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OER for Educational and Development

Activity 7 - Open Education Resources Scavenger Hunt Activity (15 Points)

Goal: Students will prepare a report that examines the role of Open Educational Resources to enhancing educational access.  They will also prepare a resource that is shared as an OER released as a Creative Commons License.

Assignment Instructions
Download this file, save it and use it as your template. Respond to each of the questions in the spaces provided in each section. The report should be accurate, comprehensive, and detailed and well written in order to earn full points.

Save, complete, and upload the final file to the designated drop box in the course. This assignment has three parts. This activity is worth 15% of your final grade.

Part I: OER for Educational and Development (5 Points)

Using the following videos, articles and other information you review, respond to the following questions. Be sure to include all websites and resources reviewed and cited at the end of your report.



Please provide brief answers to the following questions:
  1. Provide a brief definition of the following terms:
    1. Open Education Resources (OER)
    2. OpenCourseware (OCW)
    3. Open Source Software (OSS)
    4. Creative Commons license
    5. Open Learning
    6. MOOCs

  1. How did the OER movement begin? How do OER support Open Learning?

  1. What are some examples of OER projects?

  1. What are the types and formats of OERs?

  1. How do OERs tie into UNESCO’s Millennium development goals (MDGs) and educational and economic development?

  1. How do users contribute towards coming up with educational products and how can this be used to achieve ‘equity’?

  1. How does use of open resources address the issues and concerns of copyright and intellectual property rights?

  1. What are the challenges of OER?

  1. What strategies can be applied to maintain the quality of OER?

  1. What are the opportunities for using open resources for both students and educators?

  1. How can educators and learners in Africa and the Diaspora more effectively locate and manage resources that are free for reuse?

  1. How can we (and others in Africa and the Diaspora) compose educational resources that are accessible and reusable? Be sure to talk about the 5R activities described here -

References and Resources

Part II:  OER Portal Review (5 Points)

Review the following websites and videos below and then answer the following questions. You may also review other resources on the web to find answers to the questions below.  

Select two (2) of the following five resources below and answer the following questions in the table below. Be sure to indicate the websites or portals you review.

Open Education Resource Websites

  1. The Open University LearningSpaces -
  2. OER Commons -
  3. MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) -
  4. MERLOT – Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching -
  5. Commonwealth of Learning (Col) WikiEducator -
  6. Creative Commons -

Resource 1
Resource 2
What is the purpose or goal of the organization?

What kind of content is available?

How is the content acquired?

How are the resources are organized?

How users contribute (and use) the resources, the policies of use (if specified).

Part 3: Creating and Sharing OER (5 Points)

Instructions: You now know what an OER is, how to find it, and how to vet it for quality. Now it is time to create some yourself. You will create and submit a web page/blog page as an OER that you create in this course. You will also upload one short video clip and at least one image. You will license your work under a Creative Commons license of your choice.  It is very important to understand stated copyright restrictions and interpreting what you’re allowed to do (or not do) while working on this assignment.

Creative Commons Web Page
  1. Select a topic of interest to you that we have covered in this course.
  2. Go to If you have never used your site, you may need to register to start your site. You may also use the web site you created in Activity 5.
  3. Add at least one new post/page to your site.
  4. Select a variety of content to include in that post/page. Be sure to include at least three types multimedia to that page: text (blog content), images, video, audio, etc but be sure to use a variety. All content uploaded to your page must be original or licensed under Creative Commons content.
  5. Go to Follow the steps to under to decide what license you will use on your site. After you select the type of license you want, the code will be generated.
  6. Copy the code. Go back to your post. Just above the text entry area, click on Text. Paste the code to the bottom of your page. Click on Visual to see what it looks like.
  7. Save the page.
  8. Copy and paste your blog address to Activity 7.

Creative Commons Video
  1. Create a short video clip (no more than 2 minutes long) on a topic related to your blog. You can: i) record the video clip on your phone; or ii) upload a short PowerPoint with your voice narration.
  2. Log in to your Gmail account.
  3. Upload the video to YouTube by following the YouTube prompts. Be sure that the video is your own. See additional supporting videos. and
  4. In the Upload option, see the License and rights ownership section. Select the Creative Commons Attribution option.
  5. Click Publish when done. To verify the video has saved under Creative Commons License, just below the date of upload, click on Show More. The category should read "Creative Commons".
  6. Copy and paste the link to your blog. You can also embed the video to your blog by copying the code. Do the following: Just below your video: 1) Locate the Share button; 2) A pop-up window opens up. Find Share a Link; 3) Click on Embed; 4) Select the Code that pops up and Copy it.
  7. Copy the code. Go back to your post. Just above the text entry area, click on Text. Locate where you want to place your video. Click on Visual to see what it looks like.
  8. Save the page.
  9. Also copy and paste the link to Activity 7.

Creative Commons Images
1.       Take at least 1 photo with your phone or camera on a topic related to your area of interest.
2.       Go to Flickr and sign in or sign up. Flickr is affiliated with Yahoo if you have a Yahoo email address.
3.       Click on the Upload icon on the top right side of the page and upload the photos.
4.       Save the photos.
5.       On the Photo information page in PhotoStream, select on the dropdown menu to select the CC license you wish to use. You can also use this link for more information on uploading to Flickr -
6.       Copy and paste the image(s) links to your blog page.
7.       Also copy and paste the link to Activity 7.


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