How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites?
NATION BUILDING AND NATIONALISM Assignment Overview White Men’s Democracy The Revolutionary War was over, the colonies were now a country, the country was growing and expanding at an unbelievable pace. The nation was thriving, and it looked like this experiment in democracy and the notion that all men are created equal was going to work. But how equal was it? In this third Case, you’ll be reviewing, researching and writing about the reality of democracy as it was practiced during this time. Case Assignment Write a 3 to 4-page essay answering the question: How and why did social rights expand for white men during the early 19th century and decrease for women and non-whites? Assignment Expectations Use concepts from the background readings as well as any academic resources you can find (Wikipedia-type sources are not acceptable). Please be sure to cite your sources within the text and provide a reference page at the end of your paper. Length: 3 to 4 pages, double-spaced, typed, using...