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Project Procurement Management’ • Also retrieved from

Subject Planner
Course: Contracts and Procurement
Subject length: 6 Modules Subject code and title: PROJ 6004
Course development completion: 15/02/2016
Pre-requisites: None
Subject Description
Procurement and contracts are integral to successful project management. In this course, students learn about planning for purchases and acquisitions, requests for proposal, vendor selection, contract administration, and contract closure. Students learn how to approach key issues with regard to short and long-term contracts, and small and large contracts. Topics covered include the examination of procurement strategies, responsiveness, and supplier-client
relationships. Students will also examine tendering, bidding and order management processes, relevant legal and commercial implications, as well as
managing the relationship between buyer and seller, assessing vendor performance, contract change control, and conflict resolution
Subject Modules
Module 1 Introduction to contracts and procurement
Module 2 Procurement process, strategies, approaches including key issues with regards to contracts
Module 3 Procurement management: financial aspects
Module 4 Procurement documentation, procurement constraints and contract negotiations
Module 5 Performance based contracting and vendor management
Module 6 Managing relationships and project close
Course texts and other learning resources (common to all Modules)
Essential Learning Resources (apply to all Modules and Assessments)
Project Management Institute. (2013a). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author.
• Chapter 12, ‘Project Procurement Management’ • Also retrieved from
Macbeth, D. K., & Project Management Institute. (2012). Procurement and supply in projects: Misunderstood and under-researched. Newtown Square, Pa: Project Management Institute. Retrieved from Research/~/media/Members/Research/Procurement_FinalPDF_member.ashx
Government of South Australia, Auditor General’s Department. (2015). Supplementary Report of the Auditor-General for the year ended 30 June 2015. (2015).
• New Royal Adelaide Hospital Report November 2015.
• Retrieved from; and
Government of South Australia, State Procurement Board. (2014). Procurement Authority and Accreditation. Accreditation – Better Best Practice Handbooks.
• Category One Leadership and Strategy
• Category Two Organisation and People
• Category Three Governance and Performance Management
• Category Four Processes and Systems
• Category Five Relationships - Internal and External
• Retrieved from
Sollish, F., & Semanik, J. (2012). The procurement and supply manager’s desk reference. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wiley. [Vital Source e-reader]. Note: Particular Chapters of this essential course text that require careful reading prior to particular Modules (e.g. M1, M2 or M3, etc.) is further clarified in the respective modules.
Highly Recommended Reading (Applies to all Assessments)
• KPMG International (2015). Public Private Partnership. Retrieved from https:/ / AU/ en/ IssuesAndInsights/ ArticlesPublications/ Documents/ public-private-partnerships-june-2015.pdf
• Haapio, Helena, & Project Management Institute. (2007). An ounce of prevention--contracting for project success and problem prevention, An Ounce of Prevention… Contracting for Project Success and Problem Prevention, Retrieved from
• Silver, Edward A., & Project Management Institute (1987) The timing and sizing of procurement and logistics actions in large scale projects Retrieved from
• Hartman, Francis T., & Project Management Institute (1997) Understanding Risk in Construction Contracts Retrieved from
• Shaw, Carol Lyle. (2012). Virtual Team Success Pyramid. Retrieved from z1LLKAhViYKYKHZRqDYwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=RfXY54qHeGRu8M%3A
Other Learning Resource
• Fast Project Plans (2013). Fast project plans: Procurement management plan template. Retrieved from:
• Piscopo, M. (2013). Project Management Plan: Free Project Management Templates: Procurement Management Plan. Retrieved from:
• There is an abundance of material accessible via the Internet, the PMI website and from journal articles which describe and document the experiences and lessons learnt from contracts and procurement initiatives with a high degree of complexity. Students are encouraged to research all of identified subject learning resources and/or broader Internet base.
Note: Other Learning Resources (specific) have been identified in the tables below and also in particular modules.
Subject Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area
2. Apply judgement and initiative in the development of a ‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project management, identifying the external factors that need to be considered and mitigated for in every instance
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and successful project outcomes
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
1 Introduction to procurement and contracts.
As part of Module 1 students will get an introduction to
Procurement and briefly look at the procurement in the context of project life cycle, explore impact of leadership, governance and organisation aspects in procurement consideration. 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement
and initiative in
the development of ‘best practice’ Module 1
Students are encouraged to review the Essential and Highly
Recommended Resources
(identified above) and discuss the sub-topics from Module 1 (refer
2nd column) as part of discussion board review.
