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Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace

Qualification title: ICT50915 - Diploma of Digital Media Technologies
Unit(s) of competency assessed: ICTICT514 - Identify and manage the implementation of current
industry specific technologies
Instructions to the student: To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all
questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Assessment Assessment 1
Assessment Task 1:
Knowledge questions ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Completed
To complete this assessment, the student is required to answer all
questions and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Please be aware of any special circumstances where you may need
Instructions to the assessor to write the answers for the student.
Once the tasks are completed, you are to make the assessment
decision. Please refer to the Assessor’s Guide when making this
Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in
conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace. Noise levels,
production flow, interruptions and time variances must be typical
of those experienced in the general ICT industry, and include access
Context of Assessment to:
A site where industry specific technologies may be used
Industry specific technologies currently used in industry
Documents detailing work health and safety (WHS) standards,
environmental guidelines and organisational requirements.
Assessment outcome: ? Competent ? Not Yet Competent
(please tick to indicate)
Is re-assessment required? Yes No
Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
? The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student
rights and appeals were clearly explained.
? I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not
applicable) with the assessment result.
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Student signature:
? The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
? The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
? I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
? I certify this assessment record is accurate.
Assessor signature:
*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*
Assessment - Submission Guidelines
All work must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of literacy (i.e. standard spelling and correct
All assessment tasks must be submitted via Moodle Submission Link by due date i.e., two weeks after
the receipt of assessment task details.
Extensions beyond the due date must be negotiated with the relevant facilitator in advance.
Marked assessments will be returned with written feedback comments in the Moodle website within
one week of receipt of the assessment tasks.
Resubmitted assessments must include the original corrected submission. Students are required to keep a soft copy of all work submitted.
Compress all your files and name your compressed file:
DUE DATE: 3rd June, 2018
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This is a single comprehensive assessment, divided into two (2) forms of assessment for gathering evidence for this unit of competency. First being the Formative (Questionnaire) and second being the Summative (Project Work). Students are required to complete both tasks.
Students are required to complete both Assessment Tasks 1 & 2- Formative and Summative.
The following documents and templates are to be found on Moodle:
IT solution quick guide.docx
Assessment Task 1 – Formative (Short Answer/Multiple Choice Questions)
Duration: No longer than 5 hours
Estimated weighting: 30%
Q1. An industry sector is:
a. Any general business activity or commercial enterprise that can be isolated from others, such as the tourist industry or the entertainment industry.
b. Any general business activity or commercial enterprise that can be isolated from others, such as the ICT industry or the hospitality industry.
c. Any general business activity or commercial enterprise that can be isolated from others, such as the education industry or the medical industry.
d. All the above
Q2. There is no difference between an Industry and a Sector:
a. True
b. False
c. True, it can mean the same thing, but it does depend upon the local economy.
d. False, they are two (2) separate entities
Q3. Using your own words, what is an industry sector? (No more than 100 words)
Q4. The accounting software package ‘MYOB’ would be beneficial to:
a. Any company requiring some accounting based processing
b. Any company that needs to lodge accounting reports to suppliers or primary industries
c. Any company that processes bookkeeping on a regular basis
d. All the above
Q5. The diagramming software package like “AutoCAD” would be beneficial to:
a. Any company that needs to draw graphics for marketing
b. Any company that needs to create banners and flyers for customers
c. Any company that needs to draft building/construction architecture type diagrams
d. None of the above
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Q6. Using your own words, what exactly is industry specific technology? (No more than 100 words)
Q7. When planning an implementation the use of a timeline is a good idea, which is the better tool to use when creating a timeline:
a. Gantt Chart
b. YouTube
c. Microsoft Excel
d. Adobe Photoshop
Q8. What is the more efficient method of implementing new or emerging industry specific technology?
a. Just install the software or install the new technology and hope for the best
b. Evaluate the technology against business requirements, pilot the technology in isolation to the rest of the organisation, have test users test the new technology, review the outcomes and then if appropriate conduct training classes in the new technology and implement the technology in small sections of the organisation as not to interfere with the entire business.
c. Its technology, it does not need testing, the developers did the testing, just install it.
d. None of the above
Q9. What are some information gathering techniques?
a. Brainstorming, Document Analysis. Focus Groups, Interface Analysis, Interviewing, Observations, Prototyping, Requirements Workshop and Question/Answer type.
b. Annoy Key Business Stakeholders, Irritate Workers by asking Irrelevant Questions; Ask the Computer, computers know more than human beings, Focus Groups, Interface Analysis, Interviewing, Observations, Prototyping and Requirements Workshop.
c. Guess work, Guestimates and Assume for the Best intentions.
d. Suggesting, File Analysis. Unfocussed Groups, User Interface Analysis, Interviewing, Observations, Prototyping, Requirements Workshop and Question/Answer type.
