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YOU: My work here is like a social worker maybe? Anyway, we’ll see how we go. Well, here we are, in through here…
Ana: [crying] No, no… I wanna go home, mama!
Kat: Come on in here, be nice here, Ana, don’t you want to meet nice people here?
Ana: [louder] No, no.
Kat: Ana, be good girl now. The nice people here, they will help us. They will helpTate.
Ana: [sounds of Ana hitting out at Kat] No, no. I wanna go home.
Kat: Please, Ana, be good girl.
YOU: [to Ana] There are toys in here…
Ana: [crying now sobbing, a bit breathless] No!
Kat: Come, come here. [sound of Kat picking Ana up, cuddling her] You want be good girl now? Help Tate?
Ana: [muffled voice at frst from being held by Kat] Tate’s not here. Where’s Tate? I want Tate. [Ana crying, sound of
Ana hitting at Kat again]
Kat: [coaxingly] Ana, if you be good, we will get chocolate for you when we go. You want chocolate?
Ana: [petulance turning to greed] No. Yes, chocolate. Where’s chocolate?
Kat: If you good girl.
Ana: [loudly] I want chocolate! You said I could have chocolate!
Kat: Yes, yes, and here it is. [sound of bag unzipping, chocolate wrapper being opened] Now you be good girl. You
say thank you!
Ana: Mm [with her mouth full]
YOU: So, Kat, is this how things are when you go to the hospital?
Kat: Yes, Ana is… no, you sit down Ana, sit down. Don’t touch, they are not yours.
Ana: [sounds of Ana picking up toys and moving them]
YOU: Oh no, it’s ok, she can play with them if she wants, that’s why we’re in here, this room’s set up so we can do
observations of children and play with them.
Kat: Oh, I am sorry. PAGE 2
YOU: No, no, it’s all right, you weren’t to know, I guess I didn’t explain what we’d be doing. Is that a good toy Ana, do
you like the Lego? Why don’t you see what you can build for us?
Ana: Mm-hmm. [Ana now quietly plays with the toys for a while. The noise of her putting together pieces of Lego
continues in the background]
YOU: Anyway Kat, is this how Ana often is when you go to visit her dad?
Kat: She is good sometimes. But more now when we go she is not good… She will be upset, make fuss…
YOU: Like she’s been here today?
Kat: Yes, she not want to go in. Ana, she not like it there, where her Tate is, in rehab centre. There is bad smell.
YOU: So you think it’s the smell there that she doesn’t like?
Kat: Yes, yes. It is not nice there for little girl. Many people there look… They not look good; they cannot walk
straight, they are in wheeling chairs, or walk with sticks. Sometimes they are shouting, they make loud noises, the
people with injured heads. Ana get frighten there.
YOU: Right, right – yes, rehab centre’s can have some pretty confronting behaviour, especially for a young child. And
how do you deal with her being like this?
Kat: I am sorry, ‘deal with’?
YOU: How do you cope… Er, what do you do when she’s upset like she was before? Can you simply tell her to stop,
and she calms down, or do you negotiate with her, or…?
Kat: I tell her to be good for her father, that Tate not like to see her this way, Tate wants her to be good girl. And I
bring sweet – you know, like little nice things for her to eat. Like I have chocolate in my bag today.
YOU: And that’s usually effective, is it?
Kat: I am sorry?
YOU: That normally works? Ana quietens down when you remind her that her Tate would like to see her behaving
Kat: Mm, yes. Or when I give her sweet.
YOU: It must be hard to be patient with her when she’s so upset so frequently.
Kat: Yes… If she bad and not stop, is hard. Sometimes I give smack on leg, like this. [sound of Kat striking her own
leg lightly with her open hand]
Not hard.
YOU: And does that work? What happens then?
Kat: She stop most times. Sometimes she cries. I not like to smack her… [Kat is in tears herself as she speaks] Ana
is good girl; when I smack her, she cries, and I cry too. Then we cuddle, and it is better.
YOU: Yes, it would be very upsetting for you both, especially as you must be under a fair bit of stress anyway, going
to see Chris at the rehab centre. It must be very wearing on you, especially if you’re tired?
Kat: Yes, I am very tired. It is lot of driving to go there, and all the time many traffc… No, much traffc, very much
traffc. And Ana is tired too. She is not happy girl when she is tired. And she is not happy at child care place too, with
bad childrens there. PAGE 3
YOU: Bad children?
Kat: Yes, sorry, many bad children. They are mean to my Ana, they not play with her, they say bad names to her.
YOU: Does Ana like it there, at child care?
Kat: Mm, she likes it ok there… Not very much, just ok… I think she would like it more to be home. When children are
not mean at Ana it is ok.
YOU: Would it be all right if I asked Ana some questions now?