Particular attention is drawn to the Case Study, new Royal
Adelaide Hospital Auditor General
Report and the South Australian
Government Better Practice Handbooks – which requires careful review to grasp the range of issues (e.g. project program,
governance, reporting, risk
management, In addition to the Essential and Highly Recommended Learning Resources identified above, the
following additional Learning Resources are recommended for Module 1 are :
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014a). The evolution of sourcing [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Dotoli, M. M., & Falagario, M. M. (2012). A hierarchical model for optimal supplier selection
Individual preparation (and pre-reading of Case Study and Essential Learning Resources) is vital for Assessment 1 Individual Report and also important input to other Assessments.
Assessment 2a discussions will be required to be submitted by end of Module 1,
2, 3 and 4.
15% Weighting.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
Module 1 will also consider
Procurement and Contracts from a global context (including supply chain), explore key roles and responsibilities of project manager and procurement manager.
Students will also gain an understanding of the procurement scope, briefs and specifications and explore planning and execution of procurement strategies through the short videos (refer end of this table). contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the external factors that need to be considered and mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and
successful project outcome budgetary and financial management, etc.) including contract and procurement aspects.
Reflection is a key element of the learning journey and students are encouraged to:
• Research and look back at the history (when, what, how and who) associated with the Case Study project and the positive outcomes it aims to generate over the whole-of-life of the
• Exchange ideas with other students to improve their understanding of all Learning Resources (Essential, Highly
Recommended and Other
Learning Resources) through the discussion forum looking at particular issues from sub-topics in Module 1 as applied to the Case Study and explore ideas and in multiple sourcing contexts. International Journal Of Production Research, 50(11), 2953- 2967.
Hazlett, S., McAdam, R., & Beggs, V. (2008). An exploratory study of knowledge flows: a case study of public sector procurement. Total
Quality Management & Business Excellence, (1-2).
Vijayvagy, L. (2012). Decision framework for supplier selection through multi criteria evaluation models in supply chain. International Journal Of
Management &
Innovation, 4(2), 16-28.
Boyce, T., & Lake, C.
(2009). Chapter 6:
Begin module 1 individual participation in the discussions- based on review of the Case Study and other course Learning Resources. As detailed in Assessment 2a brief.
Discussions are designed to be student initiated to discuss the theory and n(RAH) case study resources . Each module will build on information discussed in the previous module, forming a continuous dialog about the subject theory and case study.
Module 1 discussion topic. To participate in this discussion, research and look back at the history associated with the case study project (when, what, how and who), and discuss the positive outcomes it aims to generate over the whole-of-life of the procurement.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
thoughts on what they would do in certain situations Principles of commercial risk management. In,
Commercial Manager (pp. 185-215). Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009). Chapter 7: Post- delivery risk. In, Commercial Manager (pp. 217-242).
Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
2 Procurement
process, strategies, approaches and key issues with regards to Contracts
In Module 2 students
will explore the
procurement processes, strategies, approaches and key issues with regards to contracts. 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area. Module 2
Students are encouraged to
review the Essential and Highly Recommended Resources (noted at pages 1 and 2 of this document).
As part of Reflection students are encouraged to:
• Seek input or comments from other students on the subtopics (as noted in the 2nd column of this Subject planner) or the short videos In addition to the Essential and Highly Recommended Learning Resources identified above, the following
Learning Resources are recommended for Module 2:
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009). Chapter 6: Principles of commercial risk management. In,
Commercial Manager (pp.
Assessment 1 involves a 2,400 word Individual Report including the student’s Reflection Journal.
This Individual Report will aim to bring together student’s review and analysis of the Case Study with focus on project contracts and procurement management issues. It will require students to uncover complexities and identify range of possible solutions.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
As part of key
issues, risk
management and
risk mitigation aspects will be considered in greater depth – in particular to explore the Essential Learning
Resources (Case Study) and understand its importance – both from issues that
have arisen in the past and efforts that needs to be put-in to ensure successful completion. 2. Apply judgement
and initiative in the development of
‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the external factors that need to be considered and mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and successful project outcome to improve not only their own understanding but that of the wider groups and teams.
• Explore ideas on different procurement methods, with in-depth review of the Public Private Partnership (PPP-type) procurement method, with particular consideration to the
KPMG Document (refer Highly Recommended Learning resource, above).
Important Note: As part of the engagement for Module 2 students will be assigned to Groups (with up to 4 members per group). The aim is to for students to get to know each other and establish Virtual Team and team guidelines.
Reference is drawn to the Essential Learning Resource (Virtual Team Pyramid). 185-215). Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009). Chapter 7: Post- delivery risk. In, Commercial Manager (pp. 217-242).
Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Liu, S., & Lin, J. (2010). An agile and diversified supply chain: reducing operational risks.