Q10. Why is software/hardware testing important?
a. Testing is NOT required as developers check their own code. It is not necessary to ensure that the application results in failures as it can be very expensive for customers in the future or in the later stages of the development.
b. Testing is required for an in-effective performance of software application or product. It is important to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be very expensive in the future or in the later stages of the development. If it is required to stay in the business.
c. Testing is required for an effective performance of software application or product. It is important to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be very expensive in the future or in the later stages of the development. If it is required to stay in the business.
d. None of the above
Q11. Who should test new software or hardware?
a. Developers only
b. ICT Teams and a random mix of employees
c. Major Business Stakeholders
d. A mix of b and c
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Q12. Using your own words, what pitfalls occur with new system implementations?
(No more than 100 words)
Q13. Using your own words, why might we want to test new or emerging industry specific technology? (No more than 100 words)
Q14. Where are you likely to gather sources of information relating to the industry specific technology?
a. ICT teams
b. Business Stakeholders
c. Vendor websites or pamphlets
Q15. What is meant by the term “enabling technologies”?
a. An enabling technology is an invention or innovation that cannot be applied to drive radical change in the capabilities of a user or culture.
b. An enabling technology is a just term for any or most software/hardware technologies.
c. An enabling technology is an invention or innovation, that can be applied to drive radical change in the capabilities of a user or culture.
Q16. What is a hardware or software example of an “enabling technology”?
Q17. Applications like SAP/ERP or Salesforce are monstrous software applications that you might want to release to your organisation in a staged approach. Using your words, why do you think this is?
(No more than 100 words)
Q18. How has cloud technology changed the software market? Provide an example, think FinTech.
Q19. An ICT team may want to assess their latest implementations/installations of hardware or software to justify their decision-making, this might be because:
a. Review the high level ICT infrastructure, how it is used, maintained and if it’s fit for purpose
b. Provide a heat map so you can quickly see issues requiring immediate and longer term attention
c. Review ICT staff levels and IT staff competency vs industry standards
d. Review how your current IT strategy relates to the organisation’s objectives
e. Provide appropriate recommendations to support the longer term planning
f. Analyse the difference in perceptions between the users versus those who deliver and oversee ICT
g. All the above
Q20. When an ICT team releases a piece of hardware or installs a new software program, they often go into review mode to see its impact on the organisation. Using your own words, why might they want to review, monitor or evaluate what they have installed or implemented?
Q21. Using your own words, what is meant by the terms “technotrash” and “e-waste”?
(No more than 250 words)
Q22. Why might users give feedback to ICT teams? Or Why would ICT teams seek feedback from users?
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Assessment Task 2 - Summative
Duration: No longer than 20 hours
Complete ALL activities
You are to complete ALL three (3) activities.
Main scenario:
ABC P/L is a digital agency with the focus of producing movies and sound clips. It started ten (10) years ago. They have been using MYOB desktop software. They have lost their accounts person and need an alternative software that is easy to use. ABC P/L is looking for something cloud based. Their intention is to expand into web technologies, but do not want to mix their focus of producing movies/sound clips with their web/mobile-focused company, meaning they will have two (2) separate companies isolated from each other.
They want to use the one accounting package that enables them to maintain their financial accounts and to manage their tax and payroll. In the old days, one person had access to accounting software on the computer. With today's cloud-based solutions, they want to manage their expense by scanning receipts and upload it to the correct account from their mobile phones.
Activity 1
Objective: By completing this activity, you will have demonstrated the competency to achieve the knowledge and skills to analyse and plan the implementation of industry specific technologies.
Task 1: Create a questionnaire of ten (10) questions, three (5) open and five (5) closed questions to be asked of the stakeholders in regards to their requirements.
Task 2: You are to research cloud based accounting packages, list three (3). Using the IT Solution Quick Guide found on Moodle, carry out the evaluation of each package weighted against the requirements from Task 1 check with your trainer as to the necessary requirements.
Task 3: After selecting the most appropriate accounting package, you have a one (1) month implementation timeframe, use a Gantt Chart to layout your implementation plan, starting from your questionnaire to full implementation.
Activity 2
Objective: By completing this activity, you will have demonstrated the competency to achieve the knowledge and skills to manage the application of industry specific technology to assist in solving specific organisational problems.
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Task 1: You are to create a PowerPoint presentation to present to your hypothetical stakeholders. Your presentation should have the following slides.
(NB. This is a rough guide only, your presentation might be different to that below)
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2: Presentation Purpose
Slide 3: The Organisational Problem
Slide 4: Options
Slide 5: Selected or Recommended Option
Slide 6: Implementation Plan
Slide 7: Conclusion
Activity 3
Objective: By completing this activity, you will have demonstrated the competency to achieve the knowledge and skills to review, analyse and evaluate industry specific technology performance
Task 1. It has been six (6) months since you implemented your cloud-based accounting package. Create a form in Microsoft Word that would be used to seek feedback from your users.


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