Kat: Yes, yes. Ana, come here, talk with us now.
Ana: Look mama, look what I make! [Ana brings over some of the Lego she’s been playing with]
Kat: That is good!
Ana: I can drive it, see mama?
YOU: Is it a car, Ana?
Ana: Mm-hmm.
YOU: And what’s the car doing?
Ana: It’s driving, driving… [noises of Lego car rolling on a table, on the floor]
YOU: So it drives all over, doesn’t it? [smiling questions]
Ana: [speaking quickly and excitedly] Yeah, it drives like this, and this… Over here, and over here… And look
mummy, I can drive on you too!
Kat: That is good, Ana! [to YOU] Ana likes driving… I think because we are both in car and we can talk. [to Ana] She
likes driving see her Tate, yes Ana?
Ana: Mm-hmm.
YOU: How often do you go to see Chris, Kat?
Kat: I try every day. But it is hard when I work… Like I say before.
YOU: Yes, I imagine it must be tricky.
Kat: Yes, and to child care place too. And back. All the time driving… It is like I live in my car, not in my home!
YOU: [to Ana] So Ana, your mum is telling me she drives you to child care… Do you like your child care?
Ana: Mm-hmm.
YOU: And who’s your teacher there? I’m sorry, not your teacher… Who’s the lady who looks after you there?
Ana: Sarah, isn’t it mama?
Kat: Yes, she is Sarah. [to YOU] Sarah is good, better than some other people work there. Sorry, I forget – you want
to talk with Ana now?
YOU: Yes, that’d be good. PAGE 4
Kat: Good, ok… I go for little minute, ok? Ana, you need toilet?
Ana: [distracted by playing with Lego, noises of Lego] No.
Kat: You sure?
Ana: Mm-hmm.
Kat: Ok. Mama will go; I will be back in minute.
Ana: Mm-hmm.
Kat: [to YOU] I will be back in minute.
YOU: Sure… You know where it is? Just out the door and left to the end of the corridor.
Kat: Ok. Back soon Ana. [sound of door opening, footsteps, noises from corridor, door closing]
YOU: So Ana, do you like Sarah?
Ana: Mmm…
YOU: And does she read you stories?
Ana: No. [still noises of Ana building with Lego]
YOU: [a bit incredulously] No? I’m sure she must read you stories sometimes?
Ana: No! [frmly]
YOU: [obviously surprised and somewhat disbelieving] Huh. Well, what do you do there? Do you play with Lego there
Ana: No.
YOU: Oh. Oh well… and who are your friends there at child care? [noise of Ana playing with the Lego for a few
seconds, no response]
Ana: [very quiet voice] Don’t like them.
YOU: [again, somewhat incredulous] No? Oh, but you must play with some of the other children there?
Ana: [explosively] No! NO! [sounds of throwing Lego]
YOU: [sounds of YOU getting up and crouching down near Ana, speaking in a placating tone of voice] Ok, ok, it’s ok,
Ana, let’s just calm down.
Ana: [sounds of Ana throwing Lego and kicking furniture, and screaming her response] NO! GO AWAY!!
YOU: [noises of breathing, stretching as YOU reach out to restrain Ana] It’s ok, Ana.
Ana: [still screaming, sound of Ana lashing out and hitting you] GO AWAY!! I WANT MAMA!! WHERE’S MAMA?
Kat: [sound of door opening and steps coming into room] Ana, what is wrong? Come here! [sound of Kat bending
down and holding Ana, hugging her]
Mama is here. What is wrong?
Ana: [sounds of Ana struggling against being held by Kat, yelling but less loudly than before] No! I hate here! I hate
peoples here! Let me go!! PAGE 5
Kat: It is ok, it’s ok Ana. No, don’t kick Mama. They are good people here, they try to help us, help Tate. [to YOU] I am
sorry, I very sorry.
YOU: No, no need to apologise, that’s fne.
Kat: But she hit you! Ana, say sorry please.
Ana: [sounds of struggling have stopped – petulant voice] No.
Kat: Ana, you say sorry now please.
YOU: Oh, look, don’t worry, that’s ok, I’m fne. I think she might have got just a bit upset… And anyway, look, umm,
we’ve been talking for quite a while now. Maybe we’d better fnish up for today, yeah?
Kat: Yes, yes… I am sorry, Ana is good girl. You should not hit people, Ana!
YOU: Yes, well… Look, let’s fnish up for now, and maybe we can make another time to meet when things are a bit
calmer, ok? I’ll come out with you to reception now, and we’ll see if we can book a time to catch up once Chris has
come home. And maybe you can bring Chris with you next time, so we can all meet and talk?
Kat: Yes, ok, thank you.
[sounds of all standing, chairs scraping, footsteps, door opening and closing]



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