Competitiveness Review:
An International Business Journal, 20(3), 222-234. (In Blackboard)
Project Management
Institute. (2014). How to mitigate project risks.
Retrieved from:
Demand_Webinars/Mitiga te-Project-Risks.aspx
Reflection Journal
(incorporating Module 1 and Module 2 reflection record) will also be required to be submitted to the Learning
Facilitator. It will be assessed as part of the Assessment 1.
Assessment 1 Task is to be progressed as part of Modules 1 and 2 and submitted by the end of Module 3.
It will be assessed using Assessment Brief (and associated Scoring Rubrics) for Assessment 1.
40% Weighting.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
Reflection Journals should also Project Management Module 2 discussion topic
record a critical self-reflection of how they would apply some of the learnings in their own professional development as project / procurement / contract managers and how they established an approach to work together effectively within their assigned Virtual Teams. Institute (2011). Project Management Processes for the True Beginner: Risk Management Planning.
Retrieved from:
Demand_Webinars/Risk- Management- Planning.ashx
Salonen, A. (2010).
Reducing supplier risk: how finance and procurement can work together to manage working capital, enforce controls, and formulate corporate strategy.
Strategic Finance, (12). 41.
Murray, K. (1998). Risk management: Beyond the textbooks. PM Network, 53-57. Retrieved from:
http://marketplace.pmi.or g/Pages/ProductDetail.aspx?G MProduct=001003550 00
To participate in this discussion consider module 2 topics including the short videos.
Explore ideas on different procurement methods, including an in-depth review of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) procurement method, giving particular consideration to the KPMG Document (refer to the Highly Recommended Learning resource).
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
3 Procurement management:
financial aspects
As part of Module 3, students will understand financial aspects of procurement, will review total cost of procurement
(including products and services), identify financial aspects of contracts and inter- dependencies with risks, explore risks/mitigations and opportunity creation through improved Contract
Management. 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement
and initiative in the development of
‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the Module 3:
Engagement activity will involve watching selected short videos (from the list provided at the end of this table for Module 3) and exploring learnings on sub- topics from Modules 3 (refer 2nd column of this document) and by participating in discussions board.
Particular issues relating to the
Case Study (new Royal Adelaide Hospital Auditor General Report) will also be explored. These issues are noted in column 6 – Assessment 2a.
The focus of the engagement exercise will be for individuals to explore key financial risks and exposure that exists in complex projects and how they apply to the Case Study project over the remaining project life In addition to the Essential and Highly Recommended Learning Resources identified above, other particular Learning
Resources for Module 3 are:
Micheli, G., Cagno, E., & Di Giulio, A. (2009). Reducing the total cost of supply through risk-efficiency- based supplier selection in the EPC industry. Journal of Purchasing & Supply
Management, 15(3), 166– 177 (In Blackboard)
Module 3 discussion topic
To participate in this discussion consider module 3 topics on financial risks.
Discuss the general procurement and financial risks require to be managed for complex projects; what are the Specific financial risks that remained for the nRAH project to completion at the audit writing? And the possible risk mitigation actions according to better practice guidelines published by State
Procurement Board of South Australia or benchmarked against PPP- procurement excellence (reference KPMG Essential Learning resource).
15% Weighting.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
external factors that need to be considered and mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and
successful project outcome cycle (in particular risks up to Project Handover and through the Operating life), reach alignment on key financial themes and risks, benchmark and develop possible lessons learnt when compared with better practices or excellence in procurement and contracts management (including PPP- procurement).
Student’s Reflection Journal should also record any important aspects from the discussion board participation in the context of
Module 3 sub- topics (see 2nd column), the initiative and judgement they applied to the questions (refer 6th column) to progress Assessment 2a. Reflection Journals should also record a critical self-reflection of how they would apply some of the learnings in their own professional development as project / procurement / contract managers.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
4 Procurement documentation, procurement constraints and contract negotiation Module 4 will build the students understanding on procurement documentation, constraints and contract negotiation aspects. It will also explore standardised procurement documentation and standard contracts. Individual and Group review will be undertaken to unpack the negotiation of complex issues for the Case Study (new Royal Adelaide Hospital) and also to 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement
and initiative in the development of
‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the external factors that need to be considered and Module 4:
Further engagement activities will involve discussion board participation by individuals. In addition to the Essential and Highly Recommended Learning Resources identified above, other particular
Learning Resources are recommended for Module 4 are :
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009).
