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Design and implement relational database for an information system by considering business need and context of the systems.

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T3 2018 Unit Code HS2021 Unit Title HS2021 Database Design and Use Assessment Type Individual Assignment Assessment Title Oriental Bank Database Design Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) a) Design and implement relational database for an information system by considering business need and context of the systems. b) Retrieve and present information from cross functional areas information using SQL tools and techniques. Weight 15% of the total assessments Total Marks 15 Word limit 1000-1500 words Due Date Week 07 Submission Guidelines Report structure and assignment submission: • Content of your report - Prepare a report which will detail an E-R diagram. - Explain the normalization process of the ER diagram in details. - Write down all the assumptions you have considered while preparing the ER diagram. - Include all the CREATE TABLE statements in the Appendix. • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along...

Design and model two classes: RecyclableItem and RecyclingMachine,

ITECH1400 - Assignment 1 – Recycling Machine Due Date: 5pm, Friday of Week 7 This assignment will test your skills in designing and programming applications to specification and is worth 20% of your non-invigilated (type A) marks for this course. This is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – and while you may discuss it with your fellow students, you must not share designs or code or you will be in breach of the university plagiarism rules. This assignment should take you approximately 20 hours to complete. Assignment Overview You are tasked with creating a text-based program for simulating a Recycling Machine using the Python 3 programming language. The assignment is broken up into four main components: 1.) Design and model two classes: RecyclableItem and RecyclingMachine, 2.) Create an activity chart which describes the behaviour of the Recycling Machine system, 3.) Create a computer program that allows a user to enter items that are able to be recycled into a machine. During the process the ma...

IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description

Assessment 1:Written Questions Question/Answer Q1. Below are given some stakeholders. Think about the relevant work to be allocated to these stakeholders along with the resources required by them. In the last column, identify the mode of communication to be used to allocate your proposed work to these stakeholders. Stakeholder Work to be allocated Resources required Mode of communication E.g; IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description Online documentation ERP Face to face meeting Online record keeping Network system Email correspondence Data storage Printer Official Memos Fax machines Photocopier Marketing Manager Finance Manager HR Manager Operations / Production Manager Q2. Using the same tale above, you are now required to list down KPIs for each these stakeholders Stakeholder Work to be allocated Resources required Mode of communication Agreed KPIs E.g; IT Manager Programming Computer Through Job Description E-documentation in the next 3 months Online documentation ERP...