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Showing posts from November, 2020

Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL

  Assessment 2: Report Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent) Conditions: Individual Weighting: 40% The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment. Activity Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard. Requirements This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has gi...

An auctioneer at two different points in the auction acknowledges two bids in order to encourage further bidding

  Land and Property Law Subject Code PRO210 Lecturer / Tutor Karen-Anne Nathan Semester T3 2020 Assessment Title Take Home Exam (Official) Learning Outcome/s a, b, c, d Assessment type (group or individual) Individual Weighting 50% Word count 2000 words Class submission Lecture ? Tutorial ? Submission type Paper copy ? Turnitin v Assessment instructions Please complete ALL questions in a word document and then upload your document to Turnitin. Each question should be clearly labelled. Please ensure you comply with the ICMS Academic Integrity Policy when undertaking the assessment. You should also complete the ICMS cover page confirming your compliance with the academic integrity policies including the rules on plagiarism. Please ensure you strictly adhere to the word count. If using sources, you MUST reference as per the Style Guide. There are 2 sections for this assessment: PART A. 3 Long Answers (30 marks) PART C. 1 Case Study (20 marks) TOTAL MARKS = 50 PART A (30 MARKS IN TOTAL...

Plato, Beauvoir, and Rousseau

  1. The paper must be 5 pages long, typed, double-spaced, in an 11- or 12-point font with reasonable margins. 2. The paper must be written in accord with the conventions of Standard Written English. Your paper will be evaluated in part in terms of spelling, grammar, and overall structure. 3. You must use direct quotations from the readings assigned in class to support your claims about what the philosophers say and/or believe. Citations should be in either the MLA or Chicago Manual of Style formats (information on both of which is available on the UHD Library website, under the heading, “Citing Sources”), and as such must give full bibliographical information for your sources in either a “works cited” (MLA) or bibliographical footnotes (Chicago). Quotations should be set off from the rest of the paper (typically by quotation marks), and you must cite the page numbers in the relevant text where the quoted passage appears. 4. Do not assume that the reader of your paper is familiar w...

Implement 2 different CSS animations

  Develop TWO CSS files that style the web pages, one for a desktop and another for a mobile phone. The webpages must be styled to suit the corresponding device, e.g., the layout, font size and the sizes of the major components of the webpages. Demonstrate a range of selectors, including but not limited to: ? element e.g., hl {}, p {} ? class, e.g., .image {}, .highlighted {} ? id e.g., tttbName {} ? grouping e.g., hl, h2, h3 {} ? contextual e.g., ulli{} ? pseudo-classes e.g., :hover {} Demonstrate the following groups of CSS properties: • Menu e.g., style a navigator that contains links to all web pages • Web Typography e.g., fonts, colors, text alignment • Box Model and Visual Formatting e.g., border, margin, padding, width, height, background image • Liquid Page Layout i.e., page layout adapts as you resize the browser window Use of other CSS selectors and CSS properties are encouraged, as necessary and appropriate for styling the webpages. 3 COS10024 Web Development - Assignmen...