Chapter 5: Negotiation. In, Commercial Manager (pp. 155-181). Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Duggal, J. (2010). Negotiating — A winning skill. Retrieved from: ledge-Center/Publications- Community-Post-
Archive/Negotiating-A- Winning-Skill.aspx
Lechler, T., & Byrne, J. C. (2010). The mindset for creating project value. Newtown Square, Pa:
Project Management
Assessment 2b, Group Summary Report to be prepared by assigned Groups in two parts and a maximum of 1,400 Words. Group Summary is a consolidated and agreed position within each group following discussion board participation.
Assessment 2b Tasks are to be submitted by the end of Module 5.
15% Weighting.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
develop a line-of- sight to any further required contract completion negotiations and the external factors that may apply. Key themes will be developed within the Groups. mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and
successful project outcome It is most important for the engagement process to remain positive and explore solutions rather than just criticise the obvious issues.
Student’s Reflection Journal should record any important aspects from learnings from Virtual Team concept and how they participated or led discussion to develop solutions.
Reflection Journal should also record critical self-appraisal of professional development initiatives that students will implement in their current role as project / procurement / contract managers – applying the learnings from Module 4 engagement. Institute. Retrieved from: ledge-Center/Research-
Research/~/media/Memb ers/Research/MindsetCrea tingProjectValue_Member.
Module 4 discussion topic
To participate in this discussion consider module 4 topics on procurement documents and negotiation.
Review the areas where further vendor negotiations and management where either successful or could have required further attention to achieve successful contract completion for the Case Study project. Similarly, Identify areas of key accountability for Project
Manager and Procurement
Manager to facilitate successful outcomes generally and also for the Case Study example.
5 Performance-based contracting and vendor management 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management Module 5:
A crucial part of the engagement will be within the Groups (and through discussion board participation) to develop and consolidate ideas and The following are other additional
Highly Recommended Learning Resource pertaining to Module 5: Assessment 3 – will require to be undertaken progressively through Modules 5 and 6 and will involve an individual/Group
Report and a maximum of
1,800 Words
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
Module 5 will explore the performance-based contracting model and also explore how this was applied in the Case Study example (new
Royal Adelaide Hospital) using publicly available information.
It will enhance student knowledge on ways to establish
criteria, how to monitor performance and key contract terms and conditions that drive performance outcomes.
Students will also learn about contract administration, approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement
and initiative in the development of
‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the external factors that need to be considered and mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement themes pertaining to
“performance-based outcomes” or alternate contracting models that could have been applied to the Case Study (new Royal Adelaide Hospital project) to ensure successful Completions
effort and input into Assessment 3.
Reflection Journal should also
record critical self-appraisal of professional development initiatives that students will implement in their current role as project / procurement / contract managers – applying the learnings from Module 5engagement. Contracting: Assuring
Value, KPMG 2015 Retrieved from x/en/home/insights/2015/ 03/contracting-assuring- value.html
Outcome based contracting, Corrs. Retrieved from
blications/corrs-in- brief/outcome-based- contracting-is-on-the-up- who-s-doing-it-why-and- what-you-need-to-know- about-it/
Other recommended Learning Resources for Module 5 are:
Khan, S. (2013). Unwritten ground rules (UGRS) in public procurement in developing countries. Journal Of Public
Procurement, 13(2), 176- 214.
which will require to be completed by end of Module
Student’s Reflection Journal (updates) will also be required to be submitted to the Learning Facilitator as part of the Assessment 3.
Assessment 3 will be assessed after Module 6.
30% Weighting.
Assessment 3 will help students to get broader perspective by working together in virtual Teams or Groups, sharing of ideas and develop opportunity to co- lead or drive Group outcomes.
Assessment 3 will be delivered as a Group PowerPoint presentation – in the F2F class.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
contract manager and Milosevic, D., Djuric, M.,
management, project manager Filipovic, J., & Ristic, S.
explore the necessary to (2013). Benchmarking as a
In such a situation
contractor’s role ensure Quality Management Tool
the PowerPoint shall
various types of stakeholder in Public Administration.
comprise approximately 18
contracting models satisfaction and Engineering Economics,
slides representing the four
and in particular successful project 24(4), 364-372.
parts of the Group Report in
Contractor’s role in outcome doi:10.5755/
a condensed summary form.
facilitating 85
Refer to Assessment 3 for
outcomes within the overall project constraints. Project Management
Institute. (2013). PMI’s Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct.
Retrieved from: t-Us/Ethics/Code-of- Ethics.aspx (A)
Meybodi, M. Z. (2013).
Alignment of strategic benchmarking performance measures: a lean manufacturing perspective. Advances In Competitiveness Research, (1-2), 14.
Bender, L. (2014). Effective
Vendor Management,
further details.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
Collector (0010082X), 79(8), 9-50.
