Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL
Assessment 2: Report Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent) Conditions: Individual Weighting: 40% The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment. Activity Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard. Requirements This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has gi...