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Showing posts from August, 2017

HR practices may not produce the same results in different cultural contexts

1ssessment item 2  Essay: Cross Cultural Differences  Value: 35%  Length: 1500 words (+/-10%)  Submission method options  Alternative submission method  Task  It has been argued that the same HR practices may not produce the same results in different cultural contexts. Based on this idea, choose TWO of the following HR practices and explain how cultural differences may have an impact.  • Performance appraisal  • Recruitment and selection  • Occupational Health and Safety  • Career management  • Staff induction  Support your discussion with at least 10 academic references. Additionally, you may use examples, newspapers articles, company reports, and cases to support your answer.  Rationale  The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of challenges companies face in the realm of International HRM. This essay also enables you to apply the knowledge and skills you gain in the subject...

Every country in the world will be affected in some way by the changes that are occurring in the climate related to human industrial activities (such as pollution, deforestation, etc).

Assessment 2 Information  Subject Code: BUS101  Subject Name: Business Communication  Assessment Title: Business Report: Group task  Weighting: 40% (20 Written Report + 20 Presentation)  Assessment Description  Length 1500 words + 15 minute presentation. This assessment requires you to write a b u s i n e s s r e p o r t answering the following question. It should be a maximum of 1500 words and you should reference at least 6 academic resources in the text of the assignment.  Introduction  Form a group of three to four students. You are required to write a business report with recommendations based on the task below, then to present your findings in a group presentation. You may choose any Country on which to focus your report.  Business Report task  Every country in the world will be affected in some way by the changes that are occurring in the climate related to human industrial activities (such as pollution, deforestation, etc). Choos...

Define and explain with an example why firms resort to product differentiation under monopolistic and oligopolistic market structures.

Assessment Item 2 - Short Answer Questions  Due date: 11th September 2017 Monday of Week 9 ASSESSMENT  Weighting: 30 % (2 marks for in-text referencing, presentation,  clarity of explanation and evidence of reference list  and 28 marks for the answers to the four questions)  Length: Approximately 1500-2000 words (Approx. 400-500 words for each question, excluding graphs, tables and the reference list)  It is a progressive assignment based on topics studied in weeks 5-8, covering chapters 6, 7, 9, & 10.  Please answer one question per week so you will not  need to ask for an extension.  2  Objectives  Assessment Item 2 relates to course learning outcomes as listed in the unit profile.  Question 1: Refer to Chapter 6- Imperfect Competition  (a) Define and explain with an example why firms resort to product differentiation under monopolistic and oligopolistic market structures. (1.5 marks each= 3 marks)  (b) In Table...

A concise overview regarding whether you believe a cloud based accounting or a traditional accounting system would be a better approach for Goodie Gumdrops; (0.5 marks)

Part B,  Part A requires you to use a cloud based accounting system to process transactions for your client. Provide a 1 page executive summary on whether you believe a cloud based accounting system is a better approach for Goodie Gumdrops when compared to a traditional accounting system located on a computer at their head office. Your executive summary needs to include:  • A concise overview regarding whether you believe a cloud based accounting or a traditional accounting system would be a better approach for Goodie Gumdrops; (0.5 marks)  • Justification for your decision including the benefits and potential disadvantages of each approach; (1.5 marks) and  • A clear recommendation to Goodie Gumdrops regarding which accounting system would be best suited for their business. (0.5 marks)  • Marks (0.5 marks) will be awarded for the presentation of your report, in line with the presentation requirements detailed below. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER FROM OUR ...

The Scenario for Information Security Management

COIT20263 Information Security Management  Assessment Item 2—Practical and Written Assessment  Weighting: 35% 2  Length: 2000 words (±500 words)  Objectives  This assessment task can be undertaken in a group of up to 4 members or individually. Each group/student will analyse the scenario given on page 3, and develop and document the specified Issue Specific Security Policy (ISSP) for the organisation.  Assessment criteria  The students are assessed against their ability to analyse the given scenario and develop the specified ISSP.  The marking criteria for Assessment Item 2 are provided on page 4. Students need to familiarise themselves with the marking criteria to ensure that they have addressed them when preparing the document for this assessment item.  Assessment Task  Each group/student is required to analyse the scenario given on page 3 and develop a ‘Copyright Compliance Policy’ for the organisation described in the scenario. ...