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009). Chapter 2: The contract. In, Commercial Manager (pp. 31-72).
Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Boyce, T., & Lake, C. (2009). Chapter 3: Contract performance. In,
Commercial Manager (pp. 73-107). Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement
(DFARS) and Procedures,
Guidance, and Information (PGI) Retrieved from pap/dars/dfarspgi/current /index.html
Federal Acquisition Regulation Retrieved from
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
6 Managing relationships and project close.
Module 6 will explore ways to manage relationships with procurement stakeholders in complex projects and understanding key processes that will ensure effective procurement.
Students will also learn about ways to manage relationships with Suppliers and Vendors within the bounds of ethics and transparency. Students will also explore Supplier development
strategies, best practices, emerging 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with contract and procurement management approaches and make recommendations to global project sponsors with regard to ‘best practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement
and initiative in the development of
‘best practice’ contract and procurement process for global project
identifying the external factors that need to be considered and Module 6:
The engagement activities includes discussion blackboard on the sub-topics (refer 2nd column) of Module 6 and consider “if…then” thinking to explore innovative approaches to relationship management and project closure.
In particular, students are encouraged to explore Client Values and Beliefs and how these may improve Client- Supplier relationships.
Reflection Journal should also record critical self-appraisal of professional development initiatives that students will implement in their current role as project / procurement / contract managers – applying the learnings from Module 6 engagement. Other Highly
Recommended Learning Resources for Module 6 are:
Project Management
Institute. (2013). PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Retrieved from: tUs/Ethics/Code-of-
Ethics.aspx (A)
Bender, L. (2014). Effective
Vendor Management, Collector (0010082X), 79(8), 9-50.
Assessment 3 – will require to be undertaken progressively through Modules 5 and 6 and will involve an individual/Group Report and a maximum of 1,800 Words which will require to be completed by end of Module 6.
Student’s Reflection Journal (updates) will also be required to be submitted to the Learning Facilitator as part of the Assessment 3.
Assessment 3 will be assessed after Module 6.
30% Weighting.
Module - Week Topic Subject learning outcomes addressed Engagement Activities Resources Assessment
trends and effective contract
processes. Students will also identify critical project closure documentation and lessons learnt. mitigated for in every instance.
3. Analyse the responsibilities of the procurement manager and project manager necessary to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and
successful project outcome
In the alternate, Assessment 3 may be delivered as a Group PowerPoint presentation – in a F2F class. In such a situation the PowerPoint shall comprise approximately 18 slides representing the four parts of the Group Report in a condensed summary form. Refer to Assessment 3 for further details.
Short Videos on Procurement and Contracts Management (Note - these videos are less than 4 or 5 minutes viewing time per video and it is expected that students will view these prior to each Module)
Videos to be viewed as part of Module 1 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2014, May 22). Introduction to Procurement: What is Procurement? (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Identifying and Analysing Needs for Procurement (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Communicating the value of procurement (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Developing a Scope of Work (Online video). Retrieved from
Videos to be viewed as part of Module 2 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2014, May 22). Introduction to Procurement: Procurement Process in 5 stages (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Stakeholder Engagement for Procurement (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Profiling the Supply Market (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Competition in the Supply Market (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Developing a Market Engagement Strategy (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Executing your Go-to-Market Strategy (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Issuing and Evaluating RFx Documents (Online video). Retrieved from

Videos to be viewed as part of Module 3 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Spend Analysis Fundamentals (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Spend Analysis Fundamentals – Part 2 (Online video). Retrieved from
Videos to be viewed as part of Module 4 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Negotiation for Procurement (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2014, May 22). Introduction to Procurement: Negotiation for Procurement- Part 2 (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Contracts for Procurement (Online video). Retrieved from
Videos to be viewed as part of Module 5 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: Contract and Performance Management (Online video). Retrieved from
• ResCare Workforce Services. (2015, July 2). ResCare Workforce Services Network discusses performance-based contracts and WIOA with Rick Beasley (Online Video). Retrieved from
• IRF Washington. (2013, July 17). IRF Videos: Performance-Based Contracts (Online Video). Retrieved from
• Ash Center. (2011, Mar 14). Performance Based Contracting: Finalist Presentation (Online Video). Retrieved from
• Nevada GOE. (2014, Aug 13). Performance Contracting in Nevada (Online Video). Retrieved from
Videos to be viewed during Module 6 engagement
• Procurious HQ. (2014, May 22). Introduction to Procurement: What is Supplier Relationship Management? -Part 1 (Online video). Retrieved from
• Procurious HQ. (2015, March 5). Introduction to Procurement: What is Social Procurement? (Online video). Retrieved from


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