published on website without permission or attribution.
o Plagiarism: Project reports were copied from the internet.
• Ethical Issues
o A programmer was trying to write a large database program needed by the organisation. Programmers in BCSoft are encouraged to write about their work and to publish their algorithms in professional journals. After months of tedious programming, the programmer was stuck on several parts of the program. The I.T manager, not recognising the complexity of the problem, wanted the job completed within the next few days. Not knowing how to solve the problems, the programmer remembered that a co-worker had given source listings from his current work and from an early version of a commercial software package developed at another company. On studying these programs, the programmer identified two areas of code which could be directly incorporated into his own program. He used segments of code from both his co-worker and the commercial software, but did not tell anyone or mention it in the documentation. He completed the project and turned it in a day ahead of time.
o A software consultant is negotiating a contract with a local school to design their online learning system [OLS]. He recommends they select the OLS system out of several available systems on the market. The consultant fails to mention that he is a major stockholder of the company producing OLS software.
• Privacy
o Data breaches [Theft or loss: Computers and laptops, portable electronic devices, electronic media, paper files]: Records, including name, Tax File number [TFN] & date of birth, stolen from the home of an employee who -improperly took the material home.-
o Insecure storage or transmission of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive information: Files containing SSNs generated by a web form stored in the same publicly-accessible directory as the web form.
o Password revealed: Staff were using each other’s password to login to computers.
o Computer infected with a virus or other malware
o Improperly configured or risky software
o Insecure disposal & re-use: A computer at a school containing names, TFN’s, and some financial aid information for students was disposed of before the hard drive was wiped.
o Contractor computer compromised: A laptop containing the names, TFN’s and credit card information for school teachers was stolen from the car of a contractor hired to develop software for the School.
Your task:
You will develop and implement copyright, ethics and privacy policies and procedures in report format addressing the issues identified in the internal audit [see Organisational Problem / Issues, Page 12-13]. Obtain signoff from the Project Manager.
Report requirement:
• Introduction [3 marks]
• Task 1: Copyright [30 marks]
o Research, analyse legislation and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy and update the organisational copyright policy and procedure addressing the issues identified in the internal audit
o Develop copyright notice, copyright register, copyright checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to copyright requirement
o Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational copyright requirements are adhering to these requirements
• Task 2: Ethics [25 marks]
o Review and update the appropriate code of ethics policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit.
o Develop Code of ethics notice, ethical standards checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to ethical requirement
o Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of ethical issues.
• Task 3: Privacy [25 marks]
o Review and update the appropriate privacy policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit.
o Develop privacy internal review document, privacy checklist to be used in the organisation to ensure adherence to the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by the organisational policy
o Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational’s new work procedures are adhered to the privacy requirement
• Conclusion [3 marks]
• References [2 marks]
• Document sign-off [2 marks]
• Appendix [10 marks]
Requirements and Deliverables:
Following are guidelines for the submission of assignment.
• Use size A4 paper and leave at least a 3 cm margin. This is the best format for both marking and photocopying.
• Cover page
• Table of content
• Introduction/Purpose
• Header containing, Student Name, Number, Subject Name and Assessment number.
• Page number in the footer at the bottom right corner
• Text - 12 pt. Times New Roman
• Paragraph - Single spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman
• Obtain screen dumps to add to your evidence if required.
• Make a duplicate copy of each assignment for your backup
Assessment – Marking Guide
Task Description MARKS
Introduction /3 Marks
Copyright 30 marks
Research, analyse legislation and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy and update the organisational copyright policy and procedure addressing the issues identified in the internal audit /10
Develop copyright notice, copyright permission form, copyright register, copyright compliance policy, copyright checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to copyright requirement /15
Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational copyright requirements are adhering to these requirements /5
Ethics 25 Marks
Review and update the appropriate code of ethics policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit. /10
Develop Code of ethics notice, ethical standards checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to ethical requirement /10
Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of ethical issues. /5
Privacy 25 Marks
Review and update the appropriate privacy policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit. /10
Develop privacy internal review document, privacy checklist to be used in the organisation to ensure adherence to the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by the organisational policy /10
Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational’s new work procedures are adhered to the privacy requirement /5
Conclusion /3
References /2
Document sign-off /2
Appendix /10
Total Marks /100
ICT Copyrights and Ethics
Student Assessment Report for
BC Software Pty Ltd

Table of Contents
Introduction [3 marks] 19
Copyright [30 marks] 20
Ethics [30 marks] 21
Privacy [30 marks] 22
Conclusion [3 marks] 23
References [2 marks] 24
Document Sign-off Sheet [2 marks] 25
Appendix [10 marks] 26

Introduction [3 marks]
Copyright [30 marks]
Areas covered in the report:
• Research, analyse legislation and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy and update the organisational copyright policy and procedure addressing the issues identified in the internal audit
• Develop copyright notice, copyright permission form, copyright register, copyright compliance policy, copyright checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to copyright requirement
• Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational copyright requirements are adhering to these requirements
? Refer page 5 - Organisation Copyright Policy section of the assessment.
? Website Resource:
o Australian Copyright Council:
o Copyright Act 1968:
o Short Guide to Copyright- Attorney-General's Department:
o Infringement: Action, Remedies, Offences & Penalties:
Your Task
You will develop the following documents:
• Copyright Law
• Copyright policy and procedure
• Copyright notice [Poster, banner,etc]
• Copyright permission form
• Copyright register
• Copyright compliance policy
• Copyright checklist
• Minutes of meeting
Ethics [30 marks]
Areas covered in the report:
• Review and update the code of ethics policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit.
• Develop Code of ethics notice, ethical standards checklist to be used in the organization to ensure adherence to ethical requirement
• Establish a review and grievance procedure to enable confidential reporting of ethical issues.
? Refer page 6 - Code of Conduct and Ethics section of the assessment.
? Website Resource:
o Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics:
o Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Example:
o Grievance procedure company policy Example:
Your Task
You will develop the following documents:
• Code of ethics
• Code of ethics policy and procedure
• Code of ethics notice
• Ethical standards checklist
• Review and grievance procedure
Privacy [30 marks]
Areas covered in the report:
• Review and update the privacy policy and procedure, both organisational and ICT specific addressing the issues identified in the internal audit.
• Develop privacy internal review document, privacy checklist to be used in the organisation to ensure adherence to the integrity, confidentiality, security and availability of information as required by the organisational policy
• Create and update staff with email containing minutes of meeting to ensure organisational’s new work procedures are adhered to the privacy requirement
? Refer page 11 – Privacy policy section of the assessment.
? Website Resource:
o Privacy law
o Australian Privacy Principles:
o Australian Privacy Foundation:
o Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc:
Your Task
You will develop the following documents:
• Privacy law
• Privacy policy and procedure
• Privacy internal review document,
• Privacy checklist
• Minutes of meeting
Conclusion [3 marks]
References [2 marks]
Document Sign-off Sheet [2 marks]
• Fill the document with details
Document Name: Manager:
Start Date: Completion Date:
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have delivered all the stated deliverables at the agreed to quality levels. By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have received all the stated deliverables at the agreed to quality levels.
Compliance Manager Name and Signature:
Project Manager Name and Signature:
Date: Date:
Appendix [10 marks]
• Provide templates, checklist, minutes of meeting, email in this section


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